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Got a little dirty somehow.

Migrated topic.


Professional Tracker
A little pull I did, my first. I read here that sometimes your solvent can get a little dark for some reason and a quick cleanup is recommended. I'd like to keep all the alkaloids present if possible so I was wondering if a trained eye could let me know where I'm at on this. No sludge poured over and the solvent was clear first pull, then a little yellow on second and third.

I don't have an eye for the colors that start showing up with subsequent pulls but this looks brown to me. You think that's some of my slurry in there?


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Yeah, I'm definately not satisfied with it yet but it's a good start I suppose. Do you think the steps in the FAQ would get it where it needs to be?

1. Have your product still in the solvent, before evaporation/precipitation. If you have already in crystal form, redissolve in a naphtha/heptane/hexane.
Add anywhere in between a pinch to 5 grams of sodium carbonate (yes, doesnt matter... All that is necessary is for it to be a basic solution) to 100ml clean water.
Add your spice-containing solvent and the sodium carbonate solution together in a container. Mix/shake/whatever (emulsions will not form).
Separate the solvent from the sodium carbonate solution using pippette/turkey baster/syphon/separatory funnel. One can repeat steps 2-4 if desired, but not strictly necessary
Freeze precipitate or evaporate to retrieve your DMT

I'm not real proficient when it comes to chemistry but I think I could follow that and get it right. Plus I already have everything I'd need to pull it off on hand.
Do a mini A/B instead of mini STB, this will clean your spice better. BTW, are you sure your chemicals are okay? Did you do an evap test before hand?

How did you proceed in your extraction process?
Can be used as is. Running bear is just a freak he wants it white and fluffy.

If it smells like dmt. (Flower like depending on impurites and your smell like poo)
You can smoke it. I get my dmt "dirty" on purpose with heated pulls but it doesnt really make a huge impact on the smoking quality.
You need to tell us how you extracted it first. It took me a while to get good at extracting . It's like everything else in life, it takes practice. You have to have the right bark, good solvent, and all the other ingredients to make it work. You also have to take your time and make sure you waited long enough for your Naphtha to separate and many other things. I think you should learn how to extract before you even mess with that.
Ulim said:
Can be used as is.

You don't even know how he extracted it and you're just going to tell him to smoke it? You didn't even reply until I was looking at the post. I truly believe that some people just come on here to argue. Most people want to extract nn-dmt not plant fat or other alkaloids.
Thanks for the answers. For the record I'm not real comfortable inhaling that as it's darker than any "dirty" pics I've seen.

I used the Lazyman's tek. 100 grams mhrb, 100 grams hardware store 100% lye and 600ml distilled water with 100ml jalisco vm&p naptha (which I later found out is "trash" ). I let the layers seperate pretty well, they did start getting a yellow tint on second and third pull though and then evaped it with a fan. What you see is that I scraped up.

Aside from aquariums I'm not real well versed on chemistry hence picking the LM Tek, it seemed fail proof so I'm not too sure what I'm doing with an A/B other than I think you acidify, separate, basify, separate and then evap/freeze. I've had a bit of a cold so my nose is trashed but I'll see if I can pick up any odor on it.


Ok I took a whif, first smell was a little napthaish but after that it smelled like what I would describe as new shoes. Like if you stuck your nose down in a pair of new sneakers. I don't know what that's about but zero floral scent that I can tell.
Here's the last pull. This time instead of making little mounds the results were flat with an obvious crystalline pattern in little circles. This is more of a tan color than brown.
Ok, quadruple post. I guess it's ok if I blow this one up. I just noticed I have 75 posts, how did that happen? I haven't posted anywhere near 75 times.
Running Bear said:
Ulim said:
Can be used as is.

You don't even know how he extracted it and you're just going to tell him to smoke it? You didn't even reply until I was looking at the post. I truly believe that some people just come on here to argue. Most people want to extract nn-dmt not plant fat or other alkaloids.

He said he made it in this thread.

No need to be pissed :?
No matter how dark the self extracted its still clean compared to street.
So I dried out the last pull and this time all I got was two of those little crystalline circles and some film on the bottom of the pyrex dish. This makes me think I'm pulling what I need to be since it's disappeared in the course of 4 pulls.

I had someone tell me that old bark can cause colors like this. I've usually only seen yellow, orange and red but the brown does have a rusty color to it.

I think I'll go ahead and dissolve it in naptha and add it to some basified water and then suck it out with a syringe. That should remove all doubt of some of my slurry getting in there.

I'm not real worried about screwing it up since I have more bark so I'll use this batch as my sacrificial lamb and see what different clean ups do what. I'll also start a new batch and see if it comes out the same way since now I have a better understanding of how to do what I'm doing.

One other thing is I read that one person further basifies his slurry as he pulls since according to him as you remove the dmt the mix gradually turns more acidic. I'll post results.
Asher7 said:
I had someone tell me that old bark can cause colors like this. I've usually only seen yellow, orange and red but the brown does have a rusty color to it.

the MHRB i use at the moment has been sitting in my draw for over 2 years and produces very nice yellow tinted powder.
not sure how other bark effects the color
That film is very active goo scrape it and recrystalise it too and use a minimale ammount of warm naphta..
Good luck and hopefully you'll do great and it wouldn't be a sacrifice :)
Asher7 said:
I'm not real worried about screwing it up since I have more bark so I'll use this batch as my sacrificial lamb and see what different clean ups do what. I'll also start a new batch and see if it comes out the same way since now I have a better understanding of how to do what I'm doing.

I did the same thing

first few times i was worried i contaminated the dmt with base water.
so i learned to work very clean. and everything i was not sure about went back into the base mix for another extraction.
probably a re-ex would have been better, but i got some practice this way
Endlessness said:
Brown color (of spice) can be the same as yellow color description above or it could also be that during the pulls, small droplets of the basified mimosa/plant liquid came across, which can mean harsh basic plant material and lye in your final product (this is usually associated with the dark naphtha issue, check FAQ for more info). It might be also some impurities from dirty chemicals/solvents used.

From here:

IMPORTANT: spice color purity fallacy AKA is your dmt ok to smoke ?
I second The Grateful One on that, also, you said your naphta was trash, so it might be your solvent which perhaps has any addctives to it, which might be dangerous to your health. Have you obtained anothet higher-quality solvent?

Also, which kind of jars and other tools did you use in the process? Lye is a strong base and can corrode pet and metallics. Did you use glass or HDPE?

Honestly, I'd trash that out and start anew, with better equipment and chemicals. No amount of spice is worth your health.
Everything used was pyrex.

When I said "trash", that was the term a rather advanced chemist used. I've also seen VM & P Jalisco naptha use result in white crystals so even though there may be some impurities I'm not sure it would result in turning something that would otherwise white brown.

Right now my guesses are 1, plant fats etc that slipped through, 2 Slurry somehow getting through, 3 Old bark. I really have no idea and it's all a guess until I try and clean it up. We'll see.
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