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Full 100% DMT perma tolerance

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi people.
I discovered DMT like one year ago, when I smoked 100mg just for fun, loaded a bong with it and I was so extremely astonished.. I smoke weed since 1,5 years back. had some MDMA in past too (1-2g).. I even stopped for months with all drug use..2-3 months.

But about half year ago, I had lots of LSD.. some MDMA.. weed every once a few days till now.
In total I had like 30 tabs of 200ug LSD (within 3 months). Nearly 3 grams of DMT ! (within 6 months)

3 grams of DMT within 6 months.. thats about 15-20mg a day approximately.

The thing is that I was forgeting my previous DMT experiences. I tripped and I immediately forgot it all.. The visuals decreased extremely..

Now? I can wait weeks.. and effect of DMT on me is total 0.. I can smoke 100mg and it won't do anything to me.

Is there anybody who has experienced this huge tolerance? I miss that first experience so bad, I think about DMT nearly everyday.. like if I was chasing that experience but each try gave me bigger tolerance.

How many months of not doing DMT will give me back the first colorful experiences?

Im lost.

I would be extremely grateful for any other people who went through this giving me some advice...
If I gave you numbers, I'd be pulling them out of my ass, but I can say that the less often you use DMT (and other serotonergic drugs like LSD & MDMA), the more powerful the experience will be. I have not personally EVER used DMT more than about once every two weeks and usually not more than 3-4 times per year.

My recommendation of what I would do if I were in your shoes, is to discontinue all non-essential drugs, especially serotonergic drugs for as long as possible up to maybe a year and allow your brain chemistry to normalize again. Keep in mind, the year mark is completely out of my ass and erred on the high side to be safe.

The states of mind created by DMT, LSD, MDMA, ect., are novel states. When novel becomes too frequent, it is no longer novel but normalcy. All the qualities that make these states of mind so special will fade rapidly with frequent use. Just try going without your favorite food for six months and see how special it becomes when you break that deprivation.
I've been at the same point for about 9 months. I tried taking a few months away, but still no effects at all, aside from pupil dilation, on doses up to 90mg vaporized. I can literally inhale the dose and nothing happens at all, normal headspace. Funny thing is that right before the tolerance started, the "entities" kept telling me that I only had a few trips left. It seems like "they" control the intensity of the experience.
SO you say, Well do I have to wait? But the whole thing is in the waiting! I don't mean the virtue of patience, I mean waiting when there is nothing to do but wait. and when you see There IS nothing to do but wait. Then it happens. but it won't be hurried. Because the minute you're trying to hurry it, that introduces the very thing that stops it. The miracle, the magic thing, IS happening all the time. But you can't SEE it when your trying to get it. And you can still less see it when your trying to get it fast. So there is no alternative then to the point that you can't get it at all. You are going to be you. The same slob you've always been. You cant change it, and all your good resolutions are just bombast.

Then you start to be real. So just as in travelling, or in ordinary relationships with your friends everyday, these gorgeous things happen, of themselves. Those are the true pleasures. So are the level of mystical experiences. The most astounding insights. When you can go into the deep most trivial of everyday affairs, as containing the entire universe. Any point becomes the takeoff point.

And when all thats gone and that whole attempt to 'clutch' life, to capture the pleasure, has disintegrated. There it is. And you needent feel anxious about will it stay, its a gorgeous thing to feel you no longer have got to worry about if it will stick around. Because if you do worry you will shoo it away!.

A tremendous relief, not to have to bother, with 'will it not to have to stick around?' 'will i lose my insight?' you just forget it! Because the more you let go of it, the more it stays. And you don't even have to worry about 'will you be sure to let go of it?' because that too is a hang up. And you can begin, from your very weakness. That's your strength. Its not your big ego and your big will that is the strong thing here. It's your sloppiness, its your weakness, its your foolish side that is your strong suit here. Yokaidaishi puts it in this way: "You cannot take hold of it, you cannot get rid of it." In not being able to get it you get it. When you are silent it speaks, when you speak it is silent. The great gate is wide open. And nobody obstructing it.
maybe your trip is giving you the experience of normality, wether you want it or not, and your lesson to learn is to watch you react to normality? What are you really looking for? why did you not integrate your previous experiences? why did you keep redoing and forgetting. What were you really looking for?

Is the normality you are experiencing now in your trips the answer? is the answer in your reaction to that?
Normality in my trips is not an answer, but even small pieces and signs of powerful dmt trip made me continue using it. I am gonna stick with weed and healthy life for a while.. thanks everybody for replies.. after deep remembering I got glimpses of my first DMT trip ever... the power of that memory can be used as life purpose, no kidding. My purpose in life is to clean my consciousness and to experience DMT at its fullest once more. Side effect of such purpose should be healthier and happier life.. I'll see how it will end up.

life is strange, "non-drug" people will never understsnd these deep feelings
I will not go into why, both because it is deeply personal and would require and entire book to explain but, I think that having life being the means to an end being the DMT experience is very backwards and quite possibly one of the sources of your frustration.
It seems as though you MAY have been "shut out" and it is quite common, typically associated with overuse. Have a read through the following threads, where people are going through or have been through the exact same thing:

DMT Nexus Wiki said:
Shut-out:That occasional experience where hyperspace simply will not open for you. Even at fairly high doses and properly administered, sometimes you just aren't let into the club by the bouncers. Don't push if this happens, as it is likely to lead to a hyperslap.

Shutout: DMT stopped working for me.

Hyperspace Closed

DMT has stopped working for me...?

There are others but I'll stop there for now. As suggested before, take a good long break. Take some time to live in the real world and Integrate what has already been shown to you.
I'm a little confused by this.

I had previously thought that building a tolerance to DMT is very unlikely because of the speed at which it's metabolized by the brain.

I've heard of getting shut out, but building a tolerance seems more concrete, at least physiologically speaking.

Does anyone have an idea of how much / how often DMT use would likely result in a tolerance??

there is a difference between short term tolerance and training the receptors that some substance is not unusual in your brain.

because of the training process of the receptors the response to DMT can result in less of an effect

[please correct me if i am wrong, also if you have more details i would appreciate it]
nobody has any idea why the Magic does what it does, and if anyone tells you they have a definitive answer to the madness i'd ignore anything they have to say. It just does stuff, and you get what you get.

over the last year or 2 the effects have changed for me, the visual aspect has pretty much disapeared, there is some kind of muted presence but not in the colours or vividness or immersion i had come to know and love.
This was irrelevant of dosage, it didnt have anything to do with tollerance build up due to consistent use, and had nothing to do with doing it on a purely recreational basis, i do like to use it recreationally sometimes but i have primarily used it as a consciousness exploration tool, and due to this type of use I have significantly changed my life and actions due to the things i have been shown.
In this period something would happen when i partook, but it wasnt the buisness, it was more like an intoxication than an immersion in the epic magical majesty.
This happened everytime i partook while sober.

The Magic did have effects if i partook while dosed up on acid though, not quite to the level of my previous experiences but the majesty and immersion was there.

its just odd stuff.
Are you absolutely sure you're vaporizing it properly?
I know plenty of people that will try to hit mine and wind up like "that did nothing". Often they burn half of it.

Not to say I don't believe you though, just a thought. I have had a period in the past where DMT just wouldn't work with me.

After I stopped treating it as a drug and started using it as a tool, it started working properly again. Actually, over time now it seems to take less and less. Mushroom trips are also now stronger and pretty much like oral DMT instead of what they used to be.

Try a vapor genie or another real vaporizer instead of a bong. You might be used to the bong but I'm also used to foil pipes even though I moved on from them. I could describe how to make and hit a foil pipe properly to blast off but unless the technique was perfect, you could hit it 100 times and go nowhere.

Also, try asking it nicely to let you in and promise it you'll respect it. I'm not the only person that's had the "disrespect problem". Even if it's just mental, it helps some people.


Maybe this isn't the most helpful post but figured I'd share.
Talking about things like technique, I'm not knocking how you do things nor saying you're doing anything wrong. I'm just speaking of things I've seen frequently in other people that thought DMT did nothing for them.
Be sure of the quality of the DMT and the quality of your ingestion technique.
It sounds like you abused it more than used it.
If you can't remember your experiences, why would you do it again?
Try changing how you view and use DMT.
Instead of just going for an amazing ecstatic experience, use it respectfully as a tool.
Set an intention, try to learn.
Anyone who has experienced true magic will know that somethings cannot yet be described by our language. (Especially DMT for god's sake...)
Follow Shamanic tradition and respect these things.
THEY make the rules, DMT takes you when you are ready.
Any news how long it took for anyone with such a perma-tolerance, until it worked again?

I have now run into the same problem: It seems I built up a huge perma-tolerance for psychedelics. Even very high amounts of psychedelics (be it trypts, lysergamides or phens) show at max but psychedelic threshold effects.

But what may be interesting is the following, what I experienced under this strong perma-tolerance:

* 5-MeO-DMT still works with no problem. IMHO this is probably because 5-MeO-DMT mainly acts by 5HT1 and not 5HT2.

* DPT still shows the bodily side effects (like tremors and sweating) and also the dissociative component is there, but no visuals, and no psychedelic headspace.

* DOXs only have their amphetamine like body effect, nothing else.

* DMT has no visuals, and zero psychedelic headspace, but the acoustic effects are still there, but muted. I mean the typical DMT come-up sounds.

I found that quite interesting. I think I developed an extreme tolerance for 5HT2, but any effects of these substances not going on 5HT2 still seem to work.

Anyone else observed any strange anomalies due to tolerance?
Kind of reminds me of this talk

In German though, could not find it in English.

He's talking about how the brain trains its "Firewall" with every use of psychedelics. I notice this myself when taking Pharma / Aya especially. My first Pharma trip just overwhelmed me immediately and got deep very quick.
After quite a bit of tripping over the past 2 1/2 years it's not as "easy" anymore ; I can still get there if I truly welcome the experience -- being more interested in what DMT has to offer, what I love about it and less focused on the fears around it. Embracing it.
Taming the mind. Doesn't always work, dosing a bit higher (70-80mg DMT with Pharma) helps me to push through.

I observe how internal resistance (Ego) towards it can quite effectively block it out, and then i feel quite sober -- even though there's plenty of DMT in the system.
I can imagine, how the brain learns to handle this chemical influence. But there definitely seems to exist a receptor tolerance component involving 5HT2. Otherwise I cannot explain that 5-MeO-DMT still works as it always did.

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