Thanks kindly Jorkest , ۩ , smokeydaze , and Infinite I .....what a nice welcome mat.
It's been almost 2 years since my first encounter smokeydaze. I think Spice is just the right word too ...... meaning , it adds so much to other entheogens as well. The synergy that compliments.
Don't mind me, I'm just having fun (I'm an Acid head). Man , the D works soooo well with LSD , Psilocybin ,and Mescaline. I've spent the last (almost) two years in astonishment.
A few simple A/B procurements have been the extent of any studies , but thats ALL it took in order to veiw things in a much different light. Just when you think you've about seen it all.... this little molecule comes bouncing into the equation. Then you begin discovering new things every day , ahhh ....what a lens to veiw from.
I still wonder when "the last sane moment I ever knew" occurred . The last wacky moment is much easier to recall , I've heard the term "divine madness" used , yeah.....that makes more and more sense each day. Anyway , I'm rambling....
Thanks again for the warm welcome !
"I am he as you are me" ,