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Health Stone Glass Handvape experiment

Migrated topic.
No, as I said above, I keep the Arc torch some 10cm ( 4" ) above the stone.
Freebase DMT only needs some 40°C to melt and 60-80°C to boil (vaporize), hash oil needs more heat.

It really works, I have tested it a few times. It's a bit more harsh than the Sherlock GVG, but it's faster loading, and the pipe is sensibly smaller, which can be practical if you're on the move.

As for the price, to each his own. The stone can be used to vaporize spice, if you can find a cheaper device to adapt the stone, why not, but beware that way we usually end up spending more money when trying to reinvent the wheel (failed experiments end costing quite a bit of money, that's the inconvenient of the pioneers ;))

With the place spice has in my life, I find it worth the investment to spend 100$ on a device that will allow me to enjoy hyperspace without waste and frustration. But to be safe, a better bet than this is ... you guessed it, the Sherlock Glass Vapor Genie. Still unsurpassed IMHE, and I tested quite a few devices for the spice already.

Don't hesitate to post your conclusions if you found a suitable alternative to vaporize spice :)

PS: check out this thread about vaporizing spice on top of a ceramic stone : Hmmm....spice ON TOP of GVG ceramic? - Vaping/Smoking - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

PPS: if you want a slightly cheaper stone (albeit smaller), you can get the complete Coil Vapor Genie for 25$ shipping included worldwide.
The Health Stone Glass stones cost 25$ + shipping (shipping was 30$ minimum in my case, so it more than doubled the price compared to the Coil VG).
Silly(c)One said:
No, as I said above, I keep the Arc torch some 10cm ( 4" ) above the stone.
Freebase DMT only needs some 40°C to melt and 60-80°C to boil (vaporize), hash oil needs more heat...
That 80°C figure is obviously not correct. If it was, we would all be vaporizing DMT by submerging glass containers of DMT in boiling water.

The boiling point of DMT at standard pressure is actually above its decomposition temperature, so if you try to get it to boil, you'll notice it gradually "caramelizing".
By caramelizing, you mean turning into n-oxide ? Or carbonizing ?

I should have added "I believe" in front of my statements I guess :p

It's a somehow unrelated question, but one I've had for some time, maybe you can help me ?
So I thought DMT would get ruined in freebase form if it's recrystalized above 80°C.
What are the implications of what you're saying on that thought ?
Does boiling heptane (98°C) decomposes freebase DMT ?

Actually, a better way to put it, would be : at what temperatures do freebase DMT decompose or caramelize ?
Should one apply gentler heat or heavier heat to counteract the caramelization in the case of vaporization for travelling purposes ?
Silly(c)One said:
By caramelizing, you mean turning into n-oxide ? Or carbonizing ?

I should have added "I believe" in front of my statements I guess :p

It's a somehow unrelated question, but one I've had for some time, maybe you can help me ?
So I thought DMT would get ruined in freebase form if it's recrystalized above 80°C.
What are the implications of what you're saying on that thought ?
Does boiling heptane (98°C) decomposes freebase DMT ?

Actually, a better way to put it, would be : at what temperatures do freebase DMT decompose or caramelize ?
Should one apply gentler heat or heavier heat to counteract the caramelization in the case of vaporization for travelling purposes ?
Carbonizing -- chemically breaking down into an assortment of who knows what chemicals. DMT that is repeatedly heated becomes darker and darker – going from golden, to amber, to brown. Just like caramelizing sugar. I think it’s a function of both temperature and time.

I don’t know at what temperature DMT begins to decompose, but it probably begins to evaporate at lower temperatures. (Just as water will slowly evaporate well below its boiling point, so it seems with DMT.) This is why extracting at higher temperatures is not advised – DMT might be lost through evaporation.
Thank you !

I know cannabis needs approximately 175-195°C to vaporize (that's the range of temperatures from the Volcano, give or take).
Do you have an idea at what temps DMT is vaporized in the GVG ? I'm talking gut feeling here, not scientific data ;)
It should be lower than cannabis oil, no ?
When vaporizing butter spice on the Health Stone, it looks like it needs a higher temperature to melt than pure white DMT crystals, and then leaves a black residue, I believe these are oils burning rather than DMT ? Does the presence of fats means more heat is needed to vaporize the DMT caught in them ?
Aaaanyways, that pipe ROCKS !

Been using it more and more, actually, haven't even used the Sherlock in a while...
This is just so easy to load, dunno, maybe I'm less impressed by the device and it makes the whole thing more casual ?

Maybe I'm special, but the less I prepare, the more ready I am.
It's probably my ADHD, but if it takes a while to load and be ready, I'll chicken out.

With the Sherlock, I have to make sure the spice falls more or less in the middle of the copper pad, it's not that easy when you got the preflight jitters (hands shaking even).

With this one, I just have to pour the spice on top of the stone, then light it up from way above until it melts completely, and play with the distance of the lighter until no more vapor comes out of the stone. Usually, I have enough breath to take it all and still pull clear hot air for a few seconds, and the effects are starting even before I had the time to put the pipe down...

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend the Health Stone Glass HandVapes to vaporize DMT (and hash oil).
I haven't tried changa but don't see how it would be adapted for that purpose.
More tests would be needed, but I won't do them because I'm basically not much interested in changa.
I have extracted harmalas that I'll smoke before vaporizing the spice when I'll be ready to integrate an MAOI to my spice experiences.

PS: The basic model (colorless) of the HandVape can be had for 100$ at Aqualabs, but those who have a bong or a sherlock mouthpiece in 14.5 or 18mm could give a try to the Vaporslides like this one at 75$...
Psyren said:
What do you guys think about just buying a replacement stone for $25 and making your own bowl or going to a head shop and finding your own pipe. 100-200 for a pipe or bong piece is way out of my price range.
Buy stone, measure the diameter of the stone and buy borosilicate glass pipe with inner diameter of the stone. Melt the edges of the pipe with your torch to smooth out the ends and maybe try that? Do a thing using stainless steel wire to hold the stone in place like in the small glass pipe from vapor genie http://www.vaporgenie.com/Glass.html VG glass bat middle picture. Should be pretty cheap and doable? OR Get boro pipe and do a machine out of it, just a piece of scrubber in the pipe..

Sounds plausible?

Also with right kind of pipe with not too thick wall diameter one could make ones own instrument by bending the pipe with the tool/torch to suit ones own needs :)
To my eyes, cutting corners is never a good solution.

1. It takes a LOT of time to test all kind of things, and time is money (until capitalism dies, that's the sorry truth.)
2. It always ends up costing more than the initial price (the one you were trying to cut down), in both time and money (testing inappropriate gear costs money for nothing)
3. It never works as good !
The Health Stone Glass pipes and Glass Vapor Genie are top of the art vaping devices, they have been designed for efficiency by professional engineers and glass blowers.
Really think you can do better by building a pipe on your kitchen counter ? Think again.
Nothing personal, I've always been an autodidact DIY kind of guy, I've even built my own motion simulator cockpit... But I bought my spiceships without hesitation. They are SO effective as they are, it's just plain non sense to try and do better or even as good at home.

One thing that could work for those who own the Glass Bat Vapor Genie, would be to melt the spice in the stone from above, like for the HSG, and then hold it like a chillum and light the stone with an Arc... Haven't tested this yet.
If this worked good enough, then we'd have a suitable device for spice and changa, as changa should work very well in place of weed in the chamber.
Another possibility with the Glass Bat would be to move the stone higher in the chamber, closer to the mouth of the pipe, with a spare clip. The problem with the GBVG, is that the stone is very deep inside, and torch lighter have the tendency to be put out in front of the whole. Probably has to do with air flow of the flame, but it's quite tricky to get the stone hot enough the way it's placed in the GBVG.
I don't think the other VG models that are shaped like the Glass Bat (there's a steel one, an aluminium one and the coil one which I have) would work that way though, metal being far too conductive to heat, I believe one would burn himself badly before the dose was even vaporized.
Silly(c)One said:
To my eyes, cutting corners is never a good solution.

1. It takes a LOT of time to test all kind of things, and time is money (until capitalism dies, that's the sorry truth.)
2. It always ends up costing more than the initial price (the one you were trying to cut down), in both time and money (testing inappropriate gear costs money for nothing)
3. It never works as good !
The Health Stone Glass pipes and Glass Vapor Genie are top of the art vaping devices, they have been designed for efficiency by professional engineers and glass blowers.
Really think you can do better by building a pipe on your kitchen counter ? Think again.
Nothing personal, I've always been an autodidact DIY kind of guy, I've even built my own motion simulator cockpit... But I bought my spiceships without hesitation. They are SO effective as they are, it's just plain non sense to try and do better or even as good at home.
Oh but you'll learn a thing or two and be able to practice glass blowing in the future as a hobby, maybe even make a product like GVG/HSGP to fund your living and escape the horrible life being in the consumer end of capitalism:)
Don't tempt me... I've been drooling at glass blowing as a hobby after discovering all those amazing american glass blowers... But nah, I got the perfect spiceships already ;)

And don't worry, apart from my spiceships, I'm pretty much out of the capitalist race already...
If I can build something instead of buying it, unless its producing cost is outrageous (like learning glass blowing to make 1 pipe ;)), it's done.
Now if Andrea Rossi would release his cold fusion reactor to the world, I could get out of the grid ;)
Silly(c)One said:
Don't tempt me... I've been drooling at glass blowing as a hobby after discovering all those amazing american glass blowers...
This is not labeled as tempting, this is labeled as throwing fuel to the fire 😉

Do you have torch lighter? Arc or something big like that? Now that can heat things very hot too. Those big butane torches that has the tank and a torch head attached to the changeable tank? Probably cheap off wallmart/homedepot, a lot of heat but bigger than arc. Boro pipe is probably very cheap if one searches a right place to buy it from... Used torches if one wants to get on big stuff from ebay/cragslist. Probably not that expensive if one does not immediately want a huge pro torch and a glass lathe :D Use local hacker spaces to get a studio...

It would be so good.

Check this out. Very handy stuff to have a microtorch like that or the Arc or any other brand that is supposedly of somewhat quality.
Arg, I hate/love you.

Must. Resist. The. Gear. Acquisition. Syndrome.

Seriously, if you're interested, go for it !

I already built a chem lab and learned chemistry for my extractions and shamanic/entheofarming activities, I think I'll pass for the glass blowing.
I couldn't get away with a cheap solution, I know myself, I'd need a lathe and everything that goes with it, and I'd be bored with blowing in a matter of months. I'm based in Belgium and there's no market for glass here...

PS: but I have a friend who's into CNC and lathes... I'd just need a torch and boro glass...
Nooooooo. No. No, no, no, no. Vade retro you !
Silly(c)One2 said:
Arg, I love you.

Same here but things that pop out of nowhere being creative, innovative etc. will create market for themselves as every pothead will check out your creations while high like man this glass youknow man... :D People will buy local art since it is easier to acquire it than ship it from faraway country.

The future for real will be dominated by shared spaces like hackerspaces for doing creative things like these easily while not having to pay big bucks to get something simple like this done. Just a matter of time...

With GAS also like with the psychedelic experience, know your dose, do NOT go and od yourself with gas!
Hihihi, I like how you think, dude :D

GAS OD won't happen to me anymore.
Been there, done that.
Nowadays I'll only GAS on tools that will be useful on the long run.
Working on the ego helps a lot to quit identifying with objects and GAS has been seriously reduced since I listen more to my needs than my desires ...

Glass blowing is really nice, but it's not my calling, busy enough producing the green to put in the glass ;)

Another problem is here in Belgium and many places in Europe, nobody smokes out of glass.
Everybody's addicted to that tobacco shit and roll joints... (me included, and I hate it, but addiction is powerful)

I bet you know Etsy ?
Hrmmmm. I played guitar. Then I wanted to build one (acoustic). Been studying luthery and built a workshop on my own for 6 months, until I had to move and lost interest... Still have all the wood working tools (bandsaw, router, wood bending iron, calipers, templates, lots of different sized planes, ...)
That's why I said "been there" ;)
Silly(c)One said:
Hrmmmm. I played guitar. Then I wanted to build one (acoustic). Been studying luthery and built a workshop on my own for 6 months, until I had to move and lost interest... Still have all the wood working tools (bandsaw, router, wood bending iron, calipers, templates, lots of different sized planes, ...)
That's why I said "been there" ;)

What are the odds... Well you know GAS can get you... I guess only way to heal it is to GET GAS.:lol:
Hey flouro,

I just came back from a trip to London, UK, and I met a new glass blower. In 3 weeks, he had a lot of skills already, and told me it cost him some 2000£ to get started + a bunch of youtube videos :)

On topic, I have tested the Handvape more thoroughly with both BHO/hash and spice.
Definitely less practical and efficient than the GVG for the spice.
It's too easy to burn it by approaching the flame to close or too early in the process, inducing cough and a bad taste.

I mean, it works pretty well, but you really need to learn to manage it, while with the Sherlock GVG, you just lock and load, simply can't go wrong...
The Health Stone can't be beaten for oil and pure hash, though :) (if you got iron lungs, that is)
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