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Hello DMT Community - Advice would be welcome.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello All. Obviously this is my first post, and I would firstly like to say 'Hello', and secondly I would like to ask some extraction advice for a complete 'noob'. I would have posted in the extraction section, but thought I would use this as a general overview before I delve any deeper into DMT and its many extraction procedures. I have never tried DMT. I have looked into ways of obtaining DMT through friends & contacts, but as you veterans are probably well aware, even through the best of contacts, no one has DMT to sell….ever. I looked into extraction procedures and to be honest…..have been scared. I work in IT, I don’t have a degree in science, and as soon as I saw Hydrochloric Acid and various other chemicals were involved....I thought ‘Fuck this’…Ill just wait...one day me & DMT will meet. Maybe it will be fate. However, my curiosity is overwhelming my patience, and I think I’m going to bite the bullet and begin trialling some extraction methods. I figure if you don’t put the work in, your will never reap the rewards. Therefore my initial question to this forum and its helpers is to point me in the direction of your first, most easy to follow, complete extraction method - for a complete beginner. Please bear in mind - I live in the heart of London, in rented accommodation, I have 1 bed flat, I don’t have a shed/garden or anything like that to utilize. A spare storage cupboard at most. So I’m after the simplest method even if it does not provide the purest or cleanest results. It will be a good starting point for me and my trials. Links to various examples would be soooo appreciated. I really hope someone can help Thanks P.S - My website may be of interest to some of you: http://www.thinkerscorner.co.uk
Thanks for getting back - I think im definatly going to try and crack this one. Another question if I may: I have seen that you can get the materials from eBay and stores like www.iamshaman.com... If I purchase 50g MIMOSA HOSTILIS which most of the teks are based upon...How much DMT can I expect to extract, and how many hits should this allow me? Based on an average yeald, and smoking an average ammount. I have a select fiew that I would like to share this experience with, and It would be good to know how many hits to expect from 50g's worth. Thanks again. g.
Hi mate im from the uk too. From 50gs you could get between 250mg to 400. A better place is deva-ethnobotanicals.co.uk where you can get 100gs of powdered pink mhrb for 30quid. Tried and tested. Everyonedoesit.co.uk now does 125g for 20 quid but hasnt been tested however im sure it will be ok. Best off avoiding customs noses even though its legal. For chemicals try swan or ronsonol for naptha, caustic soda(lye) from any diy shop and distilled (deionized) from tescos. I hope your friend has luck!
Thanks for the links. Your right, UK based sellers are a much better choice. I’m really struggling against a barrier I’m creating for my-self here. I really want to be able to just 'Buy' this from somewhere, money is not really an issue either, clearly the experience will far outweigh a few bits of paper....... But I think SWIM is going to have to do this the hard way as nothing in life is that easy. And If SWIM wants the experience he thinks he’s going to get, he’s going to have to put a bit of effort in - That’s life. So anyway, thanks for the links - I now know where SWIM can obtain his materials from. However, are there any TEK's around that have the addition of pictures. SWIM is really starting from scratch here people, and the techniques of separation and re-crystallization are so far away from anything he’s ever done, he really needs a video guide and a DIY package!!! As that’s clearly not going to happen, any TEK links with pictures would again be much appreciated. Thanks all.
My friend tells me its very satisfying when youre successful. Its realy easy once it clicks,im told. Get a 1l glass jar. Put 800ml of distilled water in, slowly add 8 tbl spoons of lye to it. Leave for 15mins. Add 100gs of mhrb gradualy, stir up. Now the 'sludge' should turn black. Mix in properly. Leave for an hour. Go back put 150-200ml of naptha into jar and close lid. Agitate jar for a few mins. Let settle and vent jar to avoid pressure build up. Leave it for 3-8 hours. There should now be a clear.
There should now be a clear layer ontop. Siphon off this carefuly with a small turkey baster or pipette into an airtight glaSS jar avoiding any black sludge. Put the jar in the freezer for the 6-12 hours. Take out and there should be yellow crystals present. Pour off naptha back into sludge jar for next pull avoiding losing any spice from jar. Scrape out spice and let dry on a plate for a few days. Repeat naptha pulls another 2 or 3 times, top up with fresh naptha. Weargloves andgoggles a mask :) Goodluck!
Dont sweat it. Just take notes, dont throw anything away, and ask in the extraction help thread if you get stuck. We'll make sure visuals are available as needed. And if money isnt a problem, go ahead and get a sep funnel now. And at least 250g of bark to work with 50g at a time. Here's a recrystalization: [img:60dfb6c8ff]http://img113.imageshack.us/img113/5357/dsc0026og1.jpg[/img:60dfb6c8ff] The yellow at the bottom is the slag that one separates the crystals from. These will need another pass to be glass clear ultrapure.
Appreciate the encouraging comments. My friend will slowly get his apparatus together, and hopefully post step by step pics allong the way. Like Arnie... "Ill Be Back"
What gorgeousness growing on the glass..! snowflakes ! I love that ! And since l noticed too, let me ask about the 'slag' beneath - What causes that ..? Where is all that coming from ?.. It doesn't look like a smokable-yellow, or can one smoke the slag too ? .. You know, in my biased view I'd guess it's stb-slag, which I have never seen before, I admit, so that's why I'm [i:4f86d02abe]just [/i:4f86d02abe]asking -> This is the result of naphtha pulled off a typical stb tek..? What am I seeing there..?! And predictably I'm going to, in full-forum-form, without intending to start a fuss, [b:4f86d02abe]strongly[/b:4f86d02abe] suggest this faithful newbie turn to an Acid Base "separation" Tek using more filtration. With an A/B tek you don't get slag - you get clean, "separated" tryptamines and some clean yellow oils. .. That opinion is based on my limited experience, and from seeing pictures like shown above, which due to my limited experience, interest me very much btw. Also my 'lazy' bias is to suggest you skip freezer-separation work to hasten your getting to the first few results!. After an A/B tek, if you have clean naphtha ( like Ronsonol with no additives), just evaporate the naphtha used to 'pull' from basified MHRB extract. Use a glass tray and a gentle fan to get clean, white and yellow extract like the 'snowflake' in Noman's pic. Spend more time and money maybe, on more MHRB, more equipment (filters! HCl, glass turkey basters), and spend more time learning about dmt chemistry. Don't do anything in a Tek that you don't understand - there are a few levels of safety to consider with dmt. But you'll learn quick, it's simple once learned and rehearsed a few times. You'll improve yeild each time, whatever tek you choose - 0.9% is a typical result with good quality MHRB via A/B separation.
I'm pretty sure that was from an A/B actually. It was awhile ago so my friend cant be sure. He gets yellow from A/Bs and STBs. The STB stuff is just oilier. Its probably the high pH that does it. But the high pH also gives him more yield and no emulsions so he doesnt mind recrystalizing.
SWIM has a few questions about wether hes doing his first extraction correct or not He started with an A/B tripple dunk then added all 3 pulls into a 1 pint jar 1/2 full. at this part the solution was completely filtered through a wire strain for bulk seperation followed by a coffee filter for furter filtering. at this point the solution was a Dark red almost black letting very little light in. He then took the solution and added Naptha for about 30 mins mixing it all around several time to try to defatt which he later came to learn might have been uneeded with MHRB but anyway.... the emulsion quickly seperated at this point no matter how hard it was shook... after seperating the VM&P naptha back out He took the dark read portion still 1/2 a pint and to it was added about 1/3 a pint of a pre measured water/NaOH solution. this created the only heat in the process so far... all other processes were attemped at a little about room temp in a moderate to warm climite. the solutions ph rose from around 2-4 the whole way up to around 11-12 and turned immidietly a smoke grey color in the first minute then slowly changed to a darker Grey/verydarkgreen mix... at this point he is not sure what color he is supposed to be looking for to know the extraction has completed but at this point its very very dark yet still a green/grey tint cant be seen and it has goin from a very fast liquid to more of a sludge with considerable thickness for a liqued almost like a watered down gravy or some sort. My friend read that the next step was to re intrduce the NP solvent (VM&P naptha in his case) which he did in an amount of 2/5naptha to 3/5 of the dark grey/green sludge and his next move was to shake it well attemping to mix the room temp naptha well throughout the sludge. He shook the mix several times and each time it turned into 1 solution then quickly resolved into 2 distint parts again no matter how hard it was stirred or shaken it always resolved quickly into 2 layers instead of creating any substantial emulsions. his final step was to extract the still completely clear looking naptha at approxmently 24 hours after it was intoduced... If we understand corrently the spice should now have falling into the naptha and be ready for evaporation, and we hope so cause he just currently placed the liquid into 3 glass dishes with a fan assisting in evaporation, howver at this point the sludge still remains in 1 jar and the naptha at 24 hours+ is still clear. Anyone who has info in if he did this correct or what can be done or changed to help speed up / produce some sort of results as this being his first attempt and us both being confused by the amount and sheer variety in differences of the teks out there we can use any input that anyone can offer. sory for the newb post but he has 50g bark invested in this and would love to see his first extraction be sucessfull... he would also like to know what if anything can be done if this will be a failure, to rectify or correct the problem from any of the jars A (plant material still in 3ph acid) Jar B Dark Grey/green liquid) :!:
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