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☀️🌿🌊 Hello Beautifulls

I’m so excited to be here!!! and

hopefully make some friends along the way :)

Also, reading through a few introductions, Posts, and Replies, you all seem so wonderful. Really amazing, beautiful, smart, kind. This place attracts cool people!! 😄

Well my psychedelic mini-story begins in college. I was getting salad at the salad bar when suddenly, this guy arrived at the salad bar. The first thing I noticed was his SWEATER. It had, warm indigenous psychedelic patterns all over it. He had long dark hair and a goatee and a wild-open inviting presence. Well I scooped my salad things a bit slower. and when he got to my side of the salad bar I said Hi and we instantly got off well! Then we sat down and ate together and had a wonderful chat. He introduced me to the world of psychedelics and subculture.

I got into that community and met some really wonderful people. Before then I had NEVER even heard(!) of psilocybin mushrooms, magic mushrooms, or ‘psychedelics’. Mind you I never had any friends or circles that were in any way doing anything with any drugs of any kind - before I met that guy. I stepped into many new cultures and social groups because of that encounter.

For my first entheogenic experiences I had some very beautiful and very hurtful ones. I was exposed to many wonderful energies like ‘Fun-Love’ I’d call it, or just seeing Beauty in everything, or also Peace(for the first time in my life) and Oceanic Ecstasy.
I also had some really bad experiences that taught me about trauma, fear, fragility, and memory ~ I can talk about those experiences these days and I solely credit that to this one very healing Mescaline medicine ceremony I attended.

The mescaline journey was so amazing that I sat with it for about 9 months. And haven’t really had many entheogens in the last 2 years since then. I guess you could say I’ve been trying to explore and develop in other ways before I enter into the psychedelic space. I’ve met some wonderful people in the mean time that have inspired me to integrate wisdom from various cultural backgrounds, and just become a better more joyful and empathetic human being overall.

Since then, I have also met several guys that have had unfortunate run-ins with the law in the psychedelic community, and it left a strong impression on me. I became inspired to learn more about the cybersecurity, law, and journalism.

I really love DMT and Mescaline so much, and Mushrooms, and LSD, and all that. all of it, everything. Love being with my freinds, and animals on them, I love being alone on them, I find them challenging, scary, beautiful, ecstatic. They are just SO MUCH of everything for me and I love that.

One of my aspirations going into the future is to really spend a lot of time in these spaces, and make them possible for not only myself but also those around me that I love. And,
i guess that's it! Idk what else to say xD
thank you ❤️

Mush Love
It's beautiful, isn't it? How you just walk your path and at some random point in time life throws at you some searingly obvious clue that there's more to this thing we call life than what you're currently experienceing. And then you gather the courage to walk this new path, finding so much magic and beauty in it. And here you are now, taking a look back at it all, and realizing that if you hadn't started walking that path, you'd have experienced only but a thin sliver of what life has to offer. Welcome to the Nexus. All of us here are walking that path, and we'd be glad to walk it along yourself.


Welcome to the Nexus, :D. I am so glad you found us and decided to join up.

Your journey sounds beautiful and amazing and I am honored you chose to share with us.

May I ask, . . . have you had a chance to extract your own DMT yet?

If you ever like to chat maybe join us for awhile. The new chat is still under construction, so we are meeting here:

Current Chat Room

Welcome to the Nexus, :D. I am so glad you found us and decided to join up.

Your journey sounds beautiful and amazing and I am honored you chose to share with us.

May I ask, . . . have you had a chance to extract your own DMT yet?

If you ever like to chat maybe join us for awhile. The new chat is still under construction, so we are meeting here:

Current Chat Room
Hi Pandora! thank you so much!
I love your pfp xD
^I have NOT yet extracted my own DMT :) that would be so cool.
^That 'current chat room' link is redirecting to some sort of archived login page. Do you mean this link?
Thank you so much!

Mush Love
Hi Pandora! thank you so much!
I love your pfp xD
^I have NOT yet extracted my own DMT :) that would be so cool.
^That 'current chat room' link is redirecting to some sort of archived login page. Do you mean this link?
Thank you so much!

Mush Love
Hmm your link does not work for me. I wonder why the old chat room does not load for you when you are logged on. Very disappointing.
The chat link hides underneath the “forum has moved” banner on mobile devices if you have pinch-zoomed in, so it is easy to miss. It is the top left corner of the screen after following @Pandora ’s link.
Warmest of welcomes!! Looking forward to seeing you in chat, sister 🤍
Trip Report:

“I don’t think its…”

Well today I woke up at 4:30am and I’ll write here about my trip! This is what I did:
-MDMA 100mg
-LSD 130ug
-DMT (a few times up and down)
-Salvia (up and down twice)
-DMT x Salvia (up and down once)
It toked it all!!

The sunrise, at a lake I know well and love (coyotes included!), but the lake was to my back. I was off-trail on top of this big glacier boulder. It was wind still, partly cloudy(sunnier side), and I was shivering a little. It was beautiful and I was well clothed~ I literally watched the sunrise off of the trees. My (super)thick blanket was folded nicely beneath me. It was perfectly comfy! That thing is almost a rug, except soft. The birds were beautiful. Everything was beautiful.

I prepared my stuff the night before ~ I won’t go into detail everything but it worked out wonderfully. I am feeling great and wonderful right now (12 hours later)!

When I woke up at 4:30am I took 20mg MDMA and about 30ug lsd (I had it in 1ml of tequila).
I then got dressed and did a tiny bit of makeup and sunscreen. I brought my cowboy hat my polarized shades which were wonderful.

I walked in the dark with a flashlight to the lake on some trails I know very well. It was super dark at first, but by the time I got there blue hour was underway. I feel very comfortable on this stretch and I feel completely ‘sober’ or- ‘normal’. (more on that in a minute)
I walk through the park to a spot on the water which was not the spot I had intended but it was nice. At 5:30 I was seated and I took the remainder of the LSD (130ug total now), and the MDMA(80mg for a total of 100mg now). After I took this I sat for a little while and it was very pretty. I was also very comfortable to just sit there, but this is THE rock of the pond where everyone walks past and bathroom.. and yadayada so I went over to the spot I had picked out ahead of time(and like to sit at normally) on this rock. People won’t come to you on this rock as it’s off trial, and you have privacy enough to do whatever you need to do, maybe not strip but it’s a pretty good spot J

I’m sitting on top of the rock, the sun is rising, the birds are starting to sing like they do to the sunrise, it’s so beautiful. I notice that, I can see the water rippling, on the creek water, like 200m away. Up until this point I was like “well I guess this LSD isn’t working…?” because I was technically 1.5hr in or so in. But I could see the water way out there so clearly ~ also I want to mention the pond was quiet like glass because of the windstillness. Literally a mirror!

I can’t really say when the trip started to be honest! Everything of the forest just became so SO fine, and infinitely clear, and beautiful as if my soul was the highest string on a violin. I notice that little mossy things around me appeared to be pulsating with green flows of color. They were silky shiny and fuzzy and beautifully alively green colored. I noticed this aobut the trees as well, where there was moss it seemed to be more colorful and breathing/pulsating ~ then I started looking at the rocks, they rocks were so beautiful. Their shapes, cracks, edges, furrows were beautiful, and they had a wonderful colors of grey and brown ~ The leaves I noticed next were curly. I found their forms to be very swishy swashy and attractive in a beautiful accelerating way. The trees were against the sky, the sky had clouds in it that were catching the light, and I could see the clouds changing shape morphing and moving.

9am ish
The sun is up higher now, and I get warmer. The shivering wasn’t bad at all but a little warmth was nice and I settled into a very VERY comfortable lotus-y posture. It was just criss cross apple sauce really if you ask me😜. I loved sitting like this because it’s so comfortable for me. I could feel the sky in my chest and mind, and when the breeze came it went THROUGH me. This is Pocahontas lv.1000. The birds were SO So beautiful like songs playing peekaboo with the serene silence of the sky.

10am ish
This is incredibly gorgeous, but I DID bring my first DMT(50% blend for smoking) and I DID bring my first salvia (30x concentrate). Well I took that tokie toke Gandalf pipe and I put the N,N-DMT in. I had 2 baggies of DMT pre dosed and 2 baggies of Salvia30x pre-dosed.

Well it’s 9:55 and I was very very very happy and peaceful. It was SO beautiful extremely fine and clear. “Okay at 10:30 I will smoke the DMT!”
well at 10;15 I had these feelings. I was reflecting on the fact that I had wanted to smoke DMT so long but was always very afraid to ~ I was feeling so absolutely crystal clear and beautiful inside and

I was so so so grounded I became mother earth I am mother earth. I was feeling this stone in my hands, it was so sturdy. I was feeling my body, it was so dense and alive. Not sexually today though😝 but I was just feeling it massage-hug style. It felt nice. Well I really feel so grounded, I why not take another step? Either way it’s perfectly beautiful as is, but I felt the call to the DMT and so I put it in the pipe and held the flame and pulled medium and breathed it straight into my lungs.

10:15 and time just slowed wa - y ….. d o w nn….. it was like the universe was breathing in pure silence and then the birds sang right through my soul so fine. So fine ~ I felt SO sober. Like extremely hyper sober. I already felt sober on the LSD and the MDMA but this was just bringing me closer to time just stopping, but it kept flowing beautifully~ I loved it!! It was so GORGEOUS. My mind was the clarity of the sky.

I then ‘finished’ the first DMT by going up again. Or going HERE. My eyes were wide open the whole time this trip btw. The DMT was SERENITY ~ raw beauty of nature and especially TIME slowed drastically. I was like a child getting thrown up and down by her father. So I went up again! And it was beautiful.

Well that was amazing ~ and then the salvia is looking at me and I happily oblige. Well if I get blasted to pieces or whatever then so be it, I need to try. At least if I get completely thrown into an alternate reality it’s THIS getting thrown there! So I added the salvia to the pipe and smoked (her). I noticed the DMT was serenity and extreme HERE-ness and time was so slow I could HEAR THE SILENCE before nature spoke, Salvia was beautifully intimate and alive with the trees especially at first but the entire land. The salvia really made me feel like reality was 3x…. So that the rock I was on was bigger, and the trees over there were surprisingly far away! And somehow my spatial orientation was so nuanced. The trail was 3x wider and longer, and each step felt so much smaller. My balance was perfect and I was stepping very gently. The trees had a movement to their form and Salvia she really put the things of life into my heart in a sort of love illuminated I could lick it, or whatever.

11:30am I put my second Salvia and my last DMT all together in one pipe and toke them together and it’s… just them together! xD It’s amazingly gorgeous! I love both of them, as is, side by side, together, alone O M G ~ Well after this last one I eventually started getting going because I realized I had been sitting here like 6 hours or something STRAIGHT. But my body felt so loose and I had no problems whatsoever with sitting like that. Usually after an hour or so I need to adjust my ankles or so~ Well I started walking down the path to go home. Also I think before the last combo toke I checked my phone lol. This random number texted me and I texted back. I swear to god the timing. Well I guess this young dirty man mistakenly texted me horny sexting about last night and I texted him on and off for the next 2hours as I was walking home. I dubbed him dirty jesus. The conversation was unreal and I had to give a little momma thunder and that was that. So weird.

I am walking home and I can hear the high grasses hitting each other to the wind like timeless crystals sparking in my soul.

Well I feel very normal I don’t know how to describe it! This entire trip has been a trip, but not once did I feel like I was tripping. I just feel awake and right here, simply! Trees birds breeze body yada yada. Well it was very nice and then the rest of my day went on. Now it’s about 6:30pm and I’m still probably tripping but I don’t’ really feel out of the ordinary. I’m sober AF.

I guess it’s still going lol this puppy next to me god daym this fuzzie smuk

I feel very fortunate that everything went how it did, the weather the wind was so calm, the temperate a bit low to keep me fresh but just low at that perfect lowness. I really really enjoyed the MDMA+LSD, so much, and I am so so so glad I was able to do DMT and Salvia on TOP of the LSD and MDMA out in this forest. I guess it was nice to mini launch at 4:30, then launch at 6:00, then take off at 11am !! and come back down to earth literally almost weightless. This was my first MDMA trip ever, first LSD trip ever, fist smoked DMT trip ever, first salvia trip ever, and the forest was there in me every moment. I really am looking forward to doing more of all this stuff when I can! Maybe under the stars next! I would love to do the salvia and swim in the pond water maybe! Maybe within.

Much love to all of you!
I guess this is my first post ever on this forum and I wanted to put it in introductions 😄
I am not going to spellcheck this omgxD
Also thank you to those who reached out to me in my introductions post!!
@The Traveler
@Panpsychic (?)

Best Wishes ~
Last edited:

I want to thank you for drawing this to my attention. That was a very interesting read and to be honest made me wish I had better access to de-populated nature areas for my tripping activities.

Your communion with Mother Nature was beautiful. I suspect you will remember this day for many years to come.

That hyper sobriety you described was interesting - I get that a lot in the DMT breakthrough visionary space. I'm so intoxicated that outside reality has dissolved, and I am transported into a believable, inhabited 5D space, yet I feel completely sober, like a scientific observer touring a foreign land with interesting denizens.

One thing I am wondering is why you chose to use such a big combination of drugs when you say this was a first time use for each?

Regardless, I would encourage you to work more, in particular with DMT and salvia by themselves, if you choose to work with them in the future. I only say this because I suspect your Gandalf pipe didn't do you a big favor here, in particular with the DMT.

When one uses a long stemmed pipe or chillum, heck even a glass vaporgenie, some of the DMT is lost because it sticks to the wall of the tube on its' way to your mouth. The longer that distance, the less DMT makes it to you.

You have begun a fascinating journey. The rabibit holes, in particular for salvia and DMT go a lot deeper then I suspect you would guess. These are powerful, visionary drugs that open shamanic spaces up wide. You CAN go out of body, meet with the dead, explore a different galaxy, explore a strand of DNA, live other lives for days/weeks/months/years, contact alien entities and so much more, while laying in a trance, as 5-10 minutes pass on the consensual reality clock.

Thanks again for sharing your report of such a beautiful day/experience.

I want to thank you for drawing this to my attention. That was a very interesting read and to be honest made me wish I had better access to de-populated nature areas for my tripping activities.

Your communion with Mother Nature was beautiful. I suspect you will remember this day for many years to come.

That hyper sobriety you described was interesting - I get that a lot in the DMT breakthrough visionary space. I'm so intoxicated that outside reality has dissolved, and I am transported into a believable, inhabited 5D space, yet I feel completely sober, like a scientific observer touring a foreign land with interesting denizens.

One thing I am wondering is why you chose to use such a big combination of drugs when you say this was a first time use for each?

Regardless, I would encourage you to work more, in particular with DMT and salvia by themselves, if you choose to work with them in the future. I only say this because I suspect your Gandalf pipe didn't do you a big favor here, in particular with the DMT.

When one uses a long stemmed pipe or chillum, heck even a glass vaporgenie, some of the DMT is lost because it sticks to the wall of the tube on its' way to your mouth. The longer that distance, the less DMT makes it to you.

You have begun a fascinating journey. The rabibit holes, in particular for salvia and DMT go a lot deeper then I suspect you would guess. These are powerful, visionary drugs that open shamanic spaces up wide. You CAN go out of body, meet with the dead, explore a different galaxy, explore a strand of DNA, live other lives for days/weeks/months/years, contact alien entities and so much more, while laying in a trance, as 5-10 minutes pass on the consensual reality clock.

Thanks again for sharing your report of such a beautiful day/experience.
re: "That hyper sobriety you described was interesting - "
Because of some past things I have struggled with dissociating and trauma and drugs and whatnot, I like to be HERE and at peace. So far I love that psychedelics can help me study the beauty of those around me and look into their eyes. I see people different and I love that~ I absolutely did not have that much courage yet to go into 5d space like you do off the bat but I am looking forward to it!! I am very into relationality with things that being said, at the moment.

re: "One thing I am wondering is why you chose to use such a big combination of drugs when you say this was a first time use for each?"
Being my first real trip i'd say, also ALONE, which is a big deal for me, (but even tripping with people has been very difficult for me) i would say that being able to ground was something I just wanted to have with me there .. I have re-traumatized before accidentally on psychedelics. twice. one of my own trauma and one of another person being present. I don't know why but I call this my first real trip. I felt the nature setting, the mdma, and the open eyes would help me ground in that regard and they were all beautiful ~
I have always always wanted to try DMT and Salvia and I coincidentally got access to all of these at the same time, and I felt a very grounded stabilized setting like that would be the best place to maybe have my first little puff. Everything was on the safer side dosing wise I think. I dont' even know how to smoke them! Well I figured that setting was where I wanted to mess around with that.

I will definitely sit with DMT and Salvia very soon! The pipe i have is very much the shapiness of the gandalf pipe but the stem is MUCH shorter like maybe 2-3 inches not a mile.. it just has that rounded wooden pipe character! 😄

Thank you so much as always!
Much love
Trip Report:

“I don’t think its…”

Well today I woke up at 4:30am and I’ll write here about my trip! This is what I did:
-MDMA 100mg
-LSD 130ug
-DMT (a few times up and down)
-Salvia (up and down twice)
-DMT x Salvia (up and down once)
It toked it all!!

The sunrise, at a lake I know well and love (coyotes included!), but the lake was to my back. I was off-trail on top of this big glacier boulder. It was wind still, partly cloudy(sunnier side), and I was shivering a little. It was beautiful and I was well clothed~ I literally watched the sunrise off of the trees. My (super)thick blanket was folded nicely beneath me. It was perfectly comfy! That thing is almost a rug, except soft. The birds were beautiful. Everything was beautiful.

I prepared my stuff the night before ~ I won’t go into detail everything but it worked out wonderfully. I am feeling great and wonderful right now (12 hours later)!

When I woke up at 4:30am I took 20mg MDMA and about 30ug lsd (I had it in 1ml of tequila).
I then got dressed and did a tiny bit of makeup and sunscreen. I brought my cowboy hat my polarized shades which were wonderful.

I walked in the dark with a flashlight to the lake on some trails I know very well. It was super dark at first, but by the time I got there blue hour was underway. I feel very comfortable on this stretch and I feel completely ‘sober’ or- ‘normal’. (more on that in a minute)
I walk through the park to a spot on the water which was not the spot I had intended but it was nice. At 5:30 I was seated and I took the remainder of the LSD (130ug total now), and the MDMA(80mg for a total of 100mg now). After I took this I sat for a little while and it was very pretty. I was also very comfortable to just sit there, but this is THE rock of the pond where everyone walks past and bathroom.. and yadayada so I went over to the spot I had picked out ahead of time(and like to sit at normally) on this rock. People won’t come to you on this rock as it’s off trial, and you have privacy enough to do whatever you need to do, maybe not strip but it’s a pretty good spot J

I’m sitting on top of the rock, the sun is rising, the birds are starting to sing like they do to the sunrise, it’s so beautiful. I notice that, I can see the water rippling, on the creek water, like 200m away. Up until this point I was like “well I guess this LSD isn’t working…?” because I was technically 1.5hr in or so in. But I could see the water way out there so clearly ~ also I want to mention the pond was quiet like glass because of the windstillness. Literally a mirror!

I can’t really say when the trip started to be honest! Everything of the forest just became so SO fine, and infinitely clear, and beautiful as if my soul was the highest string on a violin. I notice that little mossy things around me appeared to be pulsating with green flows of color. They were silky shiny and fuzzy and beautifully alively green colored. I noticed this aobut the trees as well, where there was moss it seemed to be more colorful and breathing/pulsating ~ then I started looking at the rocks, they rocks were so beautiful. Their shapes, cracks, edges, furrows were beautiful, and they had a wonderful colors of grey and brown ~ The leaves I noticed next were curly. I found their forms to be very swishy swashy and attractive in a beautiful accelerating way. The trees were against the sky, the sky had clouds in it that were catching the light, and I could see the clouds changing shape morphing and moving.

9am ish
The sun is up higher now, and I get warmer. The shivering wasn’t bad at all but a little warmth was nice and I settled into a very VERY comfortable lotus-y posture. It was just criss cross apple sauce really if you ask me😜. I loved sitting like this because it’s so comfortable for me. I could feel the sky in my chest and mind, and when the breeze came it went THROUGH me. This is Pocahontas lv.1000. The birds were SO So beautiful like songs playing peekaboo with the serene silence of the sky.

10am ish
This is incredibly gorgeous, but I DID bring my first DMT(50% blend for smoking) and I DID bring my first salvia (30x concentrate). Well I took that tokie toke Gandalf pipe and I put the N,N-DMT in. I had 2 baggies of DMT pre dosed and 2 baggies of Salvia30x pre-dosed.

Well it’s 9:55 and I was very very very happy and peaceful. It was SO beautiful extremely fine and clear. “Okay at 10:30 I will smoke the DMT!”
well at 10;15 I had these feelings. I was reflecting on the fact that I had wanted to smoke DMT so long but was always very afraid to ~ I was feeling so absolutely crystal clear and beautiful inside and

I was so so so grounded I became mother earth I am mother earth. I was feeling this stone in my hands, it was so sturdy. I was feeling my body, it was so dense and alive. Not sexually today though😝 but I was just feeling it massage-hug style. It felt nice. Well I really feel so grounded, I why not take another step? Either way it’s perfectly beautiful as is, but I felt the call to the DMT and so I put it in the pipe and held the flame and pulled medium and breathed it straight into my lungs.

10:15 and time just slowed wa - y ….. d o w nn….. it was like the universe was breathing in pure silence and then the birds sang right through my soul so fine. So fine ~ I felt SO sober. Like extremely hyper sober. I already felt sober on the LSD and the MDMA but this was just bringing me closer to time just stopping, but it kept flowing beautifully~ I loved it!! It was so GORGEOUS. My mind was the clarity of the sky.

I then ‘finished’ the first DMT by going up again. Or going HERE. My eyes were wide open the whole time this trip btw. The DMT was SERENITY ~ raw beauty of nature and especially TIME slowed drastically. I was like a child getting thrown up and down by her father. So I went up again! And it was beautiful.

Well that was amazing ~ and then the salvia is looking at me and I happily oblige. Well if I get blasted to pieces or whatever then so be it, I need to try. At least if I get completely thrown into an alternate reality it’s THIS getting thrown there! So I added the salvia to the pipe and smoked (her). I noticed the DMT was serenity and extreme HERE-ness and time was so slow I could HEAR THE SILENCE before nature spoke, Salvia was beautifully intimate and alive with the trees especially at first but the entire land. The salvia really made me feel like reality was 3x…. So that the rock I was on was bigger, and the trees over there were surprisingly far away! And somehow my spatial orientation was so nuanced. The trail was 3x wider and longer, and each step felt so much smaller. My balance was perfect and I was stepping very gently. The trees had a movement to their form and Salvia she really put the things of life into my heart in a sort of love illuminated I could lick it, or whatever.

11:30am I put my second Salvia and my last DMT all together in one pipe and toke them together and it’s… just them together! xD It’s amazingly gorgeous! I love both of them, as is, side by side, together, alone O M G ~ Well after this last one I eventually started getting going because I realized I had been sitting here like 6 hours or something STRAIGHT. But my body felt so loose and I had no problems whatsoever with sitting like that. Usually after an hour or so I need to adjust my ankles or so~ Well I started walking down the path to go home. Also I think before the last combo toke I checked my phone lol. This random number texted me and I texted back. I swear to god the timing. Well I guess this young dirty man mistakenly texted me horny sexting about last night and I texted him on and off for the next 2hours as I was walking home. I dubbed him dirty jesus. The conversation was unreal and I had to give a little momma thunder and that was that. So weird.

I am walking home and I can hear the high grasses hitting each other to the wind like timeless crystals sparking in my soul.

Well I feel very normal I don’t know how to describe it! This entire trip has been a trip, but not once did I feel like I was tripping. I just feel awake and right here, simply! Trees birds breeze body yada yada. Well it was very nice and then the rest of my day went on. Now it’s about 6:30pm and I’m still probably tripping but I don’t’ really feel out of the ordinary. I’m sober AF.

I guess it’s still going lol this puppy next to me god daym this fuzzie smuk

I feel very fortunate that everything went how it did, the weather the wind was so calm, the temperate a bit low to keep me fresh but just low at that perfect lowness. I really really enjoyed the MDMA+LSD, so much, and I am so so so glad I was able to do DMT and Salvia on TOP of the LSD and MDMA out in this forest. I guess it was nice to mini launch at 4:30, then launch at 6:00, then take off at 11am !! and come back down to earth literally almost weightless. This was my first MDMA trip ever, first LSD trip ever, fist smoked DMT trip ever, first salvia trip ever, and the forest was there in me every moment. I really am looking forward to doing more of all this stuff when I can! Maybe under the stars next! I would love to do the salvia and swim in the pond water maybe! Maybe within.

Much love to all of you!
I guess this is my first post ever on this forum and I wanted to put it in introductions 😄
I am not going to spellcheck this omgxD
Also thank you to those who reached out to me in my introductions post!!
@The Traveler
@Panpsychic (?)

Best Wishes ~
Thanks for that very beautiful trip report.
I would exercise caution with the idea of doing large amounts of psychedelics and going swimming anywhere though...can be risky and this is mainly an inner space anyway although outward reality can also be transformed but you want to keep the body safe so you can go inward deeper.

I also would recommend the consuming of harmala tea (mixed with a flavoured drink, but no alcohol) and then smoking the DMT. A small water bong also makes the smoke a lot smoother and able to be held in for longer.

The term 'hyper sobriety' is a very nice way of putting it. I also have had that experience which is one of the reasons I came to the conclusion that DMT+Harmala's are 'the One'.
Other psychedelics like LSD and mushrooms are visionary and incredible and profound but with DMT the vision is sharper, it doesn't feel sometimes like a drug has been taken even, it just feels like the natural frequency resonance of the mind and brain has been turned up a few dials or the Third Eye has been activated. Add to the fact that DMT is endogenous to the body it makes sense that it feels like this.
I would exercise caution with the idea of doing large amounts of psychedelics and going swimming anywhere though...can be risky and this is mainly an inner space anyway although outward reality can also be transformed but you want to keep the body safe so you can go inward deeper.
This was a point of concern for me too. Salvia would be particularly unsuitable for use near water since it's possible for one to lose one's sense of the surroundings entirely. And one particular, tragic tale that I know of, regarding a friend of a forum member using DMT on a riverbank and this directly leading to them drowning, is one too many.

Loved the report though, I can really relate to the desire to try several things at once. I would probably have chucked a bunch of shrooms in for good measure 😁 But I don't know if that would have aided the hyper-sobriety, however.
This was a point of concern for me too. Salvia would be particularly unsuitable for use near water since it's possible for one to lose one's sense of the surroundings entirely. And one particular, tragic tale that I know of, regarding a friend of a forum member using DMT on a riverbank and this directly leading to them drowning, is one too many.

Loved the report though, I can really relate to the desire to try several things at once. I would probably have chucked a bunch of shrooms in for good measure 😁 But I don't know if that would have aided the hyper-sobriety, however.
I was mostly thinking psychedelics where you don't black out like... Mescaline, LSD, Mushrooms... but thank you (both) for the heads up. Yes I do know that on DMT, Salvia, 5-meo-dmt and such things that you can loose orientation or control or black out ~ but I feel like it would be nice to go swim in the lake on a little mushrooms! Unless you think mushrooms as well are risky. And i'm not talking like 5g mushies or 300ug acid, far less for swimming. I love swimming and dancing in the ocean with stimulants and stuff like that ~
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