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Free Energy

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Check this out. It's ace. It's a motor that provides sustainable, clean energy and it provides a 5 to one energy ratio meaning the motor outputs 5 times the energy that it takes to run the motor itself. It's based on permanent magnets as opposed to electro induced magnets so in a sense it's a permanent source of energy. Revolutionary.

Spread the word. Free energy! :)
sweet..will check it out...

its funny when science people try to explain that free energy doesnt exist...and im like...uhh...then how can two donut magnets sitting on a stick up and down...actually support the weight of one?
Again with all these free-energy pages you see on the internet they leave out the most important fact:
How much energy does it take to create the magnets (loads). They also 'forget' to tell you that slowly but surely the magnets will loose their magnetic power.

I like this qoute though since it shows a bit of the problem with magnets:
Is Magnetism Virtually Perpetual?

If you take a magnet and stick it on the refrigerator, is work being done? The magnet has weight yet it doesn't fall to the floor. There's no glue between the metal and the magnet, yet it defies gravity - virtually forever. The work necessary to sustain the magnet's weight against gravity is being done constantly with no apparent source of energy. The magnet seems to provide its own energy.

And yes, those magnets on the fridge do loose their power over time but since they contain way more magnetic power then needed its seems forever.

So no, I don't think this is the solution...
I read it over...screams SCAM to me.

$100 for some info??? Ha!

If it worked, they would be selling it (regardless of what they say), not selling information on it.

The military would be using this, the auto industry would be using it, it would not be showing up on an infomercial online.
Same goes for all those car engines that allegedly run on water (more precisely they "extract" energy" from water and convert it to kinetic energy).

All of them are blatant scams... I had been reading and searching on this matter few months ago just to conclude that their "inventors" only want to rip you off.
acolon_5 said:
I read it over...screams SCAM to me.

$100 for some info??? Ha!

If it worked, they would be selling it (regardless of what they say), not selling information on it.

The military would be using this, the auto industry would be using it, it would not be showing up on an infomercial online.

they would be using it, IF they where honest, there is still a possibility tat there not honest, so anything you would question would be worth learning about to atleast know for yourself it does or dosen't work, i will try to build one and see, there very simple and can be built on a very smal scale because of the speeds they can reach, and even if magnets do loose there energy overy long periods of time, isn't it more like a super battery that you extract energy out of? Dosen't it store energy alot longer than any other batteries we have>?

The point is either way these generators are better than anyother, but i don't actually see anywhere to buy them.
Shit, i can tell you how you can make it work, may not be there design, but its something i came up with.

It would be a little tricky getting the right strength magnets, but not to bad.

Have two sphear magnets, strong. JB welded to a central pin. Making sure they have N at top and S at bottom. Just below the top sphear have a small cylindar magnet(medeium strength), with a coil around it but not touching(Used for applying current to spin the central pin.). Now well away, but not too far, have your big strong cylindar magnet for generating power.
There, now all you need to do is build a magnet pad at both ends, the pads will have to have a magnetic sink in the middle, by having outer magnets at 45 degree angles, so it keeps the sphear magnet held in the center, not able to move any other direction other than down or up. Anyway, you want magnetic pads at both ends like this to press on both side of the pin, you pin will be best vertical, in my opinion. Then wrap alot of coil around it . Read up on generators, the concepts are easy to learn.

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