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Good, solid recipe?

Migrated topic.
IPA has a chemical additive that gives it a scent. I don't use IPA. I use only PURE drinkable ethanol everclear. If you can't buy everclear in your state by a still. Swim distills most of his ethanol now. It's cheap. Ethanol is all swim ever uses.
I'll probably just go with that. I can buy it here. I *definitely* won't be making it, I'm a recovered alcoholic =) But I can safely purchase a small amount just for its use as a solvent. Changa is a worthy purpose. Thanks for your help, Dorge!
I'm wondering why it is that I can't get a real aya experience just from smoking changa. I mean, is anyone able to do this? For some reason I thought it was possible. I mean, I can get really deep. I can go back to the beginning of time on changa. But the OEVs are just barely there--absolutely nothing compared to aya where I'm seeing everything in the universe at once.

Maybe I need to add way more harmalas to my changa? Or even DPT or something (assuming the aya spirits don't scoff)?
Flat out, you're just not going to get the same effects when smoked, no matter what. As for me, I have intense open eye visuals off of just spice. I mean, it takes a certain dosage and rate of intake, but I mean very vivid stuff.
Hmm yeah that seems odd to me. On small sub-breakthrough doses of freebase I find the open eyed visuals to be almost too much. I much prefer to have my eyes shut. I have yet to delve into changa (though soon perhaps). Do you not get wild visual stuff from anything smoked moyshekapoyre or is just Changa?
well, this is the "original" or classic blend made with 20% DMT.

30% Ayahuasca Vine
20% Mullein
20% Passionflower
20% Peppermint
5% Calendula
5% Blue Lotus (both these last two flowers, must be added in after combining the DMT in order to preserve their colour and texture)
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