Found this tek browsing a little while ago, seems simple and easy: heres my simple fast tech...... 1) 40g mhrb broken into 1/2-1" pieces then ground 20g at a time in coffee grinder... to stop excessive dust generation lightly mist with distilled water before grinding (20 mins max) 2) mix one part distilled white vinegar with three parts distilled water (you will use 400ml) (2 mins) 3 place the rootbark in 1/2lb jam jar; cover with vinegar mix (use no more than 150ml) then place in double pan (pudding bowl of hot water stood in pan of boiling water) and heat for 20 mis ( 25 mins) 4) pour off liquid into a jug and squease the mhrb off through a cheap plastic tea sieve (10mins) 5) put the root bark back into the jam jar and add another 100ml of vinegar/ water mix and cook for another 20 mins then strain again. 6) repeat one more extract with vinegar/water mix. this last extract should be considerable paler than the first two.. you can go a fourth but it's not worth it ) (20mins) 7) you now have approx 400ml of extract with sludge... pass this through a plastic coffee filter.. pour it through slowly and leave the sludge behind.. (you can squease this througy a coff filter for the few drops it holds if you must) (5 mins) 8) put two papper coffee filters into a funnel or filter holder and again carefully pour the liquid into the top filter.. once the flow has slowed down carefully lift the top filter and gently squease the liquid through... if you have an accident and bust the filter open the second filter will prevent you contaminating the clean extract with particles... depending on your abilities this can take from 30 mins to 6 hours to perform.. but lets say 30mins) 9) pour the collected and now filter extract into a single rose flower vase or any similar norrow tall vessel and then add one teaspoon of soda crystals (NaOH) and mix. solution should turn from claret red to creosote brown and get warm... 10 ) put about 25-40 ml of pet ether (lighter fluid) into a sceond single rose for the clever bit (well I think so) ..take a funnel and reduce the outlet end so that a hole no bigger than a match exists (and no smaller than a pin) and pour the basifiedextract into the funnel... you should get a nice stream running into the pet that has maximum contact and therefore maximum transfer rate... (5 mins) 11) once all the extract is through the funnel allow the two solvents to seperate then draw off the pet ether and put into the first rose vase and repeat the exercise... do this six times (so 30 mins in all) then leave the solvents to seperate fully.... go have a coffee or something but let the solvents fully seperate (about 10 mins but give it 20) .. if you dont your final extract will contain impurities from the soda crystals and other constiuinents in the mhrb that you dont want... 12) put a glass pyrex dish over a pan of boiling water.. open the window an turn on the extractor and don't smoke!!! ... now draw off the clear pet ether and put in the dish.. once all the liquid has evaporated you will see alayer of honey coloured extract... 13) scrap this honey coloured liquid up and with with smoking material.. you could leave this extract to cool and turn white but it won't mix as well with your smoking material... 14) get a pipe and leave ya body....... ... it takes how long? a couple of hours and you get good clean extract... if you really want crystals then evaporate slowly using an a sppon or watch glass.. just keep adding extract and you will get lots of white crystals but the fast tech is just as good if not better... regards GM23