Per 100 g, the fruit is reported to contain (ZMB): 23.1 g protein, 4.6 g fat, 66.9 g total carbohydrate, 12.7 fiber, 5.4 g ash. The seed is said to contain 10.6 g protein, 0.8 g fat, 84.7 g total carbohydrate, 21.1 g fiber, 3.9 g ash, 280 mg Ca and 320 mg P. Scanlon (1980), interested in the potential of honeylocust for alcohol production, presents the following analytical data. Differences in sugar content are possible in trees of the same clone grown in different locations. 'Millwood' pods from trees grown in Beltsville, Maryland, contained 21.07% total sugars, while 'Millwood' at Auburn, Alabama, contained 36.8%. Small differences in sugars were found in pods from the same clonal trees collected in different years.
Air-dried leaf yields 0.5% of an alkaloid triacanthine C8H10N4 which in intravenous doses of 0.1 mg/kg, depresses the action of the cat heart, the intensity apparently depending on the intensity of effect on the vasomotor centre (145). Heart-wood contains 4–4.8% tannin and also fustin and fisetin (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk, 1962). The alkaloid gleditschine is said to produce stupor and loss of reflex activity in a frog. Stenocarpine has been used for local anesthesia (Grieve 1931).