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Hyper Deer
Hello, My name is Brandon and im from canada. im still pretty new to psychedelics i tryed them for my first time last year and left me with so many questions. my first time trying shrooms was pretty funny i did 2.5g with lemon tek and had the time of my life. after trying shrooms a few times i moved on to LSD and it was amazing and all, but kind of left me freaked out i was with a few other people and i felt like some high being was watching us all and playing with us like puppets, then my friend who was on 3g of shrooms and 1 tab started predicting what people were going to say and really freaked him and us out and he really hasn't triped since. But around a few months after trying shrooms for the first time i heard about DMT the second i learned what it was and what it did i had this calling to do it and break though i tried to get it for months and months and then finaly said screw it and made it my self it came out really really good i posted a few photos on reddit and people said i did unreal for my first time it was %100 white. i tryed it a few times felt something but didnt really get crazy hallucinations (think i used to little in the bowl and was smoking out of weed pipe) im doing my second batch soon but this time packing a huge bowl and hoping for the best.
So thats my psychedelic adventure so far i hope to keep expanding it with you guys and share trip reports and such!
Brandon_Mac270 said:
i tryed it a few times felt something but didnt really get crazy hallucinations (think i used to little in the bowl and was smoking out of weed pipe) im doing my second batch soon but this time packing a huge bowl and hoping for the best.
Do some research around this forum on techniques for administration. You may just be combusting the majority of your stuff and in turn ramifying a decrease in potency. So please don't just go and pack a huge bowl... the trip could just get wayyy too bonkers. As mentioned, it'd be in your best favor to research methods before lighting off this nuke of an experience.

In any event, welcome and enjoy the company!
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