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Hello huys

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I have decided to create an account on the nexus forums because i would like to add DMT to my experience someday. I live in a small town where cocaine, cannabis, DXM and of course a surplus of alcohol and tobacco are the only drugs available. while i have not always lived here i didn't get into other drugs till i was 17-18 besides alcohol and it was mainly weed, because i had an alcoholic father i had started drinking at a young age. i had wanted to try LSD and shrooms but ended up moving before could find a good deal on them. but then i decided to look thugh different DMT plants and found that around the whole town there may be a surplus of DMT plants, but wanted to be able to post images and learn more about basic chemistry.

what would be a good chemistry for me to learn? i have almost zero knowledge of chemistry and wondered if soap making would be a good place to start as it appears to work with meany of the same chemicals DMT extraction is used with. of course living in a small town it may be easy to find DMT plants (if they acauly are dmt plants which is one of the reasons i came here.) it is going to be a PAIN to get a hold of the needed chemicals for the extraction :/. tonight i am unable to obtain pictures of the maby-DMT plants because it is night and pictures i had taken before were blurry.
Chemistry isn't something you can just learn a small piece of, you need to understand chemistry as a whole, however in this case you want to look into "organic chemistry"

Buy some beginners organic chemistry books, and do research regarding extractions in particular, acid to base extractions, straight to base extractions, and so on...

Though chemistry isn't something you want to jump into haphazardly...

What DMT containing plants have you found in your area?

You can also purchase DMT containing plants online (as well as their MAOI counterparts for ayahuasca or ayahuasca analogues, Which is far more suited to a person with no chemical knowledge)

i got some pictures of them im not sure if it is a DMT plant but it looks like some of the DMT ferns. there was some kind of flowers on some of them a month or 2 ago but unfortinatly there isen't now and i don't remember the color of the flowers :/. i had a blurry pic that caught one of the flowers but it appaers to have been deleted, or atleast i can't find it on my sti of a computer.



(i put these in IMG /IMG code with "insert image option but it appaers to be NOT working

I can't get your images to load...

It may be best to simply research a plant species, then purchase it online.

It sounds like you think it's a desmanthus species...

What region of the country or world are you in? Why do you suspect this plant of containing DMT?


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