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Healthiest and smallest food out there? Snack time!!!

Migrated topic.


Software engineer
Senior Member
Hi there!

I'm thanking god right now, because the following weeks I'll finally have some money to spend.
After being in keto for a few months, I'm acquainted with making healthy dishes.
But to gain weight, I need 3 solid meals and 3 snacks.

So there is my question. And while we're at it, let's extend it a little bit.

If I would ask you to list your healthiest substances, mostly foodstuff, what would it be?

For me, different mushrooms for instance (although some of them need extraction :/ )
Garlic?!? Strong stuff.
Ginger is also nice.
I hear a lot of good stuff about blueberries, and some nuts?
Vegetable sprouts?
Kefir kombucha and tibicos?

If I could have enough money to arrange my snacks to be the healthiest of the healthy, what would you recommend?

As a side note, if it's keto friendly that's a big plus :) not a necessity though...
You've got some of my favourites there already, others include

activated almonds
red skin seeded grapes
pumpkin pits
whole greek yoghurt

And there's nothing like plain ole spinach and brocolli for me either, I dunno why but I really like the stuff. Bit of a drizzle of garlic infused olive oil and a sprinkle of veggie salt on it... nom nom.
To keep things "raw" you have to keep the temp below 109 deg F

This is good as it preserves natural living enzymes in the foods.

A great snack is home-made Kale Chips made with Hemp Oil.

Hemp Oil contains "natures ideal ratio" of Omega 3:6:9 fatty acids and also the GLA and SLA variations of these fats.

Just take your hemp oil, and mix it with powderized spices + herbs. Can get a pre-made salad dressing packet, or just throw some garlic, onion, and herb powders in a coffee grinder. A little bit of Cayenne is really good for you too.

Take the Hemp Oil powder blend, mix it well and coat + spread it in a bowl with a bunch of hand-shredded kale pieces.

Run in the Food Dehyrator at 100 deg F until dry and crispy... will be a bit oily, but its good for you.

Even if your body cannot break the cellulose of the Kale to unlock the nutrients, you are still delivering a good serving of fiber + healthy fats with each serving... and it can be REALLY tasty too!

CosmicLion said:
To keep things "raw" you have to keep the temp below 109 deg F

This is good as it preserves natural living enzymes in the foods.

A great snack is home-made Kale Chips made with Hemp Oil.

Hemp Oil contains "natures ideal ratio" of Omega 3:6:9 fatty acids and also the GLA and SLA variations of these fats.

Just take your hemp oil, and mix it with powderized spices + herbs. Can get a pre-made salad dressing packet, or just throw some garlic, onion, and herb powders in a coffee grinder. A little bit of Cayenne is really good for you too.

Take the Hemp Oil powder blend, mix it well and coat + spread it in a bowl with a bunch of hand-shredded kale pieces.

Run in the Food Dehyrator at 100 deg F until dry and crispy... will be a bit oily, but its good for you.

Even if your body cannot break the cellulose of the Kale to unlock the nutrients, you are still delivering a good serving of fiber + healthy fats with each serving... and it can be REALLY tasty too!

Ferment the kale first by submerging it in a solution of spring water and high quality sea salt for a couple days or weeks, ala making pickles or kraut, to make those nutrients in your chips much more bioavailable. :thumb_up:

As far as other highly nutrient dense foods: cacao, seaweed, sardines, salmon (makes great jerky), eggs, berries, organ meats (pemmican), soybeans (dry roasted), sweet potatoes make great chips too (ferment them first as well).
Broccoli sprouts are amazing. You can easily grow them in a mason jar. I've been adding them to daily smoothies and have noticed a boost in energy and less felt chronic back pain and less muscle tightness. They taste good on salads as well.
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