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Just from my personal experience I would probably chime in in saying, be careful about the expectation aspect of how you're approaching this.  If I could compare it to something it would be like when someone builds up a joke or funny story, if they keep saying "this is a great joke, this is going to have you laughing your face off" or something similar, once you finally hear the joke it's almost doomed to being a cricket call.  It's better just to fire it off, you know what I mean?

Or a movie, if you talk about this great movie and how good it's going to be for a month, once you finally show it a reaction of "yeah, that was alright" is usually about as good a reaction as you're going to get.  It's better just to let it happen lest your expectations let you down.

If you had just randomly heard the joke or seen the movie, it might exceed your expectationless mind and be pretty enjoyable.  I can't think of a better way to pass along what I'm trying to say here so I hope this is coming out semi clear.

Also, considering you're looking for direction from these people you chose, if they want to tone down the dosage a little due to your answers to their questions then maybe that is for a reason.  If you genuinely want their input, consider listening to it and putting solid thought into why they would suggest what they suggested.

Mescaline for instance, I read reports about people trying to explode their faces with 2+ feet etc.  While I suppose there can be a reason to do that, I've found that often times less is more.  It is completely possible, and at times preferred to go for smaller doses of these things.  Just because you didnt get to "buck the fifth of whiskey" doesnt mean you wont get a positive, even preferred experience from drinking 3-4 fingers.

You dont have to go for broke, there is no "end" you're going to get to.  You're going to wake up sober again, be you again, return to your life and have to clock in at work again, stub your toe again etc.  You know what Im saying?

This stuff is a "spice", it's not a main ingredient.  It just adds a touch of flavor to the main course that you have going on in your head already.

I hope this post makes sense and isnt completely off topic.  One last thought, you may find that simple meditation and self reflection type exercises benefit you even more than aya etc.  Every now and then to sit back and close your eyes, maybe play some calming music and just really invest focus into you, your percieved surroundings, what you observe etc.  Just thinking, or not thinking sometimes...  but "let it happen", for lack of a better term.

Sometimes the answer doesnt involve moving and running and accomplishing etc.  Sometimes it's just being still and "becoming invisible" while you observe everything.  Something I have to remind myself day after day :)

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