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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey everyone! SWIM was fortunate enough to find a link to this site a little while ago. Great community here!

Being the token noob, SWIM has a couple of questions.

1. SWIM has read various extraction teks such as Vovin's, Nomans, The Lazy Man's, and a few others. Is this about it, or does anyone have a link to a very detailed, step by step tek with pictures, or even possibly a video tek? If not, is one in the works?

2. Are there any "Spice Logs", or the equivalent to a grow log on this site?

3. Can odors be adequately contained within the work area, such that the whole apartment/house does not stink up with various chemical smells?

Thank you kindly
I haven't seen any teks with pics, but thats not to say there arent any. I have a couple pics of mine with noman's tek, but nothing close to what would be required to write up a detailed guide, just some for my own reference.
Also, In my experience with Noman's tek, the odor really hasn't been too bad. The water/lye/bark mix stunk pretty bad, but it didn't spread through the house, it just stunk if your head is over the jar. i was kind of glad when i got to the naptha stage, because I actually prefer the smell of naptha to the smell of the mix
ok i just want to ammend my previous post regarding smell.... most of the process was not bad at all, but i just finished an ammonia wash, and wow does that smell bad... it burns if you breath it in, so make sure you ventilate well and wear a mask... nasty stuff
Thanks for the replies!

A couple more questions SWIM is concerned about:

1. SWIM has read different things about the temperature needed in the freezer. Noman's tek says the freezer should freeze ice cream HARD, and a post in here somewhere says the freezer should be around 0 degrees farenheit. Will the average freezer work fine?
Or is there a temperature range OK to be in?

2. SWIM cannot seem to find a glass turkey baster anywhere, only metal or plastic. Does this matter? SWIM just got a plastic syringe.

3. How much of a difference does using hot solvent make compared to using room temperature solvent? If it's a lot, should it be boiling? Or what temp is ideal? Does the bark solution need to be heated up as well?

Much thanks to anyone who can share their thoughts :)
1 - It has to be 0 maximum to get a good freeze precip. Most home freezers have a temperature adjustment that one can turn down.

2 - Most plastic is fine.

3 - Hot solvent extracts more alks and also extracts more gunk. My friend usually just waits for the last pull and heats up the bark along with the NP. That way he only has one really goopy batch to deal with. It doesn't need to be too hot - 100 or so.
Thanks Noman.

Well, it seems SWIM's freezer only gets down to 20 degrees fahrenheit. Will this still work? Or should SWIM invest in one of those portable freezers SWIM saw in a thread somewhere...

Where can SWIM find a graduated cylinder or something similar that measures milliliters? I'm talking local stores, not the internet. Or should SWIM just use measuring cups and convert?

SWIM just received some MHRB from 100herbgalaxy.com and it is very fine powder. SWIM read a post on here that one should use more water when using powder. True?

SWIM did not see bestine at the local Hobby Lobby. Should SWIM try other crafts stores?

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