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Hello to all of you

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello dear folks! Here's my little self introduction. Sorry in advance for possible language mistakes, English is not my native tongue.

I am a guy from central Europe, and I've been interested in altered states of mind for many years. Besides regular meditation and making music -both have given my life countless hours to be grateful for-, the most fascinating discovery in that direction have been psychedelics. In that field I've been involved with mushrooms quite a bit, fortunately there are several wild Psilocybe species growing here and I love to go hiking in the woods in autumn anyway...
And in every other time of the year too, of course. I also try to spend as much time as possible with astronomy, landscape and wildlife photography, kayaking, and travelling in general.

The Psilocybes have given my philosophy a profound shift towards mysticism and pantheism. I am extremely grateful for these new perspectives, it makes every single day more valuable.
I'm an active member over at the shroomery, and I felt that it was very beneficial to become an active member and get involved with the community instead of just reading in the forums.
In the last year my interest in DMT has grown, and while I have been reading many many Nexus threads, I feel like it is a good idea to become a community member here as well.

Thank you all for the countless knowledge treasures on this site. I am happy to become part of this community.

Thanks for reading :)
Welcome to the Nexus, woaronun!

Do you have any wildlife photo's to share? I love a good nature pic :)

Also, have you thought about performing an extraction? If you haven't tried DMT yet, its a great way to start your journey with the molecule.
Thank you for the nice welcome :)

DoingKermit said:
Welcome to the Nexus, woaronun!

Do you have any wildlife photo's to share? I love a good nature pic :)

Also, have you thought about performing an extraction? If you haven't tried DMT yet, its a great way to start your journey with the molecule.
Yes, I want to do an extraction. First I have to choose a tek though. Which one is your favourite tek?

Here's two pictures I took in Ireland:


I love the puffin! Thanks for sharing the pics, woaronun.

It depends what your starting material is, but Cyb's Salt Tek is a good one. I use my own version of an A/B these days, but I have used Cyb's tek with good results.

Happy travels :)
Welcome to the Nexus!

Thank you for the beautiful pictures! I myself am also a music and mushroom lover...nothing like going for a nature walk after a good dose of cubes! 😁 Or even on a sober level for that matter! Anyways, thank you for sharing your story with us and may you find everything you are seeking here!

Yeah, liberty caps all the way :d

Thanks everyone, I'm grateful to to get such a nice welcome!
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