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HELLO fellow travelers!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey everyone, just checking in...

I've heard about the nexus for a long time but only recently decided to check in and expand my knowledge and personal exploration. It seems the nexus community is a safe, informational, loving, community; I feel grateful to have a connection to something so genuine. :)

A little about myself:

I am a 24 year old man living a life of awareness, exploration, love, and determination in seeking the answers we all ask ourselves. I have been on a path of personal enlightenment for a few years now, directly following my recovery from opiate/alochol addiction. To make a long story short, it took me a long time and much guidance to heal the deep rooted wounds that compelled me to become an addict. Drugs and alcohol were my sanctuary, the only thing I trusted. Thankfully, I have found myself and am free from the grips of addiction. I have had much irresponsible experience with a variety of drugs and psychedelics, though in the mix of my turmoil I have had many profoundly moving experiences due to entheogens.

I would be happy to tell my story in detail to anyone interested, but for now I will focus on my current state. Currently, I practice mindfulness and meditation daily, the Wim Hof breathing technique, gratitude, affirmations and mantras. I am also an active and healthy person as I find a spiritual connection when I use my body. I believe taking care of your body and mind symbiotically creates a healthier vessel for your spirit to occupy. I also am working with an energy healer weekly whom I owe a great deal of gratitude for aid in my recovery from addiction. I am a daily cannibis smoker, and believe it to be a medicine for a variety of reasons. I also brew Kombucha, and am in the beginning stage of creating my business around it. In addition to this I am acquiring all I need to do Cyb's "MAX ION" tech (a close friend of mine has performed this tech multiple times with great success! He is the one who referred me to the Nexus).

Now, my perspective on psychedelics is one of respect and modesty. These powereful chemicals can aid in our search for answers, but cannot suffice independently of spiritual work. I use them as tools, never as coping mechanisms. I have had countless journey's to hyperspace via DMT and have had both blissfull and harrowing experiences (though I see a lesson and message in each journey). These experiences have a significance in my life and many of them have changed my life entirely. My ultimate goal is to attain a state of consciousness that allows me to go deep without the use of plant medicines.

I have a very open mind (and heart) and try to recieve all interactions with love and patience. I am also very open about my story, my life, and my opinions on entheogens. I would love to learn, grow, and become more experienced so that I may aid others in their exploratory journeys in hopes that we can all live in a happier and more connected concsciousness.

Thankyou DMT-NEXUS community for reading, and I hope to become a full member soon!

Hi there! I'm new, too. Found your story while posting mine and thought it'd be nice to pop over and say I think it's great that we showed up here!
smoothmonkey said:
It seems the nexus community is a safe, informational, loving, community; I feel grateful to have a connection to something so genuine.

You hit the nail on the head, and good that you feel that way.

Thanks for the introducing yourself smoothmonkey. Enjoy the nexus and all it has to offer.

Safe and happy journeys friend:d

Hey MonkSmoothey (Sry, couldn't resist) ;) Great Intro!

Damn man I wish I was where you are when I was 24!!! I'm still incredulous that I didn't hear about DreaMTech until the rip old age of 46 :x Totally agree that we are doing serious work on our[non?]selves here... No place for dilettantes, that's for sure.

Meant to take you up on Synchronicity that you mentioned in another thread. Since this ally entered my life 3 short months ago, synchronicitous(is that even a word?) events are non-stop jammed into every waking hour. Words/phrases emerge from 3 sources virtually simultaneously, and the numbers drive me crazy (I get 69's and 96's popping up everywhere at extremely low probability).

Still haven't really figured out any significance, so I just try and ignore it. Doesn't help that I automagically transpose numbers to letters (A=1, B=2 ..). Just insanely improbable things that somehow suit the moment. Not worth talking about to significant others - just upsets them. Try it with the first 5 digits of PI(rounded up), then look up the definition - others have been there before :d

I would be interested in any examples you might have from your own experience, if you care to share.

Namaste, keep smiling and 'bye for now.
Hey smoothmonkey,

I am new too! What a great community to join, cheers to us haha

I actually used to suffer from a pretty bad molly/cocaine problem (went to rehab/NA for a bit, no longer abusing my temple!), and have found psychedelics/plant medicines to be really helpful in my recovery/healing process :)

Love and Light to you, my friend!

Namaste, The Wizard

*The Wizard assumes that any sacrament use by others is done safely and legally
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