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Hello friends.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello friends. I am Rewind :)

I have been lurking the nexus for many years without an account and have finally decided to give back to the community that has taught me so much. I am very experienced with classic psychedelics, including LSD and psilocybin mushrooms, having used them for a few decades now. After having a rough start with substance exploration and being taught some hard lessons in respect, I have turned into that friend who will crash the party by being the voice of harm reduction conscience. However, getting older means having less humans that you can discuss psychedelics with. I hope to gain some new friends and have many meaningful discussions here on the nexus.

My primary interest in psychedelic use is that of exploration. There are infinite possibilities of human experience and I am interested in seeing as much as this life has to offer. I have been fascinated by DMT since I first heard about it and only within the past few years have felt comfortable enough to try it for myself. I have gone through a few of the procedures offered by the nexus with positive results and hope to see similar results from the LSA, Mescaline, and Harmala procedures. I can not thank you all enough for the hard work that has gone into the wealth of knowledge here.

Always remember to be kind :)
Hey BeKindRewind. Happy to have you here. I was also a longtime lurker here and elsewhere (e.g shroomery). While I did not have much interest being active on other sites, there is something special about this place that calls to some of us to leave the shawdows and join our online community.

I think that something is basically love, but I can't really explain it.

Welcome to the Nexus and look forward to hearing more from you.
First off, I love the name!! Be kind, rewind instantly brought back memories! LMAO!

Welcome to the Nexus!

You got my up vote right off the bat! Glad to have you here and looking forward to any contributions you make.
Thank you for the warm welcome Loveall and DmnStr8.

@Loveall: The Shroomery is another good site to lurk for all of the great info on mycology, but you are correct, there is something special about the nexus. There is something quite special about DMT itself as well.

@DmnStr8: Remember, if your VCR eats your tape you can use a paperclip to press the button between the white hubs and release the reel, then use the back of a ballpoint pen to turn the hub and manually rewind the tape. Also thanks for the upvote!
Welcome rewind , I'm an oldie but goodie too, so I get the Lone Ranger feel of growing older with folks dropping out of the psychedelic rhealm playground when you thought they would stand by too. Honesty, I've learned it's not as big of a deal and have come to enjoy and appreciate the perspective and being the voice of caution to young bucks you see about to cross into the event horizon .

Welcolme , this is a wonderful place here
Thank you Forestwalker. Being the voice of caution to the youngins does have its rewards... Knowing that you had a positive influence and may have possibly saved a life. But it makes me feel like a grandpa :lol:
Thank you to everyone who upvoted my account, looks like I am now a full member :) I did not expect this promotion to happen so quickly, but I am honored to be entrusted with full membership and the responsibilities that come along with the role.

My advice to my fellow new users. Go through the questionnaire and really take your time with it. I am not finished with it myself and I still plan on completing it, even though I am now a full member. As someone who has lurked here for years, I still had to research some of the questions as it brought up subjects that I had not thought about researching in the past. If you go through the full questionnaire, perhaps it will light that inquisitive spark inside of you. As they say, knowledge is power.
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