KyKy of Karnak
Rising Star
Hello all,
I live in the states (U.S.) and have been into psychedelics since the late 70's (first trip, LSD) when I found out what blue unicorn was all about. My first experience was by myself , outside and at night .............this is when the "bus came by and I got on". This openning of the doors was all I needed to realize that THIS bus was going places. I found the embrace so warm and wonderful , a comfortable unfamiliararity . Pink Floyd's "ANIMALS" albumn had just come out ... I was told to listen to it while I tripped , boy oh boy. I had just gotten the 8 track tape of "Shakedown Street" (Grateful Dead's newest release) , but it wasn't a trippy as the new Floyd albumn. I owned the ("click") 8 track though, not the albumn. ( click click click click ,etc. ......was pretty annoying - I thought)
Time had arrived into the 80's when I learned of mushrooms , which I found a whole different ball of wax (I had no idea then of what tryptamines were) and what a different state of awareness they could bring me. My adoration of psychedelics was growing more fond. I'd heard of STP , PCP (popular back then), and DMT ......... but was only able to land some "flakes". I knew from the first instance I tried PCP that it wasn't close to the enjoyment I'd been accustomed (just not my cup of tea). Somehow , I linked the STP and DMT into the same category and wasn't interested in persuing either.
In my college years I'd heard of DMT from a friend of mine..... he spoke of snakes and other crazy stuff happening , I still had no understanding of what tryptamine compounds were and didn't know mushrooms were in this category . BUT , my friend couldn't get DMT ; so the elusive molecule remained only a thought.
My involvement with LSD had taken center stage and I eventually wound up a casualty of the "war on drugs" , busted swinging grams. A twenty five year sentence , locked up because I shut up, landed me inside 40 foot high guarded stone walls. There I learned how to do my time and not let the time do me. I eventually was released early on parole....where I kept clean until that chapter closed.
I began taking LSD again , because I loved it. After a period of time without dropping "A"
and then initiating myself once more ....... "something" was somehow different ; I heard/felt a calling , it was the mushroom that was infact beaconing me. Research had lead me to understand more of what this chemical compound was about , it was then when I learned of it's tryptamine qualities and much more.
Upon listening to this "calling" , the mushroom found me. Soon afterwards, I found out what DMT was and how to procure some , step by step. A mushroom oriented website gave instuctions, various TEKS , and more than I'd ever known about this interesting subject. My own research allowed access to a world I had no idea existed . Having done crystal LSD , I knew how to buckle my boot straps .........but DMT was a whole new world.
On that "mushroom" website (I love you Hippie3) I saw references to the "nexus". It still took time to click....... oh , dmt-nexus. I found out about this site almost 2 years ago but my "paranoia" kept me away from joining. I began to learn that THIS was where great strides were being accomplished .
This leads me up to right now. I want to send the most sincere Thank You to you folks that make this happen , you know who you are. You've touched the core of my very being , truley.
I hope to be able to ask questions and eventually help in the advancement of this type of research. I know nothing of snuffs , and less of 5-meo-DMT, I'm putting my thinking cap on. I think I have much to learn . With you generous folks here , I hope we can share together and grow. God bless you all , Amun-Re !
With Love and endearing synchronicity,
P.S. - pronounced K(eye)-K(eye)
....See What Love Can Do....

I live in the states (U.S.) and have been into psychedelics since the late 70's (first trip, LSD) when I found out what blue unicorn was all about. My first experience was by myself , outside and at night .............this is when the "bus came by and I got on". This openning of the doors was all I needed to realize that THIS bus was going places. I found the embrace so warm and wonderful , a comfortable unfamiliararity . Pink Floyd's "ANIMALS" albumn had just come out ... I was told to listen to it while I tripped , boy oh boy. I had just gotten the 8 track tape of "Shakedown Street" (Grateful Dead's newest release) , but it wasn't a trippy as the new Floyd albumn. I owned the ("click") 8 track though, not the albumn. ( click click click click ,etc. ......was pretty annoying - I thought)
Time had arrived into the 80's when I learned of mushrooms , which I found a whole different ball of wax (I had no idea then of what tryptamines were) and what a different state of awareness they could bring me. My adoration of psychedelics was growing more fond. I'd heard of STP , PCP (popular back then), and DMT ......... but was only able to land some "flakes". I knew from the first instance I tried PCP that it wasn't close to the enjoyment I'd been accustomed (just not my cup of tea). Somehow , I linked the STP and DMT into the same category and wasn't interested in persuing either.
In my college years I'd heard of DMT from a friend of mine..... he spoke of snakes and other crazy stuff happening , I still had no understanding of what tryptamine compounds were and didn't know mushrooms were in this category . BUT , my friend couldn't get DMT ; so the elusive molecule remained only a thought.
My involvement with LSD had taken center stage and I eventually wound up a casualty of the "war on drugs" , busted swinging grams. A twenty five year sentence , locked up because I shut up, landed me inside 40 foot high guarded stone walls. There I learned how to do my time and not let the time do me. I eventually was released early on parole....where I kept clean until that chapter closed.
I began taking LSD again , because I loved it. After a period of time without dropping "A"
and then initiating myself once more ....... "something" was somehow different ; I heard/felt a calling , it was the mushroom that was infact beaconing me. Research had lead me to understand more of what this chemical compound was about , it was then when I learned of it's tryptamine qualities and much more.
Upon listening to this "calling" , the mushroom found me. Soon afterwards, I found out what DMT was and how to procure some , step by step. A mushroom oriented website gave instuctions, various TEKS , and more than I'd ever known about this interesting subject. My own research allowed access to a world I had no idea existed . Having done crystal LSD , I knew how to buckle my boot straps .........but DMT was a whole new world.
On that "mushroom" website (I love you Hippie3) I saw references to the "nexus". It still took time to click....... oh , dmt-nexus. I found out about this site almost 2 years ago but my "paranoia" kept me away from joining. I began to learn that THIS was where great strides were being accomplished .
This leads me up to right now. I want to send the most sincere Thank You to you folks that make this happen , you know who you are. You've touched the core of my very being , truley.
I hope to be able to ask questions and eventually help in the advancement of this type of research. I know nothing of snuffs , and less of 5-meo-DMT, I'm putting my thinking cap on. I think I have much to learn . With you generous folks here , I hope we can share together and grow. God bless you all , Amun-Re !
With Love and endearing synchronicity,
P.S. - pronounced K(eye)-K(eye)
....See What Love Can Do....