Rising Star
In this week's instalment of Psychonautica, Max Freakout first gives a reminder about the competition started in the last episode, 2 weeks remain to submit your trip reports in order to win some sporeprints for magic mushrooms cultivation, and some other entheogenic treats. Then Max proceeds to talk about the philosophical issue of free-will and how it relates to entheogens, with much reference to Michael Hoffman's website, This issue broadly involves subjects like the entheogenic origin of world religion, and refutation of the common 'entheogen diminishment fallacies' aimed at downplaying the role of entheogenic experiences in an individual's spiritual development. Finally Max talks about the hypocrisy involved at the higher levels of the 'war on drugs', mass media doublespeak and the problems of remaining impartial when considering the pros and cons of psychedelic drugs. Playlist: The Doors - break on through (to the other side); J Dilla - Workinonit Download thıs epısode here: