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Great DMT art at Devart

Migrated topic.


Hey, Family,

I just came from Deviantart.com where some very gifted artists showcase their work. Any of my fellow travelers who are not already familiar with this excellent site should give it a look.

I was just looking at an artist known as "astral-haze" while searching under "DMT" and found some very 'familiar' pieces. Hope this enriches your lives, it does mine. There are literally millions of pieces of artwork on display. Just type in DMT in the search box, or whatever else you might want to find.


Could we have some actual links to actual peices?
That'd be more useful for discussion than just a vauge reference to a site many people allready know about. :eek:D
Hay J

DeviantArt is a really special place indeed, there is such a broad spectrum of art and there's even some amazing poetry.

Much Peace and Happiness
Shoe. Right you are, but there were simply so many that to link to a piece or two alone would be underdoing it.
If you use this link http://astral-haze.deviantart.com/art/Kaleidoscope-II-46914329 it will take you to an interesting black and white piece. But be sure to click on the artists gallery to see the rest. Yes, I know YOU know how to do it Shoe:wink: but anyone UNfamiliar.....

That is why I suggested doing a search once there for "astral-haze". (note the quotation marks)


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