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Migrated topic.


Rising Star

i am finding the join process alittle confusing.

i would like to say hello, i did the questionaire but i don't know chemistry OR that it would be an idea to research beforehand (OOps / sorry).

i recently came across dmt-nexus / found cybs dmt-tek (we shop at the same supermarket chain, seemingly) so did that... and now i have some dmt to try, so thats good! / thats where i am at.

kind regards.
Sounds like your in a good position to keep reading. I recently joined the Nexus as well, and just a few weeks ago gained full membership. Although it's exciting to become a full fledged member, there is plenty of good information available here for beginners. I recommend going through all the teks, reading them over and over. It's exciting when you see one you want to commit to. Personally, I'm shooting for Kash's A/B Mescaline tek next. Otherwise, you could also write an introduction essay, I think that helps alot. Cheers, and good luck to you. This is a great place to be, filled with good people. BTW nobody's story is rubbish, they are all just different.
Hi, welcome!

I would say try to complete the questionnaire as fully as you can.
If you don't know the answer, do some research, it shows us that you are willing to look for the answer instead of asking someone right away without doing the legwork yourself, which is something we like to see from members who have questions.

Your psychedelic story is not rubbish, it's just near the beginning.

Although I would suggest getting a bit more acquainted with some mushrooms or LSD, etc before diving into freebase DMT.
It's very intense even when you are familiar with the territory.

I recently tried magic truffles for the first time, and they have basically zero body load compared to cubensis, so that may be better for you if the body load is bothering you.

Take care!😁

this thread was my essay i thought ? / think ? (i told you rubbish!)

i already did "cybs salt tek", it was about as easy as baking (thanks to the author/write-up) although took a whole day.

i have about ~1g dmt (hopefully dmt...) from 50g, although i havent tried any yet, waiting for opportune moment (purchased blue lotus resin and going to smoke with garden flowers...).

would maybe like a cactus as a pet... but i'm in a hardiness zone 7, and those little guys don't grow very fast i read ?.

like to grow other plants though!.

thanks for the welcome.
those little guys don't grow very fast i read ?
Get yourself a decent trichocereus (~San Pedro) specimen and with the right care regimen you'll see six inches (15cm) of growth during a summer. They're not like normal cacti. They can be treated like tomato plants when it's warm enough. Beware, though - if you get bitten by the cactus bug you'll find yourself running out of space after a couple of years!

Welcome to the Nexus, there's loads of helpful information here to help you on your way.

please don't tempt!, going to try grow some drosera next although need to research low nutrient medium... piss off the fungus gnats.

some cherry tomatoes do well enough where i am but it's only +15c at night time for very few months of year (hence growing cherries...(i reccommend "riesentraube" for colder climates)

also i am poor and can't spend money on supplemental heat/light UNLESS considerably rewarding enough to do so; 14 hour trip time for great effort and expense is tooo much of a gamble of "effort vs outcome" (for a lazy person...).


i am very interest in dmt entities though etc currently; and what with being lazy...

why bother reading etc (an excess) if you can maybe reference some form of something from hyperspace ?

is it not better to not read and just get on with smoking etc ? or is that stupid ?
can i become a member yet ?

people say reading is a good idea, but i don't understand what i should be reading ?.

very general to tell people to read, but give them no idea of what ?.

do comics count ?

collembola said:

please don't tempt!, going to try grow some drosera next although need to research low nutrient medium... piss off the fungus gnats.

some cherry tomatoes do well enough where i am but it's only +15c at night time for very few months of year (hence growing cherries...(i reccommend "riesentraube" for colder climates)

also i am poor and can't spend money on supplemental heat/light UNLESS considerably rewarding enough to do so; 14 hour trip time for great effort and expense is tooo much of a gamble of "effort vs outcome" (for a lazy person...).
Don't talk yourself out of growing cacti. Seriously. Start now. They won't need the heating and lighting you think. My Trichocereus cacti stay outdoors from April to late October in northern Germany. Play your cards right and you'll be able to find free cuttings or seeds.

It's true that fungi are quicker. But - mescaline :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: 😁
i would love for somebody else to make for me... probably keep in a draw somewhere indefinately.

can you recommend a cold hardy (not-neccesarily psychoactive) cactus for a non-directly sunlit window cill for me please ? (if mutations exist ? (j/k))

i might get one for a self-christmas present but i am going to be pissed off with myself if i kill it with negligence (hold you entirely responsible etc etc), preferably one that doesn't look like a phalic piece of goop.

i got a bromeliad for myself last year (didn't know wtf it was at purchase), those guys are pretty cool also, they produce symbiotic offspring from the base (i dunno if they consume the parent).

thanks if such a species of cacti exists / any reccommendations.
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