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Guatemala, the journey and the destination

Migrated topic.

Ice House

Rising Star
OG Pioneer
This thread is going to be a long time in the making. Guatemala started off as a dream, an idea, a fantasy?

Like many psychonauts I am always looking for the ultimate voyage, the ultimate high.

Where would be the very coolest place to launch into hyperspace?

One day a couple of years ago I was in deep thought and the idea started to come to me. The idea of launching into hyperspace at a Mayan temple. The first time I contemplated it I wasnt very serious. As the days rolled on I thought about it a few more times. I started doing some research and realized that it was possible. The more I thought about it I started building this "Ultimate Breakthrough". Soon a mayan temple wasnt enough. I had constructed in my mind an event that would happen that would result in me entering hyperspace at a mayan temple in the middle of the mountainous Guatemalan jungle, in the middle of the night.

When I started to really put this together in my mind, I realized that it was as simple as going to Guatemala and being at Tikal at night on the solstice and ? Right? Just like that?

Yep just like that..... Except this story is not a trip report, this thread is about the journey to the destination and not the wonderful hyperspace event that happened there.
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