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Has DMT given you a new perspective on the film The Matrix (1999)?

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Rising Star
It is truly iconic and in a league of it's own. I am sure it will be remembered at least for the rest of this century as we approach AI and try discover the truth about consciousness and it's emergence.

Although one of the big problems for me is knowing and distinguishing what is representative of our life as humans here on earth and what is actually just a product of the story line of the film.

Perhaps it exists exactly as the film says it does only slightly differently and on a much larger multi-dimensional scale. Perhaps the energy the machines use humans for is not actually "energy" as we conceive of it to be and not actually physical machines that want it.

I have yet to take DMT but you can be sure that if you look into the films your will find many new perspectives on the film.

We talked about it extensively in our philosphy/religion class.
We went through every detail you can possibly see.

Just so many things about this film remain hidden to the average movie goer.
For example many people dont know that the movie is based on the allergory of the cave by plato.
And more
I certainly look at 'the matrix' movie much differently after DMT.

There are a lot of religious overtones in the movie. Neo represents the savior. The enlightened one that sees what others do not. Saving us all from our own suffering and delusions.

This movie is so good because it can be interpreted in many different ways. Are we all in a matrix of any sort? Whether that be under alien control or some kind of holographic universe. Speaking of the holographic universe, check out the book by the same title.

James Jeans stated "The universe begins to look more like a great thought than a great machine.". The double slit experiment shows that we don't really know what is going on. Wave-duality theory has thrown a wrench into the field of physics. I think science has reached it's limits at the moment. We cannot comprehend was is going on in the universe right now. Many scientist are entertaining the idea of a holographic universe. Maybe we are in the matrix. I question how 'real' reality really is after DMT.

As weird as it may sound, I look at the matrix movie the same before and after DMT.

The first time I saw it I immediately knew the movie was based on powerful psychedelic experiences. Don't take my word for it but there was a drug reference if I'm not mistaken 7 minutes into the movie.

The first time I saw the movie I'm pretty sure I haven't tried anything other than cannabis, and I didn't know shit about psychedelics back than (this was a long time ago) yet the symbolism was pretty obvious and I knew right away it was about something like that.

Nobody can't be sure if it was based about DMT, but my guess would be yes. It contains some ruthless truth to it, and Neo gets scared to death too. Sounds much like when the ego is trying to keep in tact before you blast into hyperspace, but eventually there is no point in fighting it and you have no choice but to surrender and become a part of it.

It sure sounds more like DMT than mescaline that was referenced at the 7 minute point.

I'm sure most of you would find this video I found to be amusing. It is bad quality, but gets the point out pretty obviously. Check it out:
Watchowskis are a testament to the tight rope of insanity that we sometimes need to walk along - hands outstretched with cupped fingers grasping at infinity and bringing it home to tell the tale.

Follow the white rabbit.
I thought it was less literal and more metaphorical to the current societal matrix that we live in where people are basically "CURREN(T)cy " producing units.


Not to say that the holographic, simulation, and/or alien matrix theories don't have some validity, and the movie could be used to metaphor a lot things. AS above, so below, a holographic universe would dictate that we should see similar patterns in our own lives as what we would see in the macrocosm and higher dimensional planes. I just think the real value of this movie now is to point out the current matrix we have created ourselves.
...I have always thought of the matrix films in psychedelic context, I honestly wish that they were not big Hollywood productions Though...I think all the cheesy drama, sci-fi action, over-produced special effects, and even chunks of the plot and story line actually get in the way of some really entertaining concepts and philosophies...

You know when neo first takes the red pill, and he starts "hallucinating" the cracks in the mirror comming together, and says things like "I'm cold" and "what the fuck did you do to me" as the mirror climbs up his arm, then he awakens in a techno-horror dystopia, this scene has always reminded me of a DMT breakthrough...

It's been so long since I've seen any of those movies, I really can't remember all that well...

I know the guys who made the film are total freaks, and there are deep psychedelic references scattered through out the 3 films, even overt psychedelic references such as:
Neo: You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

Choi: All the time. It's called mescaline, it's the only way to fly.

I've still never been able to really dig these films though, I mean I've watched them, and it was fun to pull psychedelic and philosophical references from them, but I don't know, they were just never my thing, I really don't like fiction in general, but I love strange, bizzare, weird, novel, and abnormal things, so there was a bit of that to keep me interested...but honestly, I would prefer "vegetable television", 6g stropharia cubensis and 1/4 ounce of cannabis, this sort of thing, you know?

( When I'm on Psychedelics television and movies are intolerable, actually when I'm not on Psychedelics I feel This way as well )

I realy loved the first movie. I think you can objectively say that the first matrix movie is one of the most influential movies of that era. It's concept has been copied dozens of times, and it's still being discussed in philosophy classes. Serious philosophers have commented and debated it. That makes it an undisputed classic.

The other two parts of the trilogy where not that great though, imo. The second one was just an average action movie (though visually impressive), and in my experience the third one realy sucked. It's messianistic connotations lacked any subtlety and there realy was too much exposition going on. Too much babbling about programs, that lacked the philosophical relevance or novelty that was there in the first movie.

It's worth mentioning that the 'reality is not what it seems'-theme was realy fashionable at the time. That same year the movie 'the truman show' was being released, as well 'fight club', 'american beauty','the sixth sense', and some other movies that played with the idea.

I don't know what was happening around that time, that caused it to be such a major theme then. It was a crucial era for the evolution of the internet, and powerfull media conglomaretes where being formed by mergers and aquisitions. Maybe that had something to do with it.

fact is, the first matrix movie truly ís a masterpiece. I think one of the things that sets that first movie apart from the other three is, beside the novelty of the matrix-concpet itself, the role of morpheus. In that first movie, he is the real Messias, the visionary and liberator. His character is crucial in that first movie. He's the great leader who's taking us by the hand and who let's us in on that big secret.
And it's all done in such a visually stunning way. Completely unlike anything else at the time.

I remember watching it the first time realy felt like an adventure.

A year or so ago, i went to see 'Jupiter ascending' with some friends. Somehow, in spite of everything they had done ever since, still expecting some of that same 'wachowsky-magic'. And it was probably the worst movie i've ever seen.
It's truly puzzling how the same people that have been responsible for such an amazing and visionary work of art as the matrix, could have made something as rediculously incoherent and stupid as Jupiter ascending. It was just unbelieveble how stupid that movie was.

For the sake of art, i realy hope these people somehow can get their act together again. Because i realy, realy, realy loved that first movie.
dragonrider said:
A year or so ago, i went to see 'Jupiter ascending' with some friends. Somehow, in spite of everything they had done ever since, still expecting some of that same 'wachowsky-magic'. And it was probably the worst movie i've ever seen.
It's truly puzzling how the same people that have been responsible for such an amazing and visionary work of art as the matrix, could have made something as rediculously incoherent and stupid as Jupiter ascending. It was just unbelieveble how stupid that movie was.

For the sake of art, i realy hope these people somehow can get their act together again. Because i realy, realy, realy loved that first movie.

That's the thing though, space is the place right now.

I was 11 when I watched the matrix and it had a strong affect on the way I started seeing the world. The internet world. It was a place you could go to.

Take your adult eyes off for a minute.
Imagine an 11 year old watching Jupiter ascending? Thinking "oh yeah" we can go there, that's easy!

I don't know what I would do in their position the first year after the success of the matrix (probably a coke spiral). All that pressure to squeeze out the next thing because you're the flavour of the new millennium.
Give them a break. They only humans.

I don't know why I defend this film so passionately, maybe because it contains an interesting future for our species. A much richer one that simulation theory anyway.
dragonrider said:
And it was probably the worst movie i've ever seen.

Koornut said:
I don't know why I defend this film so passionately, maybe because it contains an interesting future for our species. A much richer one that simulation theory anyway.

Jupiter Ascending was meant for the younger crowd but was still alright. Nothing compared to john carter though

also Predistination, Cloud Atlas, and Lucy were good too... but nothing compared to the matrix

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