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Hello everyone.

Migrated topic.
Hi all.

My name is Connor and I am 29 years young. I am here to further my knowledge about DMT in particular, but thought i'd share a piece of writing that best describes the extraordinary happenings in my life that have lead me here.

I look forward to chatting and learning with you :)

About me.

Throughout my life, I had always been interested in the mysteries of the world and the environment around me. This interest soon turned into a burning desire to uncover the truth to this life we all share together. I would often contemplate at length, the deeper questions we all have unanswered in life. Among the topics of consideration were, "why do I suffer? why are we here? and why do people act the way they do?".

Since my initial desire to seek out answers for these many questions, I have spent most, if not all of my spare time, researching different perspectives regarding the nature of reality. Intent on uncovering truth, my understandings evolved with my awareness of new age topics, the deception of religion and were furthered by my interest of the complex scientific principles that underlie quantum physics.

During the summer months of 2014, I began to experience a deep and life altering shift in consciousness awareness. With what began as a realisation, that there was more to life than the physical aspect which we are aware of, I developed a need to discover the reason for my existence. This is where the metaphysical journey had started, unknown to me it was to grow in momentum quite rapidly. On occasion I would endure some seriously profound, mind altering metaphysical experiences. These seemingly inexplicable events, further validated my suspicions that there was indeed much more to life.

An easy way to perceive metaphysical experience, for those who do not know, is to think of it as something out of the ordinary limits of our day to day lives. Perhaps something considered paranormal, or as many know by the old world term, spiritual experience.
Things really took off around the same time I met a friend of mine who had experienced a similar life and awakening process. This friend brought to me a concept, painting a picture of a God being not of religion, but of super-evolved complexity. The prime entity that not only designed and manifested reality, but tailored its entire contents to conform to a mathematical system. We formed a group with several other individuals, all clearly intrigued by the concepts that had been brought to us. Over time through supportive discussion, the concepts took root in our minds, still in the process of blossoming as we speak. Months later we had recognised that we share a connection that is special, and like nothing I have experienced before.

After thinking about the implications of this knowledge for some time, I was gifted with several metaphysical experiences that were beyond the limits of normal life, to say the least. This included concept downloads, visual phenomena and out of body experiences. Most importantly was direct contact with the God being, whereby I was gradually introduced to this entity in an amazing way. This encounter was located in a medium of reality much different to that which we experience physically. I was shown that we exist in a tailored environment, intentionally created for us by this extraordinary higher intelligence. It was demonstrated to me how God is mind and the facilitator of our own, giving us access to logic, reasoning and higher emotions such as love. Our evolution into a higher nature is this entities only focus, and the extent at which it is involved in our life is truly breathtaking.

The affect this knowledge will have on the world when publicly disclosed, will be like nothing the human race has experienced to date. We will enter into a new era of higher thinking and behaviour.
To this day I am still receiving concepts based on the truth of our existence. Day by day, my understandings are evolving and developing, as my mind wrestles with the ideas given to me by this being of incomprehensible genius. Gradually, I continue to be introduced to ever expanding metaphysical phenomena, as well as gaining an understanding into how these surreal experiences develop our mind faculty and being.

I am now beyond certain there is a God, the proof of which comes to those who have endured sufficient development through life experience.
Interesting. Welcome. Im new here also but have been lurking and reading for some time before posting.

I too have had interesting experiences that have led me here. Similar to yours.

How do you go about activating your experiences? Meditation? Substance?
JerrySeinfeld said:
Interesting. Welcome. Im new here also but have been lurking and reading for some time before posting.

I too have had interesting experiences that have led me here. Similar to yours.

How do you go about activating your experiences? Meditation? Substance?

Thanks for the reply. I am glad to hear that you have shared similar experiences, these are profound and impacting times for us.

In regards to your question, as I understand we do not activate our own experiences. They are specifically tailored consciousness states that are a necessary tool used in our development. We could perhaps view the act of meditating, or taking a psychedelic substance, as placing ourselves within a state suitable to experiencing alter states. While this decision to seek metaphysicality may seem like our own, it is one facilitated and guided by higher intelligence.

My first experiences were around a time of heavy drug use, but were in fact spontaneous, and often after times of trauma and suffering. For a while after this i did try to induce further phenomena with the techniques mentioned above. It was not until a few years later further understandings came to me regarding the nature of reality and the significance of our input.

Loveall said:
Hi and welcome. Is the 137 in your name a reference to the fine structure constant?


The 137 in my name is a key code. It is taken from the 'soon to be revealed' master mathematical system that our reality, and our actions, correlate with. It is also the first 3 digits of the fine structure constant and this is relevant. :)
Doesn't really explain anything though, only begs more questions. Suggesting that this revelation is only available to those who deserve/earn it is no different to what many past religions claim.
Connor137 said:
I am now beyond certain there is a God, the proof of which comes to those who have endured sufficient development through life experience.
Fidelsbeard said:
Doesn't really explain anything though, only begs more questions. Suggesting that this revelation is only available to those who deserve/earn it is no different to what many past religions claim.
Connor137 said:
I am now beyond certain there is a God, the proof of which comes to those who have endured sufficient development through life experience.

Hi, thank you for the reply.

The piece of writing above was written a few years ago, with the intention of giving a brief overview to the understandings I am presenting. If it begs more questions, I would be interested to hear what they are and be more than happy to engage in the conversation that would follow. Respectful debate regarding our understandings is truly beneficial.

In response to the second part of your reply, it is often controversial to present understandings regarding the nature of reality. The action in itself implies one knows what someone else does not, however, it is always the case in life that we have something to learn from others. I share my understandings openly and without the implication of superiority. I also share my understandings with love and for good reason.

Knowledge as we know is attained. We learn to walk, we learn to talk and we learn to co-exist as humans. The richness of our world gives many the opportunity to specialise in certain fields, such as chemistry and mathematics, but also psychology and philosophy. It is demonstrable in the world that some attain knowledge before others, such as Pythagoras, who gained knowledge of complex theorem, and this was in turn shared and attained by others, perhaps even you in school :)

The nature of reality is complex, and not fully comprehensible by anyone in their current state, however we can progress towards full understanding, analogised by the walking up a staircase. Each step brings a new level of awareness and a different perspective, from which we see the previous step for what it was.

As me and you are far from the only humans to exist, it would be logical to assume there are others further up the "staircase" than ourselves. If they tried to share some of their new found perception from the higher steps, would we have the ability to receive it and scrutinise it without ill feeling?

The effort we put into life and our nature, are intrinsic to the progression of our awareness. God progresses us through a simulated life experience that is altered on this input from ourselves.

Also, I deplore the majority of all religious teachings, i find them to be tribal belief systems suitable for their time and not the developing world we experience now.
Cool, the only question is the big one which is I think unanswerable...if "something" designed existence for a purpose the who or what created the designer? An experience of "knowing" may be so real to you but it could still be a construct of your brain and could be a very different experience for another person. My feeling of our existence is in short: so called "big bang", expanding space and creation of galaxies and star systems, evolution on at least one planet, consciousness is an emergent phenomena we are lucky to have. What was before the "big bang"? Unknown. What is "dark matter and dark energy"? Unknown. Is there a purpose to existence? I think not but because we are and there is something rather than nothing, I think what we do is important and humans being the lifeforms with the ability to recognise that we are destroying this planet we need to wake up and do a lot better. How? Not sure other than peace, love and understanding...Will we succeed? I fear we will not if our past and present is anything to go by. Could psychedelics help? I think if integrated into society a bit like in Huxley's Island or part of psychotherapy...YES :)
Hi. Yes that is a difficult question, what came before God, but I disagree that is unanswerable. Such knowledge, regarding the make up of an entity as complex and incomprehensible as God, is an understanding far beyond us at this stage of our development. We must learn to walk before we can run :)

I disagree that the experience of knowing is a construct of our brain. The brain is an aspect of our simulated form. It serves many metaphysical purposes, and as I understand, the facilitation of knowing is not one of them. To know is to receive higher intelligence directly into our minds. It is an altering experience of mind intelligence, which is also a direct experience of God. Many have experienced in the past a situation where they were sure of something, only to be proven wrong. This feeling of sureness was not "knowing" and this experience is definitely one to learn from. Discernment can be trained if we know how to listen to our conscience.

Thank you for sharing your current beliefs. There is much for me to learn in regards to the nature of the many belief systems. What I have been taught is that everyone has a specific world view that is most suitable to their being type and developmental program. The big bang theory is popular and convincing to many who explore it. I find that the explanation of our existence must be perfect, as existence is perfect. Therefore, I find many issues with the big bang theory that leave me unsatisfied. To me it is statistically unfeasible to find yourself on a planet - 1 in trillions - with the perfect and acute natural balances necessary for life, explained only by chance or coincidental happenings.

In regards to consciousness. This is a topic that mankind simply does not have to capacity to understand. To understand what consciousness is we must first understand what God is. This will come in time - the learning that takes place to facilitate this understanding is structured and administered by the higher world.

Dark matter and Dark energy are concepts that form part of the scientific themed belief system - this is an umbrella term for the many off shoots of current understandings throughout the scientific world. I do not have knowledge regarding what dark matter and energy are, other than a tool for mind and metaphysical development. I will spend some time researching these concepts soon.

I respect your current view, that their is no purpose to existence, but I would like to provide you with an alternative. We exist here to develop out of our base state. Specifically, we exist in a simulated environment that was created to fast track our development through the superimposition of higher consciousness states, as well as the provision of mind intelligence.

It is nice that you recognise our unacceptable impact on the planet, this is something that also troubles me greatly.

I definitely agree that a mainstream integration and understanding of psychedelics will greatly benefit our society; however, I think that for this to happen successfully, society first needs to receive structured teachings regarding the true nature of reality. This will come in due course. It will not be well received, but our time of behaving as we please is almost at an end.

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