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Good cheap pressure cooker on eBay (13 litre) - UK peeps

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Hi peeps,

I recently spied and bought myself this 13 litre pressure cooker through eBay for just shy of £28, it works fine. The model I used previous to this was a 6 litre one so this allows me to do a lot more work in one go...the 6 litre pressure cooker only held two litre jars, and that was a tight squeeze...this pressure cooker holds seven individual litre jars comfortably so is a big step up. Pressure cookers of this size are usually a great deal more expensive than this, so this seems like a great deal.

The pressure cooker does not come with any trays, but this this 27cm diameter steamer tray is perfectly sized to fit in the bottom of the pressure cooker and raise the jars off the bottom and out of the water to prevent cracking during pressure cooking. I should mention that I bent the legs of the steamer to lower it a bit but it fits perfectly regarding both diameter and height above the bottom/water when pressure cooking, while accomodating the height of the litre Ball/Kilner jars.

Thought this could be helpful for UK mycological minded peeps. :thumb_up:
Hey hombre, no worries! I was wanting to upgrade to something larger, and was very pleasantly surprised to find a pressure cooker of this size going for this price (they can easily go for £100+ this size). It needs an additional tray or something to raise the jars off the bottom, but apart from that it's a great piece of kit for any aspiring or experienced mycologist... :thumb_up:
It's a wonderful feeling when making a find like this. My current PC which I have nearly worn out is an 8 quart from the 1970s. I found it at a Goodwill (thrift store) many years ago. It was sitting on a shelf with no price tag. I went to ask someone how much it was and noticed someone else pick it up. I just happened to be in line to check out behind her. She asked the cashier how much, they got the manager to come to the register to put a $25USD price tag on it and she decided that it was too much so the cashier put it in the cart behind her for restocking. While checking out I told the cashier, "I'll take that too." I can fit 16 PF jars per cook and it has sterilized massive amounts of media over the years. I have logged so many hours on it at 15 PSI that the bottom is starting to bow out.
Perfect, thanks Bancopuma. This is exactly what I've been looking for these last few days so the timing is perfect for me. I want to try out microdosing on my girlfriend's depression, oh, I mean cook chickpeas.
OK just to update peeps, I would advise steering well clear of this model of pressure cooker, avoid like you would the Ebola virus, apologies if anyone got one on my prior advice...it started out working really well and I was very happy with it, but over time it appeared there was a weak link in its design relating to its rubber gasket. With subsequent uses it would take more and more fiddling with in order to form a pressurised seal, until it stopped playing ball all together, with the gasket having a great tendency to fall out of alignment. So I would avoid this at all costs (I'm in the process of trying to get a refund or partial refund), it seemed like a great deal, alas it was too good to be true. Not doing things by halves I've upgraded to a 26 litre pressure cooker, it just arrived today so I've yet to test it out but seems like a good solid, sturdy design.
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