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Grateful dead live show's

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I used to have about 700hrs of live dead and long story short,their all gone!!:cry:

I've been re building my collection of choice shows (i'm really partial to the 73 - 77 era. but certainly not limited to).

I have about 50 shows that i've downloaded and have gotten from various sources but there are some of my favs. that still arent back in my collection.

So i'm calling out to all deadheads that are tape collector's although i shouldnt say tapes (i'm used to the old maxxell xl 2s tapes).

If anyone is interested in trading,i'm down or if someone is kind and could mabey hook me up w/ some of the key shows i'm still missing.I would be grateful
that's cool, mabey i can make a trip up to virginia beach. I've seen them both a number of times.
I have a few shows.Let me know what your looking for.We can work something out I'm sure.I don't have all my shows organized in a list or anything so just let me know what you need.I might have it.
A friend just burned me two dvd discs w/ all the dicks picks and all studio albums :d .So, i'm happy but ther are still some shows i'm looking for.Definately willing to trade.
I would pm 'gratefuldad'
when he is around he is usually streaming videos from his collection for us
he may be able to help
Archive.org is a good place for copious Dead boots... of course since the took down the downloading of soundboards, you can only stream those. Still, there are plenty of great audience recordings and matrix (best of both worlds IMO) you can download lossless or in a number of lossy formats.

In truth, there are literally a ton of good trading sites and circles where you can find just about anything that exists at this point if you look hard enough.

Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JERRY! August 1st is the old teddy bear, Captain Trips' birthday, and if I am correct, today would have been #70. So in honor of everyone's favorite good time noodler, here is a whole show in decent video quality recorded in Denmark back in '72. Not the best or worst show (on that Europe Tour or in general), but a solid slice of Dead.

For those impatient to get to the trippiest stuff, Dead shows generally got weirder as they went on and the LSD kicked in. ;-) 2nd set was usually trippers paradise.

Highlights here include a tasty Dark Star to open the 3rd set (1:53:00) and when the boys all don funky masks for Big Railroad Blues (1:36:00 towards the end of the 2nd set). But even by 14:35 when they kick into China Cat Sunflower, you can taste the primo vibes for which these cats were known and loved...

So without further ado, Ladies & Gentlemen... The Grateful Dead:


"Sometimes the light's all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.
Lately it occurs to me... what a loooong strange trip it's been."
Second to archive.org - I have tons of old tapes and some newer mp3's I recorded using a hacked iPod, but almost every show is up on the archive and the quality is usually better than mine!

R.I.P Jerry, we still think about you often.
Leon Trout said:
just remembered this... here's a public link to a bunch of those quality soundboards that you can't d/l from the archive anymore...

Grateful Dead soundboards

Looks like these are all mp3s?

A mighty collection of sick shows, though... certainly rivaling one that has taken decades to amass. Spanning the whole career as well.

Purists and collectors won't be happy with lossless legs, but for some lovely iPod filling goodness, or just to hear these amazing shows. I still have piles of cassette tapes that I love listening to, and many of them were multiple generations removed from the masters. There is something magical about listening to a slightly quivery, and somewhat thin cassette bootleg on a cheap boombox somewhere in nature... or even while soaking in the tub. Naturally, the super clean SBDs and Matrix recordings with plenty of Phil Bombs in the deep low end are a joy to behold.

Anyway, all of these shows are, in fact, on the Archive... just for streaming only. Which, as most you must know, is still rip-able. Anything playing on your speakers is at least temporarily stored somewhere on your computer.

For those serious collectors, I recommend you join one of the internet's incredible taper/trading circle sites (like The Trader's Den or Dimeadozen). There you can find a continual flood of excellent live music (of every sort including Dead SBDs). Often people put up shows within hours of their completion.

yeah, the mp3 thing is unfortunate, but it's nice to have a quick download for when yr in a hurry... fortunately i've got most of 'em in .shn/.flac in the ol' closet... i myself pretty much don't like downloading shows from a robot at all, i enjoy the human contact part or the whole deal... in fact, here's a link to an essay i wrote on that very subject: Goddamn Robots: The Death of a Sub-Culture

& for giggles, here's the GD portion of my live collection:


i made a couple small contributions in the beginning, but that whole Archive.org behemoth was assembled mostly by a couple guys i used to trade with... wonderful, wonderful website...

& also... in case you missed it... this is pretty beautiful...


RIP Jerry... seventeen years without you has been a long long time... you are missed...

Leon Trout said:
yeah, the mp3 thing is unfortunate, but it's nice to have a quick download for when yr in a hurry... fortunately i've got most of 'em in .shn/.flac in the ol' closet... i myself pretty much don't like downloading shows from a robot at all, i enjoy the human contact part or the whole deal... in fact, here's a link to an essay i wrote on that very subject: Goddamn Robots: The Death of a Sub-Culture

& for giggles, here's the GD portion of my live collection:


i made a couple small contributions in the beginning, but that whole Archive.org behemoth was assembled mostly by a couple guys i used to trade with... wonderful, wonderful website...



Heheheh. I also loved the human part of trading legs. Nothing better than to visit a tapehead and sit down to reason over a spliff and something warming to drink while listening to and sharing history.

Course, the whole quality loss of the old taping style... and the naturally limited reach of the magic in that regard makes me recognize the superiority of these "robot" methods. And we can still sit together and socialize while listening to the shows. ;-)

I know some of those same heads you speak of. Including some that are responsible for bringing the entire GD live archive to UCSC. Gotta love a school that considers those tapes with the reverence that the Vatican has for their dusty tomes of spirit and fallibility.

Thx for the TRI link. I did miss that.
Just discovered THIS

The Grateful Dead online game. It is a video game where you play one of the famous "dancing bears" and adventure in GD themed lands including an epic tour of the 10 most popular dead shows of all time (Cornell 77, Kesey's Ranch '72, RFK '73 etc.)

Haven't played it, and I am many years past my prime video gaming epoch, so I am not chomping at the bit so to speak, but it is hard not to want to at least give it a whirl. Could be dumb as hell, but it seems that they are really diehard lovers of GD culture... despite trying to commercialize it and cash in.

I saw that Bob, Phil, Mickey & Bill had ok'd this project directly, and had to bop over to have a look. I think you can play basic levels for free, and they make you pay for upgrades and rail passes etc.

Anyway, figured I would bring it up.
Leon that collection is awesome! Have y'all checked out Furthur yet? They are HOT to say the least. Ive seen 5 shows and catching Red Rocks in Sept. Hope to see y'all there
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