I enjoy herb(s) in general.
I'm interested in many plants, my favorites include cacti, caapi and coffee. I like mimosas and phalaris and salvia and other plants too.
I think alkaloids in general are neat, the idea that mere molecules have the capacity to do so many things strikes me as profound. In some ways perhaps alkaloid like molecules have even more of a steady say in our lives than we do, from molecules like serotonin, epinephrine and dopamine that affect mood, thought, blood pressure, heart rate and glucose metabolism, to molecules like nicotine, caffeine and morphine, among many, many others, alkaloids and their pharmacological relatives are found at every level of human function. From imbibing stimulants in social gathers to the function of neurotransmitters alkaloids play major roles in our lives.
Not to down play the integrity of the whole, intact plants interest me at least as much as those which have processed in some way, from simple teas down to sparkling crystals extracts are no less capable of captivating my attention than any live plants seems to be.
Anyway I have been interested in diverse aspects of ethnobotany for some time including psychopharmacology as it relates to botanical compounds. I am also interested in holistic herbalism and famine foods.