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Has DMT changed your beleifs?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey all, I haven't tried the spice yet so I have no experience on the matter but I have read alot about it (I'm sure it's not the same thing ;) ) and it sounds truly fascinating. I have a question for those who have broken through to the other side. How, if at all, has dmt changed your outlook on life and your beleif structure? Has it reinforced certain religious/spiritual notions or has it undone them. Has it made you see the world differently and in what light, or has it opened up a whole other pandora's box that no science or religion can really portray? I would imagine that after a full breakthrough on dmt it would raise many questions about the nature of reality and our place in it.
Everything I thought I knew about god and the universe was completely destroyed. It was scary at first, I thought I went insane, I thought I was blasphemous for having thoughts of my own. I could go on for hours about this.
"Everything I thought I knew about god and the universe was completely destroyed. It was scary at first, I thought I went insane, I thought I was blasphemous for having thoughts of my own. I could go on for hours about this." Almost exactly the same with a mushroom journey a couple days ago. Thought swim went to far and discovered he was GOD and now doesnt know what to believe. Maybe it was just what he needed tho,deffinately have more courage. This was on 4g cube, .5g cope. This plant has to be alien. They dont understand why we have so much Love and they cant take it.(starting to sound crazy) Peace and love,Kija.
[quote:f14887c588="Kija."]"Everything I thought I knew about god and the universe was completely destroyed. It was scary at first, I thought I went insane, I thought I was blasphemous for having thoughts of my own. I could go on for hours about this." Almost exactly the same with a mushroom journey a couple days ago. Thought swim went to far and discovered he was GOD and now doesnt know what to believe. Maybe it was just what he needed tho,deffinately have more courage. This was on 4g cube, .5g cope. This plant has to be alien. They dont understand why we have so much Love and they cant take it.(starting to sound crazy) Peace and love,Kija.[/quote:f14887c588] Yeah, I've had similar mushroom experiences like that as well, which is what got me interested in DMT. They are very similar...
swim got a glimpse of life after death once on a 100mg+ spice trip.he entered into the void of bright light and he totally understood what awaits him on the other side after he dies.it's beautiful.
sigmasmiles ... that was a fantastic post :!: thank you very much ... my name is aoxoa & it is my pleasure to meet you
hello quantumbrujo ...glad you are here ... if you ever have the time, i would love to hear a bit more about your 100mg experience .... i've smoked that amount myself, the very 1'st time :shock: i've never talked to anyone else who did that amount & i'd like to ...
I would have to say that DMT formed my views more than changed them. I wasn't born religious (thank God haha) and I was always very skeptical of the current religious beliefs about God and such. This transformed into me having very strong athiest views as a kid. Mushrooms opened my mind to the possibility of God, though I didn't understand what God was at the time at all. So I just decided to keep an open mind and keep taking psychedelics until I was satisifed with what I'd learn. DMT showed me that everything is everything and nothing is different. I have had numerous trips where I have felt my body disintegrate into the earth and become the universe. During such trips I cannot see any difference between my body and my surroundings, although I can differentiate between them. Oneness. Everything is God and vice-versa. That means us to. A lot of people seem confused when they think this on mushrooms or LSD, because IMO you still have enough ego left that you can't see that it is indeed true, and to most people (non-trippers) the notion that 'we are god' or 'i am god' seems ridiculous and thus some of us doubt your own experiences which tell you that you are. We are God experiencing ourself. Don't think you're crazy if you think you are God. Everyone else in the world is crazy...just look at the world they're creating. My view is that everything is energy and that energy is basically pure, unconditional, conscious love. We were created so in order for that love to experience itself, as otherwise it could only 'know' it was love but not 'experince' it if that makes sense. I have read many trips reports of Aya and DMT in which people are told that "Love is all that matters" ,"Infinite love is the only truth of the universe"., "True love between people is deeply intertwined with the meaning of life". Several of my own experiences have shown me the same. DMT also showed me that our religions are very flawed. God isn't wrathful or mean or judging. It utter BS that religion uses to make people afraid and control their behavior. God doesn't want us to live any other way than they way we want to. You just have to constantly think about what it is you REALLY want and it usually comes down to love. God won't punish us only love us. God is an observer on our plane of existance...just think of the DMT eyes. God damn I love DMT. I can't relate to my views at all before I began experiencing DMT.
Yep that was a cool post cilosyb. :) Reminds me of a bill hicks quote: [quote:60563ff782] Actually, I'm against drugs being legalized, and this is why. Last weekend, my friend and I went into a farm, took some mushrooms, and we sat on a field. I looked up into the sky and saw God. He told me that there is nothing to fear, that he loves every single creature on this planet, and he showered gifts of forgiveness and love onto the Earth, and I realised that there was nothing to fear, and I loved everything Now, if that isn't a bad thing for this country, I don't know what is. How can we continue to make weapons if we love everything? [/quote:60563ff782]
I had a fairly interesting adventure with cubensis & liberty caps... 115g (fresh) cubensis and a giant 30g beast, plus 2 x doses of liberty caps (around 20 - 40 caps in each wrap) so.... basically enough for 5 - 6 people to trip easilly. CAUTION: NEVER bring more mushrooms than you need. leave them at home. Anyway to the trip: After what felt like a fairly normal first part of the trip, the tide turned on me and it got rather intense, i felt like it stepped up a notch. I struggled to hold on to reality, the walls were melting, and everything was seriously fucked. In a last ditch attempt, I tried to phone my mom... failed miserably. anyhoo, after passing out and grabbing hold of a chair leg, I was in contact with an entity which seemed to have two states. Yin, and Yang. 1 and 0, Yes and No. True and false, the two sides of the double stranded DNA helix, sense and nonsense, male and female. We communed for an indeterminate length of time, and i remember repeating to myself 'we're alll the same thing' and having many revelations while this thing oscilated from one state to the other and back. Each time, Id realise something was true, and that it was simultaneously not true. This is the dilema which exists at the centre of the universe; it will never be resolved. It cannot. In this way, everything is infinite, and the universe will always be,. ... except when its not.
[quote:d61b2f3ffe="cilosyb"].....[/quote:d61b2f3ffe] I agree cilosyb, Always be *who you really are*. we are all god, which is truth, love, and joy, experiencing itself. god made manifest, so that it may know and experience /his/her/its/our/ own genius & shining magnificance.
I had an experience on 9 + grams of cubes that at first, was absolutely terrifying! Only to resolve on the notion that Love is all things and is the only thing! It's when we think of our selves as separate from one another that hate is born. If we all would wake up and see, we are all one, the wars and greed would evaporate!
these posts are great! could someone explain the "we are God" a little more. i agree with you in a way, but because people have hate and such and since God IS love i dont understand exactly what you mean when you say we are God.
[quote:6841c82475="Fuego"]these posts are great! could someone explain the "we are God" a little more. i agree with you in a way, but because people have hate and such and since God IS love i dont understand exactly what you mean when you say we are God.[/quote:6841c82475] All things are a manifestation of GOD. That includes you, everyone else and myself! We are all apart of the whole being that is GOD (which makes us GOD). Hate comes from the illusion that we are separate from one another and ultimately, GOD. Then there is the question of duality. Light and shadow. You can't have light with out dark, day with out night, man with out woman, good with out evil, etc... Think of evil (hate) as a reflection of good (love) in the mirror of consciousness. Imagine that you are love. How could you know what you look like with out the reflection (hate)? Of course the reflection resembles the reflected in every way except, that it is the complete reverse of the latter. And of course the mirror it self is consciousness, which is pure in and of it's self. This is where GOD dwells. Deep with in our being! Reality is a shared illusion. Created by us all, collectively. The truth of it all is pure energy! Material reality is created by and for us to come to a realization that we are GOD! Until we have our awakening we are lost and filled with wants and yearnings, hatred and fears, confusion... The awakening is what it is all about! We all must struggle through life to find our selves.
[quote:230d119dd8]Then there is the question of duality. Light and shadow. You can't have light with out dark, day with out night, man with out woman, good with out evil, etc... Think of evil (hate) as a reflection of good (love) in the mirror of consciousness. Imagine that you are love. How could you know what you look like with out the reflection (hate)? Of course the reflection resembles the reflected in every way except, that it is the complete reverse of the latter.[/quote:230d119dd8] It's funny, i just posted about this on the Lycaeum. The mirror analogy is excellent. [quote:230d119dd8]So.... we as individuals do not necessarily embody GOD, but GOD embodies us? We are defined by and as GOD, we are OF GOD....God is the fabric, individuals are the lumps and ripples in the fabric? Sparks of God, but not the full fire(though collectively, yes, the fire)? [/quote:230d119dd8] I think part of the problem is, man essentially created god, or the concept thereof to explain, and give reason for his existence. Nowadays when we hear the word god, we automatically think of some being, incomprehensibly greater, and quite seperate from ourselves. However, if you believe we (god and man) are one in the same, then this could not be further from the truth. As far as individually being only sparks of god, and collectively the fire: i'm more inclined to think god is in each of us in his entirety. In fact, each of us is in eachother as god, if you believe all is one, and one is all. I think i confused myself a little there, did that make sense?[/quote]
[quote:5da78f0761]I met God, we had a little chat. I thought he was quite shallow.[/quote:5da78f0761] He did supposedly make us in his image. If that's not vain i don't know what is.
[quote:aeb258ada5="Particle"][quote:aeb258ada5]He did supposedly make us in his image. If that's not vain i don't know what is.[/quote:aeb258ada5] Or by force ;) If there is nothing but oneness or God....if separation cannot(or should not) exist, and the only fabric of creation at hand is oneself(in order to preserve oneness), then it is not necessarily vain.[/quote:aeb258ada5] Preservation! Or is it that GOD created all of this out of loneliness. It may be that GOD needed some companions of equal value. Miniature creators we are, as well as destroyers. In GOD's image we are surely made! Not some automatons, like the supposed "angels"; who of course, have no personal choice... But, we do. Us humans, brash and arrogant, caring and loving etc... We may have created GOD to satisfy our need to explain why we exist or maybe it's just the opposite; maybe GOD created us to explain why GOD exists!
DMT has been one of the most profound things in my life so far. As has been said here by others, it showed to me too the interconnectedness of all things on a total energy level. What we speak of as "love" is pure energy that connects every particle in the universe. DMT shakes you loose from your three-dimensional existence for a while, and never lets you forget that there really is something profound behind the veil of common human existence. LSD and mushroom have been profound, but nothing could have prepared me for what I experienced on DMT. It's useless to put into words, and what's more, it's ultimately different for everyone. Don't think too much about the trip reports you've read, just go off with an open mind, don't be scared and remember that you will come back.
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