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Gay Marriage

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Joan Rivers said:
Rivers: Gay marriage, I am so against it because all my gay friends are out. And if they get married, it will cost me a fortune in gifts.

I didnt get to watch the interview but I hope this was a joke. I dont think the government should decide who can get married. If a man and man or woman and woman can find a church to do it, then who cares. How does it hurt anyone else they get married? It doesnt. Its just straight biased wrong to prevent them from being miserable.
I was seriously hoping so. I think the tide of ignorance is waning at least some. The fact that pot legalization seems to be moving again in the right direction, some states allowing gay marriage etc, it seems many are waking up to realize just cause mommy and daddy said its so, doesnt make it fact.

The moment in the water boy when adam sandler's character realized that momma' isnt always right was the greatest moment. When people choose to think freely, outside the constraints of lies, propaganda, religion, hate, and years of brainwashing, that is when we grow as a species.
The government has no right to decide what marriage is. That being said all taxes involving married or unmarried citizens should be removed and then this wouldn't be an issue. For the government its all about money. For ignorant racists its all about hate. For sensible people (most of us) its about letting two people who love each other enjoy something any heterosexual couple gets to enjoy.
The governement (esp. US and Auzz) feels that it has the right to protect us from ourselves and I believe the issue of gay marriage fall under this belief.

Helmet Laws, seat belt lawys, firework laws, extremely high cigarrett taxes, every drug law on the books, abortion, and gay marriage are all ways that they do this.

I want the government out of my house, my garden, my bedroom, and I certianly don't want them to tell me who I can and can't marry.

The issue of gay marriage is almost identical to the issue of inter racial marriage. It was once illegal for a white person to marry a black person (and vise versa). Now we look upon that law as bigotted, racist, and very, very wrong. I can't understand how anyone can be ok with interracial marriage and be so against gay marriage.

It is just plain stupid for the government to not allow 2 people to get married for any reason with the execption of underage marriage. Even related people SHOULD have the right to get married if they so choose. I personaly don't agree with it, but the should have that right if they so choose to do so.
I think the gov. has another reason that maybe isn't so talked about, and that is child adoption. What are the rules on that? Do we want two homosexuals men adopting little boys, if you get my drift? Frankly, I could give a rat's ass about what these people do in their personal lives, just as long as they're not in my face about accepting them. It's mixing religion with politics. If they want a wedding, give it to them in a gov. institution and not a church. But since money talks and the religous leaders are worried about their pockets, there are not more morals these days.
Its not about getting married in a church. It is about equal rights under the law. At this time, homosexural couples are afforded far fewer rights than heterosexual couples. The rights come from the marriage certificate, not from the church.

And who cares if two gay men adopt a young boy? That is like saying, that no matter what kind of child a hertersexual couple would have, one of them will be a child molestor? I catch your drift, and gently push you back out to sea...

It is about equality, and the right to pursue your own full measure of happiness.
Yet another one of those "I accept homos so I must be in with the times" kind of person. I am not not insulted by what you say because I know your thinking. By having the opinion that homosexuality is natural, bombarding you from every angle, you would go and insult my opinion based on yours. However, my opinion being it is completely unnatural, I fail to see any moral values being instilled in that child, other than for it too to grow up and be a homosexual.
HappyCamper said:
Yet another one of those "I accept homos so I must be in with the times" kind of person. I am not not insulted by what you say because I know your thinking. By having the opinion that homosexuality is natural, bombarding you from every angle, you would go and insult my opinion based on yours. However, my opinion being it is completely unnatural, I fail to see any moral values being instilled in that child, other than for it too to grow up and be a homosexual.

Oh boy, here we go again. Homosexuality is entirely natural. Please watch the video below, then read the ensuing links.

ohayoco said:
Woah! National Geographic on homosexual animals (and it's accepted behaviour for them). Gay lions, giraffes, apes, deer, birds, dolphins etc. It's like Foucault said, the dominant worldview of a society suppresses anything at odds with its values. But here they are, and apparently it's not uncommon.

'book of wisdom' thread, where a debate as is emerging here took place

'Natural and unnatural' thread, which covers the falseness of using 'natural' to mean 'right', an argument which incidentally was rejected by philosophers a long time ago.

As for your irrational fear that a child adopted by a gay couple would grow up to be gay, don't worry because the studies show otherwise.

If you watch that nature programme, and read all those two threads, think on what was said, but STILL disagree, then feel free to explain why and present your analysis of the views expressed.
HappyCamper said:
I fail to see any moral values being instilled in that child, other than for it too to grow up and be a homosexual.
Gay people were raised by straight parents, but they didn't grow up to be straight!

That's all you need to know really, seems like all those studies were a bit of a waste of money :lol:
Come on now, don't be coy, we all know that sexual preference is a matter of morality. It's simple mathematics:

Penis + penis = immoral
Vagina + vagina = immoral
Penis + vagina = God's plan.

It's all plain as day :lol:
You don't become gay. Either you are or you aren't. It's a condition people are born into and there's nothing you can do about it. A straight guy that starts getting into other guys is NOT gay. They are "tri-sexual" (a form of bisexuality). It's not the same thing. A gay guy is NOT attracted to women at all except in a friendship way. They see women the way most straight guys see other guys. It's a condition you are born with and it can't be changed. Some gays live in secret, are married, have kids, but are still more attracted to men than women, and usually cheat on their wives with other men because they can't be satisfied with a woman.

I've grown up around gay people and never wanted to ever be gay. You don't one day say, "oh I think I'll be gay now". It doesn't work like that.

I knew a lesbian couple and no matter how exposed to lesbianism there daughter was, she was completely straight. She had no desire at all to be with another women.

It's just a fact of life. There are 4 sexes: male, female, gay, bisexual. These are sexes that we are born with. You cannot cross from one to the other. For me, even though I grew up around lots of gay people, the thought of being with another man makes me physically nauseated. No amount of exposure can possibly change my reaction to another man. It's impossible. The only man that could "turn gay" is either gay and didn't know it, or is bisexual and didn't now it.

Anyway, that's my belief based on a life of being around gay people. They are born gay. They shouldn't be forced to live like straight people do. If they want to get married it is their business, not mine or yours.
Welcome Entropymancer, it's been awhile. Anyway, ohayoco, if you choose to compare yourself to animals, do as you wish. I on the other hand do not believe I should compare my brain, conscience, or values with anyone from the animal kingdom. I feel I should just end this thread by saying that if you want to be gay, go ahead. If you feel you deserve more rights, go ahead and fight for them. Everyone received a brain and free will. Just don't go parading anywhere near my house and were good 😉
HappyCamper said:
If you feel you deserve more rights, go ahead and fight for them.
I'm not gay, but I'm open minded enough to not be insulted by your calling me that. I wouldn't mind being gay... I'd get laid a lot more often, that's for sure!

HappyCamper said:
if you choose to compare yourself to animals, do as you wish. I on the other hand do not believe I should compare my brain, conscience, or values with anyone from the animal kingdom.

You're not an animal? What are you then, mineral or vegetable? You ARE an animal, but you are more intolerant than one, which makes you morally inferior to them! 😉
HappyCamper said:
Just don't go parading anywhere near my house and were good 😉
Haha. It's settled then. America is bringing back segregation. Who gets the beaches? I say the gays should have them, because the Christian right don't really know how to have fun anyway.
islandhome said:
so you chose to be with a woman ?
Huh? No I don't choose, I was just born that way. I choose WHICH woman, but not the fact that she's a woman. Please elaborate on your comment.

As this seems to be turning into a bash-Ohayoco-just-because-he-sticks-up-for-gay-people, I think I should point something out. Homophobic people are scared of gays because they are scared of the feelings they themselves have for members of the same sex. Homophobic people are gay or bisexual people in denial. People who are comfortable with their sexuality do not feel threatened by those with differing sexual preferences. So if you want your little secret to remain secret, stop being so vocal about your inner torment. :)
ohayoco that ? was ment for happy camper
but your answer
(Huh? No I don't choose, I was just born that way. I choose WHICH woman, but not the fact that she's a woman)

was my point

im gay by the way
and belive me its not a choice
lost quit a few years with the struggle
but im not a flamer
and no body can tell im gay
not even gays lol
and that could have been my hang up
might have been easer if i was on fire

when i was younger i tried to screw the gay out of me
been with around 90 woman
so ive probly tried harder than almost any one 2 be "stright"
and had sex with more females than most straight guys

what where we talking bout
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