Rising Star
Wow -- I am amazed by this site! Such a wealth of information and support and so well done and organized. I would like to donate some $ if someone will point me to how.
Just reporting on who I am, what I do and some of my experiences:
En the area of entheogens, I have experience with LSD, shrooms, 4 ACO DMT, 5 MEO DMT (smoked) and of course DMT, Mescaline and peyote, and a few other things here and there; about 400 trips total of 3 to 5 hours each, and all oral (except the 5 MEO, of course). I only do oral, because I need lots of time to do everything planned for each experience; I have no time to do anything with vaped; I just shoot up like a rocket and fall back to earth in a few minutes.
I use entheogens purely for spirituality, traveling outside of the physical universe including up through all the dimensions to visit with Infinite Love. I use a dosis of 300 to 400 mg D. Due to thousands of hours of meditation, I have been able to develop control of the energy that the magic releases to be able to follow a plan for each session. I have also been dozens of times into the Dark Side of the creation and met with the gods of evil and experienced incredible amounts of darkness, rage and hate and ego. If this should ever happen to you -- and it will if you do a serious exploration of the cosmos -- do not resist and no need to be scared. Let yourself experience it and that will discharge the energy and free you.
However, the most important thing that I do with the energy released by the vitamins is work on discreating the reality shell in which we all are. We are spiritual beings, part of the One, pretending to be human. We create the illusion of being only a human by creating a shell of realities, of energies, that surrounds our consciousness and acts upon it to block our perception of the One and generate for us the illusion of human being. Spiritual awakening can be achieved by reducing and eventually discreating those realities which frees our being, and this is my goal in life and I have a sensible degree of progress on it.
Again I am excited to be here and enthralled by finding so many others on their own magical journeys.
Just reporting on who I am, what I do and some of my experiences:
En the area of entheogens, I have experience with LSD, shrooms, 4 ACO DMT, 5 MEO DMT (smoked) and of course DMT, Mescaline and peyote, and a few other things here and there; about 400 trips total of 3 to 5 hours each, and all oral (except the 5 MEO, of course). I only do oral, because I need lots of time to do everything planned for each experience; I have no time to do anything with vaped; I just shoot up like a rocket and fall back to earth in a few minutes.
I use entheogens purely for spirituality, traveling outside of the physical universe including up through all the dimensions to visit with Infinite Love. I use a dosis of 300 to 400 mg D. Due to thousands of hours of meditation, I have been able to develop control of the energy that the magic releases to be able to follow a plan for each session. I have also been dozens of times into the Dark Side of the creation and met with the gods of evil and experienced incredible amounts of darkness, rage and hate and ego. If this should ever happen to you -- and it will if you do a serious exploration of the cosmos -- do not resist and no need to be scared. Let yourself experience it and that will discharge the energy and free you.
However, the most important thing that I do with the energy released by the vitamins is work on discreating the reality shell in which we all are. We are spiritual beings, part of the One, pretending to be human. We create the illusion of being only a human by creating a shell of realities, of energies, that surrounds our consciousness and acts upon it to block our perception of the One and generate for us the illusion of human being. Spiritual awakening can be achieved by reducing and eventually discreating those realities which frees our being, and this is my goal in life and I have a sensible degree of progress on it.
Again I am excited to be here and enthralled by finding so many others on their own magical journeys.