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Ginkgo biloba + Ginger Root + Bufotenine = Fantastic Experience!

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Ginkgo biloba and ginger root are both vasodilators and should counteract the mild vasoconstriction effects of bufotenine. SWIM thought it might be a nice combination to try.

So last night SWIM tried a 150 mg tablet of ginkgo biloba and a 550 mg tablet of ginger root. It was the first time he tried combining ginkgo biloba with ginger root. He waited for the effects to start before vaporizing the bufotenine. Within about 10 minutes he felt fantastic, clear headed, slightly energized, and felt some nice euphoria. He did not expect to feel any euphoria. It was quite nice.

1 hour later SWIM vaporized 9 mg of pure bufotenine crystals. He inhaled it in 3 separate inhalations holding them in his lungs for 20 second each time. After the first inhalation he got the typical tingling sensation in the back of the head. After the third inhalation mild effects visual just starting. No side effects of any kind were felt.

After about 4 minutes the visuals were becoming really intense. SWIM decided to go down stair and enjoy the show. As he was walking down the stairs in the dark (most of the lights were off) he could see red and blue Aztec symbols flashing all over the place. The symbols were made of thin lines and were extremely complex and pulsating. SWIM never saw such details before. SWIM relaxed on the couch in the dark and closed his eyes.

With SWIM’s eyes closed he was seeing red and blue symbols all over the place. This gave way to a visionary episode that was sort of creepy. SWIM heard bazaar music playing. It was extremely repetitive and electronic in nature. He heard strange alien animal noises as if they were musical instruments playing. They were all very rhythmic. The music playing over and over and getting more complex with more sounds joining the sound track in SWIM’s imagination. SWIM started seeing very unusual alien worlds while the music played. The started hearing talking in the background. It almost sounded real. He heard, “be careful. Not too loud. He might hear us.” The words were very clear, The visual scene became more alien. It was all dark. Not colorful like SWIM’s other visions. Everything look creep. SWIM saw the insides of a large cave with bat-like alien creatures. These were very intelligent beings, The case was filled with all sorts of strange technology completely unfamiliar to SWIM. All the while the weird music continued playing in SWIM’s head. The vision stopped and SWIM just saw a bunch of dots.

SWIM got up and looked at the clock. A whole hour went buy with SWIM in a visionary state! That’s unusual. He then made a snack and went to bed.

This was one of the best combinations SWIM has tried with bufotenine. There were no side effects. The ginkgo biloba and ginger definitely altered the experience. That experience was very different from straight bufotenine. It had sort of a creepy alien 5-MeO-DMT quality to it. The whole trip was extremely euphoric. SWIM’s body felt fantastic, full of energy, but not overly stimulated, and his mind felt extremely fluid. Normally bufotenine causes you to get a little forgetful at such a strong dose, but SWIM’s mind was in tip top shape during the whole experience.
how much do you think the ginger added to the experience?? SWIM has some ginkgo..perhaps he will try theobromine+ginkgo+bufotenine later tonight..thats really cool though..SWIM hasnt gotten the audio hallucinations yet..its possible that he just hasnt noticed them..
I’m very curious about the synergistic effects of pure theobromine. I know that kola nut and cocoa go very well with nearly all hallucinogens. But those plants have more than just theobromine in them. But I suspect, despite the “science” behind it, that it is actually the theobromine responsible for enhancement. People all too often lump theobromine together with caffeine and assume its effects are very similar. Caffeine has been studied like crazy, but theobromine hasn’t. I suspect that a lot of what’s “known” about theobromine is inaccurate and some of it just plain wrong.

For example, I know ginkgo biloba increases MY memory. However, the most recent studies show it does not increase memory recall abilities. Even so, it does for ME. You always need to be careful about how studies are done or how their information is interpreted. Sometimes effects are not found in a study because the study was just done wrong (sometimes on purpose!). This happens ALL THE TIME. That’s why drugs get recalled. Studies find they are safe, and then later studies done by competing drug manufacturers with a sinister motive find they are not. It all depends on who does the study, what their motive is, how accurate the study was, etc.

I don’t know how important the ginger was to the above experience. SWIM combined the ginkgo with ginger because he wanted to increase the vasodilation effects of the ginkgo. Next time he’ll try it without the ginger and see if that makes any difference.

SWIM almost always gets auditory hallucinations from bufotenine, most often voices, but sometimes music, singing, and sometimes very unusual mysterious sounds. They are like voices in the back of mind, like your conscience might be, except that they are completely independent of what you’re thinking. He never gets any auditory effects form any other hallucinogen.
SWIM has gotten audia hallucinations from DMT and from a very large dose of mushrooms...

SWIM is going to combine ginkgo, THH and theobromine tonight with around 10mg of bufotenine and see what happens..hes had a few beers so hes got some vasodilation happening..but hes gonna take the ginkgo, thh and theobromine about 25 minutes before smoking the FAIRLY pure bufo..hes gonna turn off any music he has playing so that if there is any audio hallucinations..he will 'hear' them..

SWIM is going to take 300mg of theobromine...120mg of ginkgo biloba...and 50mg of THH...all orally..and then when he starts feeling effects from those he will smoke 10mg of purish bufo...

wish SWIM luck!!
these are the weighed amounts...314mg theobromine...120mg of ginkgo...55mg thh..13mg bufo

the bufo will be smoked about 20 minutes after taking the theo..ginkgo..thh..

puke bucket in hand!
well SWIM says...something didnt work...after the bufo(maybe) hits..he saw spaghetti behind closed eyes..that is all..and when he opened them..he saw something that was slightly tripped out..but nothing like he expected...hes not sure what happened...he was expecting MUCH MORE..but nothing really happened...hes not sure if his purish crystals where really bufo..because it just didnt amount to ANYTHING..

he even smoked at least another 30mg of what he thought was bufo..he doesnt know what went wrong...he did get some visuals..but the spaghetti started almost immediately..and hes still getting slight visuals..but nothing like he expected...he got SLIGHT audio hallucinations but nothing like music or sounds...it was really strange...he is gonna take some more THH and dmt fumarate to finish off the night...hes really surprised nothing happened(well something happened but nothing spectacular)

back to the drawing board...
SWIM only smoked like 6mg yesterday night...he doesnt see how that could be..and he doesnt understand how there where visuals immediately after smoking..it looked like worms crawling in his vision for about 10 minutes..there WERE visuals..but he thought that with the THH..theobromine..AND ginkgo..that he would have gotten something a bit more than that..
SWIM has since tried just using Ginkgo biloba orally and vaporized freebase bufotenine. The effects were just as fantastic, so the ginger is not needed.
For example, I know ginkgo biloba increases MY memory. However, the most recent studies show it does not increase memory recall abilities. Even so, it does for ME. You always need to be careful about how studies are done or how their information is interpreted. Sometimes effects are not found in a study because the study was just done wrong (sometimes on purpose!). This happens ALL THE TIME. That’s why drugs get recalled. Studies find they are safe, and then later studies done by competing drug manufacturers with a sinister motive find they are not. It all depends on who does the study, what their motive is, how accurate the study was, etc.

Also plant material can vary wildly. If the study does not characterize whats in the plant it might as well be thrown in the trash.
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