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Has DMT changed your beleifs?

Migrated topic.
"I met God, we had a little chat. I thought he was quite shallow." I feel I ought to elaborate on that statment least people find me too vain. I was brought up by people who thought it important that I had God in my life. They tried very hard to make me follow Jesus and accept the word of the Lord. I was beaten by my father for, at the age of nine, saying I didn't have any belief. I was compelled to go to a Protestant school very much against my wishes. Again at this school I was chastised and punished for my reluctance to accept The Word. All around I could see the hypocracy of these people. Their lies, their murders, their wars. Using threats of their vengefull God in order to compell me to do their bidding. My childhood was miserable because of other peoples gods. The idea of setting the course of my life on the say so of some old Jewish folk tale, so I could be like them, was then, and is still a complete anathma to me. I have lived for over forty years and through out those years my attitude to God and his religions has always been one of total contempt. There is no spirtual side to my character. I believe in nothing after death. Further more, I have very little respect for any people who do profess to being religious. This is how I live my life. I am certain with every fibre in my body that I am right. I am comfortable living my life this way. Then one day I found DMT and met God. Fuck that was a shock. Thirty odd years of being wrong. That realization of the possibilities of the existance of God, of life after death, universes beyond our own. The realization that everything I had believed in and based my life upon was wrong. Discovery of DMT had a huge and very profound affect on me, it was startling, it was shocking. I seriously considered the notion of suicide. What was I doing here? Waiting to die so that I could rejoin the rest of the Universe? Suddenly I had to reavaluate every aspect of my life. I used DMT as a the tool to help reavaluate my life. To search for the answers to burning questions I now had. With all the zeal of a fresh convert, I drank deep from that chalice brothers. I know of no other person, who has jumpped as many time as I have. I doubt there are many people on this planet who know the spice like I do and that even includes here, within our little Blackclover community. I have met God. I have met God many times. I have met God in various guises. I have become familliar with him and familia with the notion of him. Familiar is the word. Familiar breads contempt. Now I am back, back to my pre DMT base. I'm back but I went on a long journey, the path of which was uncertain and strange. DMT had huge effect on me, it forced me to think very hard about my life, to question my motives, my place in the Universe and my future. These were things I had never really considered before. In that respect DMT did trully expand my mind. When I considered my motives and thought hard and honestly about what I was looking for, I realized that deep down it was purley for hedonistic kicks. I realized that I jump in exactly the same way, with exactly the same expectations and motives, as other people ride on fair ground attractions. Its how I live my life, purley for the kicks. I don't think I'm vain, far from it. There could be, probably easily, be a very good case to prove that I am shallow. I'm cool about knowing that and I'm greatfull that DMT allowed me to find that out.
I think i know what you're saying. I was hopelessly lost and addicted to drugs for a long time. On the verge of death, no spirituality, with people telling me i need to find meaning to my life or find "god." DMT is as close to god as i think i'm going to get, and it has quite literally saved my life. I think there is some connection between "god" and DMT, though i'm not sure what. Personally, i don't think one could tell the difference between DMT and a naturally-occuring "spiritual experience" if you didn't know.
Ahoy Magic Clown, As ever I much enjoyed hearing of your experiences 😉 I listened to a couple of podcast's the other day which had some interesting things to say about hedonism among other things : , these can be found at Reality Sandwich The Sylvapolitan | Reality Sandwich The Sylvapolitan [Sylvapolitan Rising] • Morgan Brent is a PhD Herbalist and Spiritual Ecologist. For nearly a decade Morgan spent time leading groups to the Amazon to participate in medicinal dietas and ayahuasca ceremonies. He spends a good deal of his year writing, travelling, working with herbalism and ayahuasca medicine, and lecturing at a variety of Universities and conferences.
yeh its me :) IMO it is a mistake to confuse religion and spirituality, you are one of the more spiritual ppl i know - in fact you are full of it ! <spirit that is> What you say reminds me of Peter Cook who played the devil in the comedy film Bedazzled. At one point in the film, Dudley Moore's character asks the terminally bored Devil about whether God exists or not, to which the Devil answers "Yeah He exists alright, He's English, very upper class and so terribly Posh".
to cilosyb - "Everyone else in the world is crazy...just look at the world they're creating. " definitely! If I went out on the street and spoke to strangers about some of the things being discussed here, most would undoubtedly say to one another: "What a nutter. Where did he escape from? Lets laugh and forget about that so we can get back to depreciating, abusing and ultimately destroying what we have been given...." (I know they would say this due to my ability to see the future and read minds (even in the future :p )) now that's insanity and to shoe - "Each time, Id realise something was true, and that it was simultaneously not true. This is the dilemma which exists at the centre of the universe; it will never be resolved. It cannot. Yin, and Yang. 1 and 0, Yes and No. True and false, the two sides of the double stranded DNA helix, sense and nonsense, male and female." I'm studying english lit at the mo, and last year we did some theory about the hierarchy of binary oppositions, ie 1 0 yes no good bad light dark male female white black logic belief presence absence the idea being that the language we use to think with (english at least) and the structure of that language presupposes a set of oppositions between things which are not necessarily opposed creating conflict, making science and spirituality, for example, mutually exclusive and furthermore, both helping to form, and reinforcing an established, hierarchy, (aligning male, white, logic and light with 'good' thereby aligning their "opposites" with 'bad') The value of the framework being that we can examine things while recognizing their duality, discarding the illusory hierarchy of oppositions. For example, if you realised that something is 'true and at the same time not true', maybe the only dilemma is understanding it without referring to the mutually exclusive oppositions 'true' and 'false'? but then I would hope in the dmt realms you can think without the limitations of language? I'm gonna find out soon anyway hope that helps :) just another way of looking at it
aaaa the fish of irony has slapped me in the face because of course when I talked about sanity and insanity I was just using......... :eek: yet more binary oppositions :eek: ahaha stupid theory :x
I've just received my 250g of mimosa, eheh. ^.^ There's a man living under my bed that says he can extract DMT from it. Anyway, I'd like to know - would you say the DMT experience reinforces the idea of a soul or contradicts it?
[quote:02e399988d]reinforces the idea of a soul or contradicts it?[/quote:02e399988d] "Reinforces the idea"... seems contradictory to the whole experience which is more about "evidences" than "ideas". The issue of a "soul" is more a ego problem (an idea built from beliefs).
[quote:f92eb6ce62="Jozef"] Anyway, I'd like to know - would you say the DMT experience reinforces the idea of a soul or contradicts it?[/quote:f92eb6ce62] I'd say reinforces for sure. Prior to my psychedelic use I was a militant atheist and pretty skeptical of spirituality and such. I have since gained through my own experiences much clarity on these issues. There is a soul and there is God and the two things are somehow the same. Or if what you experience on DMT isn't actually a soul or God, then there certainly isn't such things. IMO.
Every thing Exists. Nothing exists. This happens simultaneously at different moments. Im still travelling to where i already am. Im contracting without ever expanding and expanding without ever contracting. Im free and caged. INFINITY!!
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