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Fresh from the garden, MHRB

Migrated topic.


Esteemed member
A Mimosa Hostilis, 2 years old, in a bad spot in my back yard was dying cause of a Mealybug infestation. I harvested the roots :


Not much the trunk diameter was only 1" :


Inner roots bark didn't have the color of the usual Mimosa which is not from my garden, instead of reddish it was dark greenish but smell was the same :


Partialy dry, shredded bark. Inner bark is probably only 10 or 15 g :


Freeze and thaw 3 time, PC 3 time, reduced to 250 ml, base, and first pull slightly cloudy after i blew on it :


It's in the freezer, the result tomorrow :)
First pull :

Noice :)

77mg of white fluffiness

golden goo => 136mg of wax

A total of 213mg, good result, more than 1% on the first pull. Probably not much is left but we'll see with 2nd and 3rd pull.
Very nice contribution! I don't have the green thumb for it; but I love seeing some of the stuff people on the nexus grow. That's some nice fluff too!

Safe travels!
As i thought, pull 2&3 combined didn't gave much :
88mg of golden wax

No need for more pull.

In fact the dry weight of the initial roots bark was 18g so the final yield is 1.7%.

So a 2 years old mimosa Hostilis can produce a decent yield. In this case the final amount of DMT (300mg) is low but my others mimosa of the same age are much bigger (more than 20x) so the amount of roots bark is prolly proportional and if the yield is the same, that's quite a lot of magic. But i won't know cause i'm not ready to kill them yet.

Another point is i remember reading here at nexus that dry season is better to harvest the root bark cause DMT is more concentrated. Here it's the rainy season so the yield could be even better. If i can i will try to harvest the next one during the dry season.
Nothing fancy :

Freeze&thaw 3x
PC 1x30min and 2x15min
Combine and reduce to 250ml
Ad 50ml water+NaOH+NaCl
Pull with naphtha 3x40ml
Freeze precipitation
Et voila !
Firstly, excellent stuff! And how fortunate you are to enjoy some level of sustainability.

DansMaTete said:
my others mimosa of the same age are much bigger (more than 20x) so the amount of roots bark is prolly proportional and if the yield is the same, that's quite a lot of magic. But i won't know cause i'm not ready to kill them yet.
Are they perhaps big enough that you could harvest only part of the root and leave them to regenerate for some more years? That would be... optimal.
Sorry about those mealys getting your baby! Not a total loss though. I have to bring my 7ft tall tree inside soon. She fit in the tub last winter. I think I will need another set of lights this year.
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