...I made a machine pipe, loaded 100mg on it. Im pretty sure i got the lot, harsh very harsh. In all honesty smoke some hot knifes and youll know pain, it wasnt really that bad. Proper disgusting smoke, worse than smoking forumala
toked the pipe, world of madness. Elements of the last bad trip i had in 2003. Loads of fear of what was happening. Saw some really hardcore stuff, just knew i was fucked out my head totally.Saw my kids and family. Saw some wiered type creatures, like scoripions which was odd. i defo felt like brain damage was happening buts its right
.I see what you mean by things entering you, rushing sort of out of your mind rushing.Very alien feel to the trip, nothing is real and defo nothing made any sense, no comprehending for me im afraid Was really intense and had to smoke a lot of weed afterwards to calm down and understand that was just a trip.