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Have you figured it out yet?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi everyone..I came to you months ago stating that a "vision" brought me here lol I still believe that to be true but it sounds funny.

I've come a long way and thought about this forum today - just wanted to ask if you all know where you're traveling and how it fits into the grand scale of everything?

Sorry if it's a duh moment but has DMT been accepted as a portal yet? And also are you all becoming more aware of yourself, your limits, and ultimately why you're here?
Tools are tools only imho.
For getting "The" answers to fundamental questions, nope. :oops:
For gaining ability to settle in an even more disorienting state of not-knowing: yes.
Blessed be.
Jees said:
Tools are tools only imho.
For getting "The" answers to fundamental questions, nope. :oops:
For gaining ability to settle in an even more disorienting state of not-knowing: yes.
Blessed be.

The internet is full of philosophers who will never be known as such..but that's the beauty of it our thoughts can reach millions.

And what you said is awareness. We're all becoming more aware so I guess all things are in order here
seeking enlightenment? hmm
do you know, how to drop the karma of theft?
it is to know, no one has any possessions, the thief and the stolen from are one and the same
how can karma be karma, if one has come to accept it?
does then, the karmic punishment become a steady stream of joy? why yes
while accepting one's fate or punishment, one goes through them, or doesn't, without the slight of pain
one slips through with joy, in peace
:surprised until we meet again
I don't know where I'm traveling. I feel like there is a path I am on but I'm not exactly sure what it is, perhaps this is because I can't decide on what I really want to do and so I'm not putting all of my energy into a specific direction. Maybe I am unknowingly right on the path, exactly where I need to be.

To answer your question specifically relating to my DMT experiences and journey; I feel like I am 'growing up' in Hyperspace. In my higher dose trips I have felt like a baby, then I was a kinder-gardener, and a young kid maybe 7 or 8. I feel like I am learning hyperspace and being trained to be able to go further in Hyperspace.

How this fits into the grand scale? I guess that's what I'm hear to figure out.
Zilsk said:
To answer your question specifically relating to my DMT experiences and journey; I feel like I am 'growing up' in Hyperspace. In my higher dose trips I have felt been a baby, then I was a kinder-gardener, and a young kid maybe 7 or 8. I feel like I am learning hyperspace and being trained to be able to go further in Hyperspace

Same here, only got 4 22mg trip and every time I felt like this.
Every entity I saw was traing me and all was like an hyperspace kinder-garden or like a tutorial for a further experience :thumb_up:
For me it's been about being happy with the mystery. I come the a realization that the universe is so insane and complex that for me to even imagine that I'll understand everything is just a fantasy. I had a DMT trip where at the end I felt like I understood the entire universe, but the truth was just beyond comprehension for my human brain so there was nothing I could grasp at except for the fact that I was loved and that love was the most important thing. I also realized that the reason I was depressed was because of the materialistic way I viewed the world.

I've found that LSD is an interesting drug because in has a manic egotistical side mixed with a thoughtful introspective psychedelic side. In my more recent trips I've been keeping an eye out for my ego and find it manifests itself by trying to quantify parts of the experience. I want to figure out some truth that will make me important, or find something that will lead to some scientific breakthrough. This is in contrast with shrooms and DMT were I can just accept what is happening and go with it.
It's the way LSD makes me think that leads to the nihilistic and depressive parts of the trip when you realize you are nothing. Whereas DMT doesn't build my ego up to knock it down, it shows me the same kind of truth but with a different perspective, one where the mystery and vastness of the universe excite me and make me grateful to be alive.

Now I've been working on applying this idea to my life. I need to relax and let things flow they way they do, and when I try to mess with the flow and change it, it'll just end up back firing on me. I'm also getting way better at appreciating moments in life for what they are rather than thinking of what I can get out of an experience. It's made me much happier :d

I think DMT is is reality with out the human filter on it. Our brain only sees, hears, and experiences things that directly affect survival. Even just but looking at the narrow range of visible light the eye can see or the narrow sound frequencies we hear, it is obvious the human reality is very limited. Then add the possibilities of all the other stuff we don't have any clue about and the picture of "real" reality starts to become pretty crazy. I imagine the experience would be similar the the DMT breakthrough and this is why I think that's what it might be.
DMT hasn't helped me to figure out the great mystery and I'm quite sure it never will. What it has done is open my mind to other possibilities and clarified that I don't know jack. Sometimes I feel it's all happening internally in my brain and other times that doesn't seem likely either. It suppose it would be nice to come to a final conclusion about it all but I just can't imagine that ever happening. The experiences are always changing and surprising. The more I use it the wider and weirder the portal becomes and the more questions I have. DMT's gift to me has been the beauty and love in the experiences, its breakdown of my previous beliefs, and the fact that I have had accept that there are no answers- something that is useful elsewhere in life. Letting things be without feeling the need to explain them away is a wonderful state to be in.

LSD on the other hand has greatly increased my self acceptance and appreciation of everyone's beautiful differences. It has unveiled beauties in the world I never saw. It has had an amazing ability to clarify and expand thoughts I didn't know needed clarification and expansion.

Psychedelics will likely be a life-long exploration with no destination or conclusion.
They are things I know, and those things I know, I don't know that I know the why of those things that don't yet know those things I and things I know those don't know I as I don't things know the things don't know don't I things know why those things that yet know things, those I know the things as they don't and I don't the things as they know, know I those things that know no limits?
What a great discussion. My San Pedro experience is nothing close to this level, but I can very much interpret everything being said. Especially the struggles of the Ego and Human filter. It seems to me after years of meditation and now through psychedelics that the Earth is a gift. It is so clear that the human form is how "God" has fun with itself and lives out experience. Alan Watts comes to mind...what a beautiful game this is. Currently, I feel the desperate need to fully detach from the "human" game, and focus my energy on the "universe" game. Seems to be much more fun!

Thank you so much for sharing!!!
I haven't figured it out and I don't know where I'm traveling.

Is DMT a portal...well it depends what you mean.
As DMT is a serotonin receptor agonist, it docks into the receptor similar to serotonin. In my mind, this seems to imply that the realities/realms/worlds experienced on DMT are just other "versions" (albeit more whacky and less consistent than the consensus versions) of the same "Ultimate Reality" you're perceiving now. In other words, your brain is just using different decoding sequences to decipher incoming data into a model of reality to be experienced. This is just one view, though.

I see it as a portal to other perceptions of reality. All mind-bending psychoactive compounds could be described as perception modulators.

For me, the highest treasure of using DMT is the non-dualistic state of consciousness that can manifest under its influence. I don't feel it has let me know why I'm here necessarily, but it has definitely been a factor in how much I have come to revere, respect and accept the nature of reality and all of its colors.
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