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Google ads

Migrated topic.

The Traveler

The Moxylator
Staff member
Hello all members,

As you might have seen I've added a so called "sponser" link at every second post in a thread. As this might upset some people let me explain why I did this and you can also vote if you think it should stay or not.

Over the past few years the DMT-Nexus has grown from a tiny site to one of the bigger DMT sites. In the beginning the DMT-Nexus was just one of the sites served at my server, nowadays it's by far the biggest with an average bandwidth consumpsion of about 200GB a month, for comparison: the second biggest only consumes a few GB's a month.

In the meantime the cost for maintaining the server has risen due to increasing energy costs and the time it takes me to keep the server running. Once in a while the hardware has to be replaced, the disks have to be checked, or when for example the server is struck by a virus, I have to reconfigure the whole server.

Also, in time I want to increase the uptime of the server by adding a second server that can take over in case the first one is down, this also comes at increased cost.

So it all boils down to increased costs at my side so I hope you understand that with the google ads I try to get a little extra to make things for the better.

Now since I made this little statement I ask you to vote for this change, you can vote yes or no and give extra idea's maybe someone has a golden idea? E.g.: a while back someone suggested selling T-shirt aand the sorts.

Please let me know what you think.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Anything that is necessary to support the nexus, count me in. I am confident that advertisements will be posted so as to result in the least nuisance. But I currently find the ads in every second post a bit annoying.

I remember some discussions about donating money directly to the nexus, what happened with this idea? There has to be a way where anonymity won't be revealed.

T-shirts or selling stuff is not a good idea in my opinion since it takes lots of effort and increased responsibilities to maintain a retail sector.
Silly me, I interpreted "every second post" as "every two posts".

No, the current way of advertising looks totally fine, I'll stay with that if that helps.
ya im fine with it too an ad here or there doesnt bother me and almost every page on the net has one anyways. if thats what it takes then hey gitter done. its not like your trying to get rich off of this and even if you were who cares this is a great site
hey trav,

I know economic times are rough and we need to come up with a way to help support the nexus (financially) but these advertisements on the trreads are a little much.

I definately have a deep appreciation and grattitude for the hardwork you put into this forum so us swimmers have a place to swim....i just think that if all of us contributed $ in some way (which i would defianely do), we might be able to avoid this annoying sitch.

I dont know if you already posted it somewhere but why dont you just break down what the monthly expenses are... and how much $ is needed to keep the forum afloat?.

Just like any autonimous group/fellowship or whatever..take monthy donations and hopefully try and build a surpluss of funds to help w/ further "cyber rent/maintenance"

There has got to be another way than these advertisements.

Once again trev,thank you for all your hard work 😉

i believe WE can make things happen as a group and it might be easier for us to help if we knew what it takes to keep the nexus up ($)

At the end of the day, just want to see this place survive but if we could come up with a better way....
shite !!!

i accidently voted for keeping the ads staying the way they are,if you can takke that in mind trav. I'm a dumbass :lol:
The ads are fine, but what about moving them above all the posts, either just below the Nexus logo or the "Logged In" bar? That way they're still entirely visible, but they don't break up the flow of the thread?
I think the ads are fine as long as they don't increase from where the are now.

I suggest you start a donations thread, as I and I'm sure some other members would be glad to donate some money.

Did y'all see my support the community thread?
In an old forum I was in we had the same thing.
We were encouraged to click on them to help generate revenue,
it got out of control with just the members clicking them a few times (20-30) a day and immediatly closing the links. Google figured this out and cancled the agreement and took away the ads! This was long ago though don't know exactly how it works now though but just a word to the wise.

The ads do not bother me at all and who know some might be useful.
Do they advertise like... what your talking about in the thread? how does it work?

We got DiamondNexusLabs.com showing up alot...
I have no problem with the ads at all. You never know when some ad might have just the thing you've been looking for.

I think it's great if you're making a little extra money with it.
I like them. I think it's funny when ads for companies come up who would probably be aghast to know they were advertising on this site!
And it makes me laugh when ones with names like "D.M.T. Electrical" come up.

You need to pay for the site and should be rewarded for your hard work. They're quite tastefully placed... not plastered down the sides and everywhere else like the rest of the internet. I would only ever be dubious if like other sites you had sponsors that started censoring, by not letting people discuss other suppliers or advise against rubbish sponsors. That sucks, I came across it on another drug forum and immediately left.

I will buy a T-shirt if you want to make them! Dark charcoal grey, retro fit, with the pic from the 'fun' page on. But I doubt you'd be making much money off them, I wonder if there's enough spicers in the world to sell them to?
Hm, anything to keep the best dmt-site in the world going, but...I never liked advertising and don't like the ads. Frankly, I'd rather donate something!
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