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Freebase Pipe MY FAVIROTE METHOD EVER but now i cant get it to cream

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Multi Dimensional Entity
So i bought an oil burner and got my first ever one breakthrough toke off it and it was glorious i love the thing defiantly the best way to administer i have found if you get it right....but just recently i cant get it to cream...does the brown burnt residue where i have been inpatient will that stop good stuff from creaming up? should i clean it?

AS for the breakthrough hit was surreal very mckennia like trip i will make a right up later
Take your torch and heat the nail until red hot, keep heating it after it turns red hot until you c visually see that black crud on the nail disappearing. Maybe that'll help. When smoking oil I do this regularly after each hit
I thought an oil burner was one of those bubble meth pipes. That's what all the kids around here call them,anyway.

The tweakers put them in a glass of bleach that they then boil in a microwave to clean the junk out of them (a relative term when dealing with poisonous drugs like meth). Don't ask how I know that, someone just told me, I swear.

I have no freaking idea what OP means about making his pipe cream...:|
Sounds like the crack pipe and is the cream when the solid liquifies? As an occasional crack user I have never had any success with freebase DMT in one.
More info required OP please.
null24 said:
I thought an oil burner was one of those bubble meth pipes. That's what all the kids around here call them,anyway.

The tweakers put them in a glass of bleach that they then boil in a microwave to clean the junk out of them (a relative term when dealing with poisonous drugs like meth). Don't ask how I know that, someone just told me, I swear.

I have no freaking idea what OP means about making his pipe cream...:|

It is bud https://www.caprishop.com/images/glass_oil_pipe_big.jpg thats what im talking about,, ive had great success with this method but now i got some burn residue at the bottom i cant get the fucker to create that thick white smoke so i can reach pinnacle blast off, if i let it all soak in ISO can i somehow get all the good dmt and separate from the burnt DMT or shall i just completely wash it out and start again

Basically my bowl is all Gammy ill take a photo after work and show you how bad of a state mine is in xD
Pictures of my disgrace below :(


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null24 sometimes, actually quite regularly stains appear that just won't shift with all the techniques you mentioned and even getting part of a choreboy/brillopad in thehole even when used for intended chemical, I always buy them by the half dozen as they break easily and get filthy so fast and can't be properly cleaned, by me anyway. I have that exact same pipe. It is slightly thicker than an average crack pipe so the technique requires refining. It takes slighty longer to heat up and cool down. I tried dmt freebase quite a few times in it I approached from as far away as I could reach with my lighter and approached until instead of vopourising started to burn (works great with crack though). All I got was the outside wall of hyperspace with it's back turned on me as a CEV.
A bit like "Frank" backgrounds in Jim Woodring graphic novels. Happened numerous times and was a clear message to me not to approach hyperspace via a £4.00 crack pipe.

And even worse the smiley face washes of when giving pipe a good scrub down.
Anyone more experienced want to jump in? I feel that which has not vapourised is now burnt and useless.
Glad you had moar success with it than I did and you did get a breakthrough which is denied to many so well done Clife777.

It is a matterof where on the globe you live in country ie were MHRB is legal or easily sourced or one of the places acacia grows wild.
So, if it is rare and unattainable make a big effort to recover any remnants.

good luck
Incal said:
null24 sometimes, actually quite regularly stains appear that just won't shift with all the techniques you mentioned and even getting part of a choreboy/brillopad in thehole even when used for intended chemical, I always buy them by the half dozen as they break easily and get filthy so fast and can't be properly cleaned, by me anyway. I have that exact same pipe. It is slightly thicker than an average crack pipe so the technique requires refining. It takes slighty longer to heat up and cool down. I tried dmt freebase quite a few times in it I approached from as far away as I could reach with my lighter and approached until instead of vopourising started to burn (works great with crack though). All I got was the outside wall of hyperspace with it's back turned on me as a CEV.
A bit like "Frank" backgrounds in Jim Woodring graphic novels. Happened numerous times and was a clear message to me not to approach hyperspace via a £4.00 crack pipe.

And even worse the smiley face washes of when giving pipe a good scrub down.
Anyone more experienced want to jump in? I feel that which has not vapourised is now burnt and useless.
Glad you had moar success with it than I did and you did get a breakthrough which is denied to many so well done Clife777.

It is a matterof where on the globe you live in country ie were MHRB is legal or easily sourced or one of the places acacia grows wild.
So, if it is rare and unattainable make a big effort to recover any remnants.

good luck

The first few times i used it i was getting the smoke so thick and white and just slowly inhaling and it was pulling a beaut, but i went camping the weekend ended up on MDMA + LSD and i loaded the pipe about 100mg (didnt have scales with me so was just a rough pour) and i managed to get t perfect where i took the biggest hit of my life and yh i was straight there one hit, my mate even took the pipe had the second drag and got there himself ever since them 2 blasts i just cant get it to go like it was before..its a shame because because it was so effective but i dont fancy buying a new one every couple of blasts xD

Might just have to get off my ass and make a machine

And im UK based buddy so bit of a tricky one for me, so id like to save as much as i can thinking of just trying ISO tonight washing it out and letting it evaporate see if anything happens
Yeah your right i should just put my hand in my pocket xD i smoke it enough to justify buying one to be honest
To dab out of a pipe like that..... there is one way to do it...

Heat the end red hot. Wait a second for it to cool off then drop your spice into the tube hopefully getting the spice to all slide down the tube onto the recently heated end. Once it hits the end it will all vaporize. It's a vaporize essentially... too hot and it'll burn bad I imagine

You will spend all.day chasing the spice around trying to smoke it that way
Yeah your doing it the way they did in the 60s-90's. Its 2017 and we got vaporgenies,enhanced leaf and other kinds of gadgets and gizmos. If you don't have the money I would make enhanced leaf. Trust me man...
Running Bear said:
Yeah your doing it the way they did in the 60s-90's. Its 2017 and we got vaporgenies,enhanced leaf and other kinds of gadgets and gizmos. If you don't have the money I would make enhanced leaf. Trust me man...

Im going to do that with my next lot i think, i got some 99% ISO so i was going to use that with some blue lotus maybe give it a blast.

I know what your saying i am going to make a machine i think its just since ive had that decent hit off it, i like this method its very effective (when you nail it right)
Im currently soaking the pipe in ISO going to give that a try while i wait for my leaf to dry hehe :)
Awesome brother keep us updated

What was your choice of leaf mixture?

I've got some mugwort, lemon balm, lavender, and morning glory leaf to choose from. Not sure which type of mix I will try first. Maybe straight morning glory im curious
Running Bear said:
People spend thousands to drink aya down south so why not throw down a little $ for a good dmt pipe. This is what you need Vapor Genie - Made in the USA

after about 6 months using the wooden VG and about a year of using the GVG i was having problems reaching a breakthrough. Recently i bought a oilpipe.
had a breakthrough on the first try. not sure what i am doing wrong with the GVG, but i had no problems with it when i got it.

i would guess it all comes down to personal preferences, and i think it is best to have the option to choose what device you are going to use
If a oilpipe was more effective I doubt nexans would spent $120 on a GVG.... I bet after he smokes enhanced leaf out of a bong he throws his crack pipe away 😂.
Yes, IPA works well for cleaning as well as bleach or washing soda. There are many recipes. A pipe brush as tool should suffice.

I have great success with both GVG and oil burner / crack pipe which is funny considering the huge cost difference.

But GVG + changa = win :)
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