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Glow 2 and frow

Why do I glow? were do I go when I glow? How do I know If I grow when I glow?

Which witch we let learn before we burn?

Why would I glow?

I need to ask the universe help!

don't need no powers like you don't need a credit card to ride this train, If it make you feel real then get on bored, I wont be ignored, once was adored.

Only need the will power to get my shi'et together!
you glow when you're in the flow , you will go where all things go , when you do grow you will know

Gods and angels will teach you what you must know , a soul on fire will always flow , deep within the answer will be known

the seeds have already been sown , an experience of mystery and the unknown , the universe has gifted you already with all the will power that is known , you're not being ignored , you are still adored

so don't be bored , get on aboard , follow your heart and your soul
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