Rising Star
I think this article might include some pretty useful information but unfortunately its not downloadable via sci-hub. Itd be greatly appreciated if someone who has access to this paper could post it here !
"Pharmacological and Toxicological profile of harmane-β-Carboline alkaloid: Friend or foe"
DOI : 10.2174/1389200218666170607100947
"Pharmacological and Toxicological profile of harmane-β-Carboline alkaloid: Friend or foe"
DOI : 10.2174/1389200218666170607100947

Pharmacological and Toxicological Profile of Harmane-β-Carboline Alkaloid: Friend or Foe
Background: The plant secondary metabolites have an outstanding therapeutic potential and success over the years. In fact, it is the foundation of numerous clinically used drugs. Similarly, these is a general perception that these products are inherent safety. However, such products might have...