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French translation

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello there !

I have been informed that i could share my English to French translations in this subforum.

At the moment, i have only translated "Cybs' Hybrid ATB 'Salt' Tek" to french with a few edits (nothing that would be going against the initial extraction process or disapproved by the Nexus ethic).
I intend to also translate Gibran's "Easy Caapi Vine Alkaloid Extraction Guide" as i would like to make a Caapi vine extraction in the near future.

So anyways, i will post my translations in this thread if that's ok so that any french speaking psychonaut (which i have never even met yet, sadly) can use some quality info for their own personnal journey.
This is the PDF of "Cyb's Hybrid ATB 'Salt' Tek" translated into french:

Pour vous les psychonautes français de ce monde, voici un guide d'extraction de DMT de A à Z traduit de la page WIKI de dmt-nexus, au plaisir !


  • Cybs+Hybrid+ATB+Salt+TEK+FRENCH.pdf
    125.5 KB · Views: 0
I'd be happy to put some of the most used stuff, such as teks, into Spanish too if there was a place for it here to go. That would cover 600 million speakers in 21 countries!

I know we have at least one (fairly well known :) ) Portuguese speaker on this site too.
A quick proofreading looks good enough, thanks for your contribution Funkyleggs !!
Maybe we could even find less "frenglish" word for " skill", "pulls" as it's only ring a bell in most english litterate french "searchers".

Proposition :
"Skill" => " compétence " ?
"Pull" => J'avoue que je pêche ;)

Thoughts ??
rOm said:
A quick proofreading looks good enough, thanks for your contribution Funkyleggs !!
Maybe we could even find less "frenglish" word for " skill", "pulls" as it's only ring a bell in most english litterate french "searchers".

Proposition :
"Skill" => " compétence " ?
"Pull" => J'avoue que je pêche ;)

Thoughts ??

Well i did ponder whether or not i could in fact translate every single word into the french language but then i figured we frenchies are used to understanding english slang. Plus, as you state the word "pull" doesn't even have a true translation so i thought i could leave these few exceptions so as to perpetuate a kind of "lexicon" which every serious dmt user will understand, french or otherwise we are suppose to do some good research on the subject as a minimum right ?
I get you funkyleggs, but so, either you add * to words like "pull" and add a definition for those not yet familiar with the hobby chemistry lexicon ( of course I find handy to know english vocabulary as it is the most representative language that is being used to describe teks and such ).

Or ... we find some other word like "tirage" ?
Maybe we shall make a poll :p
I did see a dmt extraction tek in Spanish no so long ago. I'm pretty sure from the content it was one of the standard teks off here. However they'd got it pretty wrong in places. For example, "mimosa hostilis root bark" they had translated as "mimosa hostilis roots" and a few other glaring errors. Would be nicest for someone who'd actually done the teks, or who at least had a lot of familiarity with them, to do the translations :)
Great initiative!

And now, some small details discussion for french speakers (sorry, can't translate it in English):

Super boulot, c'est très clair! Merci beaucoup. Juste quelques suggestions et remarques de relecture (je fais mon relou sur l'orthographe!:p )
- il manque un "e" à "eau dé-ionisé" dans la liste du matériel nécessaire
- Est-ce qu'il n'y a pas des naphtas de meilleure qualité que l'essence à zippo dans les magasins de bricolage français?
- Est ce que remplacer "sel de bonne qualité" par "sel pur" (sans iode) ne serait pas plus clair?
- A l'étape 5, il manque un "e" au premier "eau distillé", pareil pour "presque noir"
- A l'étape 6, le point 6 n'est pas super clair, est ce que tu pourrais ajouter quelques précisions du genre:répéter les points 2 à 5 de cette étape au moins 4 fois, ça prend (sans "s"😉 ) 45 minutes (au cas où des gars motivés ré-attaqueraient les étapes depuis la mise de la MHRB dans la bouteille!:p )
- A l'étape 7: "laissé", "prend", "couche noire". Je serais aussi assez d'accord avec compétence à la place de skill. Par contre, ok avec toi pour pull, c'est plus parlant en le laissant tel quel.
- A l'étape 9, est ce qu'on ne pourrait pas plutôt mettre les plats "à la verticale" plutôt que "sur un mur"?. "jaunis, bruts", "les purifier"
- Pour l'étape de re-X: "faire bouillir" plutôt que "ébulitionner"?

Pas de remarques majeures quoi, à part le fait que tu as vraiment assuré!
I hear you guys. Thank you for all your great feedback !

Since i originally made this translation so it could be understood by the majority of fellow french psychonauts, i have no problem with it's editing so it could fit the quality of the nexian wiki.

I'll post an edit on the OP with the new PDF as soon as it is done (tomorrow i hope).

Noisy, ouai excuses-moi pour les fautes c'est assez honteux, je ne manquerai pas de tout corriger et de modifier un peu selon tes bons conseils!
Le naphta dont tu parles en magasin de bricolage c'est l"essence F" non? C'est vraiment de meilleure qualité?

En tout cas n'hésitez pas, quelque soit la remarque!
Oui, l'essence F en magasin de bricolage est à mon avis le meilleur choix en naphta dans ce pays.
rOm said:
A quick proofreading looks good enough, thanks for your contribution Funkyleggs !!
Maybe we could even find less "frenglish" word for " skill", "pulls" as it's only ring a bell in most english litterate french "searchers".

Proposition :
"Skill" => " compétence " ?
"Pull" => J'avoue que je pêche ;)

Thoughts ??

Skill > Niveau de compétence
Pull > Extrait
-(as in the "extract" of something) First pull > premier extrait
-(or the verb for the process of extracting) "faire une extraction sur le poudre d'écorce d'Acacia pour obtenir le DMT" 6
I have just edited the PDF file in the OP.
I think this version has nothing else to modify really. I chose to let "pull" as it is but i have explained what the term means in the "Step 6" title, people should be able to understand without a doubt.

Let me know what you think and if you think it needs some more editing.

It was my pleasure, people :)
PH0Man said:
rOm said:
A quick proofreading looks good enough, thanks for your contribution Funkyleggs !!
Maybe we could even find less "frenglish" word for " skill", "pulls" as it's only ring a bell in most english litterate french "searchers".

Proposition :
"Skill" => " compétence " ?
"Pull" => J'avoue que je pêche ;)

Thoughts ??

Skill > Niveau de compétence
Pull > Extrait
-(as in the "extract" of something) First pull > premier extrait
-(or the verb for the process of extracting) "faire une extraction sur le poudre d'écorce d'Acacia pour obtenir le DMT" 6

Extraction pour "pull" reste trop générique, car on parle de processus d'extraction en général : Extraction d'acacia confusa, et plus tard de pull ( extraction ) ce qui n'est pas differencié ici, comme en anglais ( extraction for the whole process overview, vs pull for one step of the whole extraction ).

Après si on s'accorde à dire que c'est clair, c'est le principal :thumb_up:
I find it right to translate "pull" into "tirage" IMHO.

Mais c'est vrai que j'ai déjà lu sur le web des document en français détaillant le processus d'extraction liquide-liquide.

Extrait : phase issue de l’opération contenant les solutés extraits.
Cette phase est riche en solvant.

Raffinat : phase résiduelle épuisée en soluté. Cette phase est riche en

Par exemple ici.
Mais je suis d'accord avec rom que "extrait" fait trop générique. Le résultat d'un extraction quelle qu'elle soit est souvent appelé "extrait" donc ca porte à confusion.
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