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Full Moon Pharma

Pup Tentacle

Full Moon + Pharma this fine winter's night. I invite any and all to join me. If you are traveling the highways of hyperspace this evening, vibe on Nexus positive communal thoughts if you think of it. Peace in your journeys and peace in your hearts.

Love & Blessings

Was pretty cool. I'm still finding my pharma sweet spot, but it makes for a higher platform from which to changa-size.

Things I learned last night:

1) there is a shade of blue which I can only perceive on DMT
2) the American Revolution may have been a mistake
3) tiny lizards may or may not control our government

So... it wasn't a particularly mystical or teachy trip, but I will say it was king-hell weird - and brother, I like me some king-hell weird.

Not that I was in it for just the fun, but i certainly had a lot. Came 'round with a smile on my face after every toke and slept like an old man full of bacon and beer after it was all said and done.

Definitely a good night.
:surprised .............:lol:

I'm glad it went well! Don't feel bad for a light trip that lacks any profound developments. It can be fun and games, and there's nothing wrong with that. I think you pretty much always get what you need at the time.

actually i did pharma that night as well. was just a low dose but it caught me off guard and was rough for a bit until i passed through a barrier of nausea and into bliss :]
smokerx said:
Pup Tentacle said:
tiny lizards may or may not control our government

Can you tell me a bit more about this ? Is this something that was shown to you on your trip ?

I was presented a scene and in it there were just a bunch of tiny lizards going all over, taking care of the business of the US govt. I dunno... seemed legit at the time, but only because the 2-dimensional woodpecker assured me it was cool.
Pup Tentacle said:
I was presented a scene and in it there were just a bunch of tiny lizards going all over, taking care of the business of the US govt. I dunno... seemed legit at the time, but only because the 2-dimensional woodpecker assured me it was cool.

There are people out there claiming exactly this and then you and I am sure others have these kind of experiences.

See I think, it happens once to someone and you can call it just a dream but if it happens many many times to many people what do you call it then ? Many dreams ? many coincidences? I dont know....

but lets not go into this we all know CT is not allowed here :)
smokerx said:
Pup Tentacle said:
I was presented a scene and in it there were just a bunch of tiny lizards going all over, taking care of the business of the US govt. I dunno... seemed legit at the time, but only because the 2-dimensional woodpecker assured me it was cool.

There are people out there claiming exactly this and then you and I am sure others have these kind of experiences.

See I think, it happens once to someone and you can call it just a dream but if it happens many many times to many people what do you call it then ? Many dreams ? many coincidences? I dont know....

but lets not go into this we all know CT is not allowed here :)

Personally, my vibe is that this came up in my trip because it was already floating around in my head - having also heard similar stories. But to each his own. Peace
Pup Tentacle said:
Personally, my vibe is that this came up in my trip because it was already floating around in my head - having also heard similar stories. But to each his own. Peace

So basically someone out there(the source) made up this story and now we are all dreaming and hallucinating about it 😁
smokerx said:
Pup Tentacle said:
Personally, my vibe is that this came up in my trip because it was already floating around in my head - having also heard similar stories. But to each his own. Peace

So basically someone out there(the source) made up this story and now we are all dreaming and hallucinating about it 😁

I dream and hallucinate about a lot of made up stuff, lol
DeDao said:
Sounds like you had some paradigm shifting revelations there Pup! :lol:


Yah, this one wasn't as heady as could be, but I don't dive with an attachment to result.

Tonight! Another pharma experiment/experience. I'm still trying to find my sweet spot so I'm sticking with 40mg of fumarate and going to up my harmalas. As always, if liftoff is inadequate, and maybe even if itIS adequate, I will dance the changa dance.

My familiar Arjuna, will be guarding the trip cave and I have christened my new hyperspace-travel-pod...


cozy secure


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