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Greeting fron new member Luz

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Wow -- I am amazed by this site! Such a wealth of information and support and so well done and organized. I would like to donate some $ if someone will point me to how.

Just reporting on who I am, what I do and some of my experiences:

En the area of entheogens, I have experience with LSD, shrooms, 4 ACO DMT, 5 MEO DMT (smoked) and of course DMT, Mescaline and peyote, and a few other things here and there; about 400 trips total of 3 to 5 hours each, and all oral (except the 5 MEO, of course). I only do oral, because I need lots of time to do everything planned for each experience; I have no time to do anything with vaped; I just shoot up like a rocket and fall back to earth in a few minutes.

I use entheogens purely for spirituality, traveling outside of the physical universe including up through all the dimensions to visit with Infinite Love. I use a dosis of 300 to 400 mg D. Due to thousands of hours of meditation, I have been able to develop control of the energy that the magic releases to be able to follow a plan for each session. I have also been dozens of times into the Dark Side of the creation and met with the gods of evil and experienced incredible amounts of darkness, rage and hate and ego. If this should ever happen to you -- and it will if you do a serious exploration of the cosmos -- do not resist and no need to be scared. Let yourself experience it and that will discharge the energy and free you.

However, the most important thing that I do with the energy released by the vitamins is work on discreating the reality shell in which we all are. We are spiritual beings, part of the One, pretending to be human. We create the illusion of being only a human by creating a shell of realities, of energies, that surrounds our consciousness and acts upon it to block our perception of the One and generate for us the illusion of human being. Spiritual awakening can be achieved by reducing and eventually discreating those realities which frees our being, and this is my goal in life and I have a sensible degree of progress on it.

Again I am excited to be here and enthralled by finding so many others on their own magical journeys.
Really like your intro and the whole idea of dis-creating the shell that keeps us from knowing that we are part of greater whole. What, one wonders, replaces that shell, since it is part and parcel of being alive as a biological being, though tainted by illusions about what that means. What are the qualities that emerge in a being who has begun to dis-create his/her illusions? Do you see a pattern in this process?
Yes, there is an end point to the process: Enlightenment and eventually re-integration to the ONE. Everything that exists is a single ONE Being. She creates everything that exists out of Her own Energy. The Creation is this ONE Being expressing Her Self in all Her infinite possibilities of being, doing, having, etc. The Creation is Her playground, Her Disneyland. We are individualizations of the One being "descended" down into the Creation in order to play and experience it from within. We create the shell to block off awareness of our true Being and to create for us the illusion and limitations of only being human, to explore the human adventure. In order to fully enjoy the human drama, we must not remember or experience who we really are, just as when we humans go to a movie, we must forget our real life and lose our identity in the hero y drama of the movie. Dissolving the shell frees your from the illusion of separation and individuality so that you experience the Totality of Your Self. The magic can give glimpses of this, but discreating the shell makes it all the time and permanent.

When I/you- the spiritual being that is pretending to be only human-- finally tire of the human adventure (after many incarnations), we can then begin the process of Awakening and Enlightenment: recovering our spiritual memory, true identity and experience of ONEness. This is the state of consciousness of Jesus, Buddha, and many others. They awakened from the human dream and experienced themselves as the ONE and tried to tell us about it and how to do it. One way is to discreate the shell.

The magic permits us experience of the ONE. She has 13 major characteristics: One-All, Infinity, Light, Magnificence, Consciousness, Wisdom, Will-Power, Perfection, Beauty, Love, Truth, Joy, Peace. Thus you will find these experiences coming up over and over again with the magic as we experience the ONE in some degree and aspect. The greater trick is to communicate with Her. Just send the though of "Hello" and I would like to feel you more, and give your Self the instruction to "Open Feeling". You will feel an increase in Presence, Light and Love. Then say or ask whatever you would like to know. She will respond in images and feelings, rarely in words. She is everything; She knows everything past, present and future. As you are Her, you are the ONE, you are really communicating with the highest level of your own Being. I invite you to try it -- again oral is better because it gives you lots of time and more possiblity to control and direct the energy.
Hello and welcome Luz

Great post, I’m stunned by the amount of experience you’ve had in the other realms. I’ve just recently taken the plunge with DMT myself after many yars of lucid dreaming and experimentation with psychedelics. Nothing could prepare me for the DMT experience, it’s made me realise that I need to drink the brew. Like you say you shoot up like a rocket and back to earth in a few minutes. It’s like a reverse bungee into another dimension!

I can’t dare to imagine the things you might have experienced during your time in the other realms. Can I ask did you begin your journeys with shaman or have you always worked alone?

Also I was wondering if it would be possible for you to share with me your own personal recipe (if you brew yourself) as I have some base ingredients and feel the time is drawing near for me to drink, there are many recipes here of course but I haven’t as yet found one that agrees with the other in terms of measurements and timings. (Not specifiaclly this site but the net in general)

What you said about the dark side terrifies me if I’m honest, I’ve felt it’s presence in a deep ketamine journey once before and there was no way I would enter such a place willingly though at the same time have read that such places/ fears should be confronted as a necessary stage of liberation. Previously by allowing the illusion of duality to dissolve (at the gates of the heavenly spheres) I was able to enter a state of no mind (primarily due to the endless hours of chaos I had since endured) the silence, darkness and emptyness leading to unending bliss and the realisation of the self/ the one who sees. Re-integration to the ONE as you put it. The experience was much like like de ja va, As if I was riding a ripple or echo from the prime begging. Mechanically awakening every joint of my light body in a perfect continuous yogic movement, then speaking the sacred vowels (of which I only wish I could remember lol) and then riding the white supernova of ecstasy back into creation. (Pardon my indulgence of reflection)

I look forward to reading your future posts of your experiences if you should choose to share here.

Much love and light

As previously said: Everything that exists is ONE Being who creates it all out of her own Energy. She wants everything posible to exist and be experienced, without exception, without limitation and exploring all polarities to the max. Much of Creation is a Polarity, especially Beingness itself. Therefore, just as there is the amazing positive of God-Creator-Love-Joy-Perfection-Beauty (which is what we all like to experience with spice), there is also the negative pole of God of Evil: Destructor, Hate, Rage, Darkness, Pain, Suffering, etc. However, the positive pole is the ABSOLUTE TRUTH of who we are; the negative pole is a creation and an illusion for the sake of exploring all possibilities of BEing. Love creates Evil out of Her Self (there is nothing else out of which to create anything). And She loves evil absolutely, totally, for it is but another manifestation of Her Infinite Self.

As there is only the ONE, you/we are IT, and are all of IT -- including the negative polarity, i.e. EVIL. We are currently shrunk down in consciousness of our Totality to that of a human being (minimal consciousness of Being). We are hiding out from our Evility in human. (If you know the Christian bible, you know of the allegory of the great battle in the heavens between the good Michangelo y the "bad" one: Lucifer. The result is the "Fall of the Angels". That was not an external battle but an internal one for each of us: we have both polarities within in us for we are the ONE. If you want to see a Fallen Angel, go look in the mirror.)

Part of the road back to our Wholeness and the Infinite Love-Being that we are is that we must go into and integrate with our negative polarity. Until we love Evil as Love loves Evil, we do not love as Love love and so do not recover Who We Are: Infinite Love. (That last sentence is very profound.) This re-integration and dissolution of Evil is mentioned also in the Bible: Jesus spent 40 days and nights in the desert tussling with Evil. You will also find it mentioned in Hinduism and Buddhism and various other mystical schools. (I have mentioned the bible twice, but I am not a Christian or bible thumper although I do recognize Jesus as an illuminated master.) I am currently in the process of that re-integration and expect it to take several years at about two sessions per month. There about 40 others here in various stages of the process also. Everybody who seeks spiritual enlightment must eventually go there, but there is protocol, a system for doing so safely and eventually discreating it entirely.

Going to the positive side is bliss and ecstasy and we all love it; but the power for your permanent freedom from human being, your permanent return to LOVE, is in the discreation of the negativa side.

I have always had guides and teachers beings helping me, non-physical. I do not think serious spiritual work is possible without them -- and you will have them if you request them properly. The keys are

1- Humility: realization of one's own ignorance and powerlessness and need for help. But not for this are you less than such Teachers. We are all One; there is no more or less in the ONE. You are even your Teachers.

2- A genuine committment that your spirituality is your number 1 priority in life. As Jesus said: "Put FIRST the Kindgom of Heaven". The key word there is FIRST -- if you put family, or business or success or money, or anything else, as more important than your spirituality, they will not waste their TE (TE = Time and Energy) on a person not doing their part 100%. You must be totally serious and committed abvoe all else; not a game for amateurs.

#3-- Ask (and you will receive). To ask, having fulfilled the first 2 steps, go into meditation, silence your mind, and use your will to broadcast your intention and to request help. They will never refuse a genuine request, NEVER. Then maintain your mind silent and open your feeling. You will feel their presence and love. If you can't feel their presence in low energy, do so in your next spice trip; they are easier to perceive in hi energy. Ask to feel them. They will help you even if you do not perceive what they are doing. You will the experiences, ergo learnings, that they want you to have. They know what you need.

One of the first things in going to the Dark Side is precisely to discreate fear of it. This took me several sessions of hi energy. However, I suggest you do not try to go to the Dark Side until your physical teacher shows up -- he knows the exact path. Be patient; it will be a few years.

No matter what happens in hi energy, always remember everything you are experiencing is part of YOU. When you think you have reached your limits to handle energy, RELAX totally and let the energy do what it will. Be a feather in a tornado. (Remember this if you ever over-dose, which is not a bad thing.) If you ever go into the Dark Side unintendingly, again RELAX. It feels like hell (sorry for the pun) and like you are truly EVIL and are there forever and there is no way out, no hope, but that is just part of the experience. The basic law for all negatives is: EXPERIENCE YOUR EXPERIENCE: RESISTANCE CAUSES PAIN AND PERSISTENCE. "This is nothing to fear but fear itself". (Discreate Fear of Fear.)

My recipe: I use the simplest, safest, fastest path I have found. MHRB STB: NaOH pH 12-13, to D Limo to FASW and evap the H2O and scrape up DMT fumarate which is perfect for oral work (its a powder, not a liquid). I guess you could ingest the FASW directly, but dosis would be a little hit and miss: I get a 1.2% yield so I could estimate it but the powder is very exact. Wash with ETOH or acetone to remove excess fumarica (although this is not even really necessary if you calculated well your fumarica.) I use Moclobemide as a RIMA (MAOI) getting it from foreign pharmacies. (The rue tears up my stomach although I could extract it, I suppose.) I wash the D limo with H2) and reuse it.

Hope this helps.
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions and for clarifying your points further, your wisdom on these matters is very much appreciated.

I have felt her presence before in the deepest depths of my universe during an over-dosage of K. I felt her raw power and energy and understood that I was very much in her domain. My instinct was to avoid her at all costs but I have since began the worship of the goddess Isis as a way of connecting and improving my relationship with the Devine feminine. If I’m honest her darkness both terrifys and exites me deeply. Perhaps my fear is really of being seduced and loosing my fragile illusion of control.

In the end I know surrender is the only option. Not to darkness or light but to what is. Beyond the duality.

I feel the pull to explore these realms and can see nothing that could possibly diminish my yearning. To clarify spirituality is my number 1 priority. Not by my design but just is so. It’s a hobby and a passion, to read ancient texts and learn from spiritual masters. And cleanse and purify the body with yogic diets, postures, meditations and shamanic detoxifying practices. My daily routine would probably seem obserd to many if they knew all the things I do to gain that extra grain of clarity of mind so that I can go deeper in my travels (be it through dreams or plant teachers)

I will take your advice with regards to finding my teacher. Pain has been my teacher in the past (and of course the plant teachers). I am blessed for that, the idea of summoning a teacher from the earthy domain would certainly be a wonderous occurrence. We are rich with the infinite well of knowledge that can be drawn upon in this age, but I know there is no comparison to being in the presence of a genuine inferno of light.

And thanks again for you recipe/ method. Think I have a fair bit of learning to do with the chemical alchemy but slowly slowly catchy monkey as they say.

As clear as your are your intentions and persist, you will find what you are seeking. . All your disciplines contribute to the final result, meditation the most important. I would say "good luck" but you will not need it.
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