I just want to say that I have some experience with Iboga a bitter root bark that grows in many places but commonly around Gabon area. This research has acquainted me to have a calling from Aya and I am yet to progress in this?
What is the best way to experience this and what are the things to avoid?
One thing I do find in common that unlocks the potential of Man is the close death like experience one feels with these medicines...
As the Sufis say, Die before you Die....
This opens up the real secrets of life....
I just want to say that I have some experience with Iboga a bitter root bark that grows in many places but commonly around Gabon area. This research has acquainted me to have a calling from Aya and I am yet to progress in this?
What is the best way to experience this and what are the things to avoid?
One thing I do find in common that unlocks the potential of Man is the close death like experience one feels with these medicines...
As the Sufis say, Die before you Die....
This opens up the real secrets of life....