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growing single-dose sized crystals?!?!?!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
I am in the process of recrystallizing about 500mg of very pure DMT in around 20ml of Heptane, at room temperature.
It's only been sitting there for about 4 hours now, but there is already some very big, round crystal formations growing!!

I have read about this process a number of times, but have never tried it myself, before now. Very impressive!
I know it has to remain there, undisturbed for quite a while before it's done, so there is going to be some big ass beauties in there by the time it's finished!!

So anyway, I'm looking at these things growing & I'm think about how easy it was & I'm wondering if I would be able to grow a single 50mg dose, into one big crystal.
Mainly to make it easier to load them up. Plus they look neat!😉

Has anyone tried this before? I can't imagine I'm the first person to think of this.
Any ideas on how to make sure all of the DMT dissolved in the solvent forms into just one crystal?
I've heard of "seeding" the liquid with a small crystal, before sealing the jar to help start the process.
Would that help to form a single crystal as well?
If only dissolving 50mg, it would be a very small amount of solvent.

When they are finished growing for sure (a week or so), I'll take a few picks for you guys with crystal envy.:lol:


Hard to do by growing the xtals. They can have such different densities so volume doesn't covert to weight very well.

You CAN get your xtals, weigh out 50mg doses and melt each dose down and drop into ice cold water. This should form 1 big 50mg lump. Melting it down and freezing it seems to make it a bit more potent as well (dont know why, but extensive double blind tests on my friends say this is true).

Ice water may not be the best thing, but you get the idea. Melt down correct weight doses individually and then quickly cool. There used to be a tek on this, but it was for mass production (not advised in any way), the guy basically took a sheet of 1/2" thick metal and drilled out holes all of about the same size. he would melt down his spice and then pour into the mold, let cool, pop out, and volia pre-measured doses. All melted-down spice should have about the same density.
Crystalization is an ART. It can be difficult to control.
Thus forming a single crystal is unlikely although it is possible.
The slower the solution cools back to RT the larger the crystals will be.
This has to do with the length of time the solution is supersaturated.
If it is a slower cooling than it has time to form big crystals because the saturation point stays small and thus crystals have time to form slowly and thus they will form on the larger crystal.

But if the solution is rapidly cooled the saturation piont jumps and many small crystals crash out of the solution to balance the saturation piont.

Try different solvents and condition. By putting the solvent in a hot water bath and allowing this to cool back to RT you maybe able to control the temp longer. Although a great deal of solvent may evaporate off (?) Maybe try warm water than. DMT can take a while to crystalize at RT. So still however you are likely to get a few large crystals.

Possibly try different solvent mixtures. The problem is there really isn't anything more hydrophobic than heptane and hexane. As you would want to add something to decrease the solubility of DMT.

There was someone on the Nexus who would make little DMT flowers
by creating a recrystlization solution and putting a string in the solution. The DMT would crystalize onto the string forming a large flower like structure. This may be of use as it will help ensure only a few crystals at most form.
acolon_5 said:
Melt down correct weight doses individually and then quickly cool. There used to be a tek on this, but it was for mass production (not advised in any way), the guy basically took a sheet of 1/2" thick metal and drilled out holes all of about the same size. he would melt down his spice and then pour into the mold, let cool, pop out, and volia pre-measured doses. All melted-down spice should have about the same density.

I LIKE THIS IDEA! For me the main advantage would be storage: the less surface area exposed (proportionately), the fewer molecules that are susceptible to degradation.
SWIMfriend said:
acolon_5 said:
Melt down correct weight doses individually and then quickly cool. There used to be a tek on this, but it was for mass production (not advised in any way), the guy basically took a sheet of 1/2" thick metal and drilled out holes all of about the same size. he would melt down his spice and then pour into the mold, let cool, pop out, and volia pre-measured doses. All melted-down spice should have about the same density.

I LIKE THIS IDEA! For me the main advantage would be storage: the less surface area exposed (proportionately), the fewer molecules that are susceptible to degradation.

True however if SWIM stores in cold in a dark environment this will not make much of a difference. In these conditions most compounds will retain there integrity infinitely.

Thanks for the ideas!

I love the idea of a DMT cookie sheet!!!:lol:

I had forgotten about reading explanations on melting the crystals down into one big hunk.
It was around a year ago or so when I was reading about that last time.

Probably going to have to try it...

BTW, the room temp precipitation is still growing strong!! Man, the "flower-like" growths coming off of the main formations are 100% clear!!
And they just keep getting bigger.

I'm going to have to borrow a good digital camera to take a pic of these when they are done.

SWIMfriend said:
By "heptane" do you mean you used bestine (in which the main ingredient is heptane, if I'm not mistaken)?
Yes, exactly.

There is an explanation of what I did on the last page of the "Jokesrt D-Limo/FASW tek" thread, if your are interested, wasn't really hard at all.

There is also some pics of the other half of the yield, which was freeze precipitated. NICE!!

Congratulations with your new (giant) babies :)
It should be possible to split the larger ones in ~50 mg parts to smoke, but what a pity!
Once you have crystals like these, you can grow them even bigger by putting them in another batch of heptane solution that's cooling down and already forming the first crystals. Cheers!
tryptographer said:
Congratulations with your new (giant) babies :)
It should be possible to split the larger ones in ~50 mg parts to smoke, but what a pity!

Yeah, I was thinking about that, there are a few that are already perfect weight.
So I won't be breaking up the bigger ones for a while!!
Not only that, but I still have the other .500mg of the same batch of spice, but freeze preciped, so I have plenty of "normal" small crystals to enjoy first!!

Any idea on how to store them so they don't get all busted up?

OK, here's my harvest! I had to recrystallize this batch anyway because I did something unforgivable... dropped the vial and had to collect the poor spice from a dusty floor with cat hairs etc! Shame on me...
The first pic was taken a few hours after cooling from lukewarm to room temp, the second one after maybe a week of slow evaporation, only half a cm of naphta remaining. The liquid was decanted and is in the freezer now to get the rest. This is half a gram of crystals. I didn't manage to dry them without destroying the large clusters.

I noticed that it slowly turns more yellow, despite decanting the liquid off the brown oil when dissolving the spice.


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Very NICE!!

Love it!!

Could you take a pic with them sitting next to dime, or a quarter so we can get an idea of the size?

I think the discoloration that happens is due to oxidation as it sits in the open.
When I decanted off the solvent & got the X-stals out of the beaker, I moved them before they were dry, I they slid right off easily, like thee was a layer of oil connecting them to the glass that had not solidified yet. (Nice find there!)

Then I set them on a filter paper, in a large glass dish until they were totally dry, about an hour or so.
I still have not found anything good to store them in that won't destroy them, so right now I just put a little dish of dried Epsom salts in the glass dish too & sealed the top of it with plastic warp.
The Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulfate) acts as a drying agent to absorb any moisture from the oxygen sealed in the dish.

That is sitting in the fridge & the x-stals have not turned color yet! (it's waaaay to big to stay like that though!)
Still need to fin something to keep these in without breaking them up!!

Look'n Good!

warrensaged said:
Could you take a pic with them sitting next to dime, or a quarter so we can get an idea of the size?
Good idea, I'll do it tomorrow when the sun is back!
I think the discoloration that happens is due to oxidation as it sits in the open.
When I decanted off the solvent & got the X-stals out of the beaker, I moved them before they were dry, I they slid right off easily, like thee was a layer of oil connecting them to the glass that had not solidified yet. (Nice find there!)
Yes, same here. I dried the crystals with soft toilet paper, pressing lightly. They are as good as dry now, half a gram of sparkling large off-white crystals - not for sale ;)
Then I set them on a filter paper, in a large glass dish until they were totally dry, about an hour or so.
I still have not found anything good to store them in that won't destroy them, so right now I just put a little dish of dried Epsom salts in the glass dish too & sealed the top of it with plastic warp.
The Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulfate) acts as a drying agent to absorb any moisture from the oxygen sealed in the dish.
Good idea to keep it dry, I keep it in a larger container with calcium chloride. The only practical way I could think of to prevent oxidation is filling the container with CO2, replacing the air. But I'm not sure if DMT will react with CO2 to form DMT carbonate?? Does that even exist?

One question WS: did your solution turn turbid before crystals started to form? Mine did... it also happens when freeze precipitating. It turns clear when crystals start to appear.
One question WS: did your solution turn turbid before crystals started to form? Mine did... it also happens when freeze precipitating. It turns clear when crystals start to appear.

If turbid means like when it goes kind of milky:oops: ...than yes.

After it cooled down enough it did that, then cleared up a bit, then I could see the milky stuff forming slim ropes in the solution that sunk to the bottom. An hour later those ropes had started forming crystals.8)

I assume that's some of the DMT crashing out of the solvent, once it reaches a certain temp & the solvent begins to contract & squeeze out Some of the DMT. Cool to watch!
That tells me that I had the the solvent super-saturated with DMT while it was warm & it couldn't hold it as it cools down.
Exactly what you want!!

Did you say that you used Naptha?
If so, I'd bet that is why you seem to have more, smaller formations, while I had a few larger ones.
Did it get moved around while they were forming?

Looks like it is very, very pure!!


warrensaged said:
If turbid means like when it goes kind of milky:oops: ...than yes.
After it cooled down enough it did that, then cleared up a bit, then I could see the milky stuff forming slim ropes in the solution that sunk to the bottom. An hour later those ropes had started forming crystals.8)
Yeah, I meant milky; interesting, these 'ropes'.. I'll watch out for them next time!
I put it in the fridge after a few hours of room temp, but that caused tiny snowflakes precipitating rather than growing the existing crystals bigger. Cooling down is too quick if you just dump it in the freezer... so I put it back to room temp again to dissolve the snowflakes and went for slow evaporation.
Here's a pic of the crystals, a dollarcent and centimeter scale. Ten full-blown doses, cheers :)
[edit] it's not a dollarcent but a Polish cent, no idea where I got that from!?


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tryptographer said:
interesting, these 'ropes'.. I'll watch out for them next time!
Might have been because I used Heptane...:?:
It was like the milky spice was coagulating into these long thin strings, which cleared the solvent back up.
Once they were clumped together like that they would sink to the bottom & that would attract more spice as it precipitated out & it bonds together to form bigger & bigger x-stals!! COOL!8)

Also, mine was left to precipitate at room temp the whole time & once I set it in the closet, I didn't bump, or touch it at all for 6 days. Any disturbances will cause facets in the crystals & you won't get the perfect, see-through, clear petals making up the crystal formations.

tryptographer said:
I put it in the fridge after a few hours of room temp, but that caused tiny snowflakes precipitating rather than growing the existing crystals bigger. Cooling down is too quick if you just dump it in the freezer... so I put it back to room temp again to dissolve the snowflakes and went for slow evaporation.

That makes sense, if you use the fridge or freezer to help precipitate them, the crystals come out so much quicker, that they don't have time to bond to each other & grow large, so you get the small, shard-like crystals.
So by putting it into the fridge at first, a number of small x-stals crashed out, which would then act as "seed crystals" for the rest of the DMT to grow on when it was then taken out of the fridge & allowed to finish the precipitation at room temp.


The big .168mg x-stal I have is beautiful & all, but having a higher number of smaller x-stal formation would be more "useful" down the line!
Might have to give that a try myself next time!!


could you possibly just take you big crystal..and put that into some heated and saturated heptane to grow the crystal even biggeR?

This is the result of RT recrystalization people!!!

You can even do a very slow evap (controlled by placing something on top leaving only a little space for evaporated solvent to escape) to grow even larger xtals.

The large xtals can then be used as seeds to grow even LARGER xtals.

Nice look swords by the way warrensaged!
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