Rising Star
After reading about the destructive effects strong bases have on glass, I had some questions. The Vovin tek advises to use a glass separatory funnel. If one were to follow this tek, would they have to worry about the separatory funnel eventually shattering from being weakened by NaOH? That sounds very dangerous to me. If so, then how long would it take for these effects to compromise the strength of the glass? Im sure the answer to that question varies a lot depending on the frequency of use, so I guess I am asking how many extractions can be done until the glass weakens. Most of the warnings I have seen were on STB forums. Is an A/B extraction any less dangerous in this regard? The only difference I see is that the Vovin tek says to basify the extract to a ph of 12-13, where most STB teks recommend 14. Does one more point on the ph scale really make much of a difference regarding the threat it poses to glass? Lastly, would KOH be any safer to use with glass?