The presence of two 5-methoxyindoles, 6-methoxy-1,2,3,4- tetrahydro-beta-carboline (6-MeO- THBC ) and melatonin was demonstrated in human retinae using a highly specific gas chromatographic mass spectrometric method from eyes affected with various ocular diseases. Both compounds were found to occur in similar quantities. 6-MeO- THBC is a newly- identified endogenously-occurring retinal compound possibly acting as a neuromodulator.
-Dr. M. Leino: 6-Methoxy-tetrahydro-beta-carboline and melatonin in the human retina.: Exp Eye Res: 38:3:325-30 (1984)
The progression of several neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease has recently been shown to involve free radical damage. It is therefore of great importance to find agents that will effectively protect brain tissue against oxidative damage. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the free radical scavenging properties of pinoline.
The results found in this study suggest that both melatonin and pinoline are valuable as potential free radical scavengers in brain tissue.
Both pinoline and melatonin were found to inhibit lipid peroxidation in a dose-dependent manner.
Frederiksen T; Pless G: Antioxidantive potential of melatonin and pinoline in lipid peroxidation of brain tissue: Master's thesis: 1-52, App. (1998 )
...What the above and now following studies are showing is that it is lack of Pinoline that disturbs our circadian rhythms and renders depression. It thus will turn into one of the most important neurotramitters of the future, as we have been publically stating for 7 years (since 1992)...
(Of prime importance to these molecules, is that they boost the immune system some 2.6 fold, which is not without significance. However, do note that this was at high dose levels, in a human some 800-900mg depending on body weight, and that is some 5-7 teaspoons.)
Plasma renin activity and the plasma concentrations of aldosterone, TSH, LH and beta-endorphin were radioimmunologically determined in rats after ip administration of 15 mg/kg of 6-methoxy-tetrahydro-beta- carboline (6-MeO-THBC, pinoline), a compound found to occur normally in mammalian and avian pineal gland.
A 2.6-fold increase of plasma aldosterone concentration was found and it was preceded by increase of plasma renin activity. An increase was also found in beta-endorphin/beta-lipotrophin concentration. The effects of 6-MeO-THBC on plasma beta-endorphin/beta- lipotrophin levels may be mediated by the dopaminergic or 5- HT-neurones.
-Airaksinen MM; Sainio EL; Leppaluoto J; Kari I: A-4628. Acta Endocrinol (Copenh): 107:4:525-30 (1984)
Not only does the pineal gland produce more Melatonin and Pinoline, which instigate 8 Hz ELF waves throughout the body, but these neurohormones switch on our pituitary glands, which thus releases the life hormone Somatropin, which in turn goes to the adrenal glands and instigates cholesterol to convert to Pregnelenone, and Pregnelenone into DHEA.
For Pinoline and its related beta carbolines to have also been found in significant quantities there, is no small finding, since Pinoline instigates cell division, and actually has the ability to lose its electrical resistance, when it binds to DNA, due to its flat nature, where it shares electrons with the DNA base pairs.
Hereby, resonating with the in-vivo superconducting core of DNA, first pointed to in the March 1965, issue of Scientific American, pp-27. It is at such a moment of superconductivity, that the superior 8 Hz is instigated, and that bio photons of infra red emerge from the DNA core, having fluctuated from the vacuum. Or in other words, having been made from nothing.
We eat foods to extract the infra red they have photosynthesised or assimilated from the sun. Infra red is life to us, and at this level, the bio-photons switch on our life functions.
Hence Pinoline actually can make the superconductive elements within our body, the mono-atmonic minerals, useful to our biology, by acting as a biological door, or bio-crystal bridge, which can momentarily superconduct, and transmit that high spin state that it anticipates, into biological availability, as 8 Hz, and bio-photons of life.
Here we find Pinoline sitting right at the place where the post-modern elexier of life is produced, as it resonates to 8 Hz, the question that must be investigated, how significant and essential a role, does Pinoline play in the adrenalagenic system, in the metabolism for the living crystals of life, our hormones and neuradrenaline.
Even more astounding, is the fact that Pinoline/Harmine actually protects the brain against gamma radiation…