Konstant said:
Hi everyone,im bad in english,so dont critik me. I had experience with Salvia,MDMA,COCAIN,CANABIS, and other(i cannot named in english). Now i wont DMT,moushrooms,peiyot. Tell me about this,and were i can found this. Thanks
You are admitting to illegal activity in a public forum. That is not very wise. Do you not know that you can easily be tracked? The authorities frequent these kinds of forums, and some of the members here are indeed drug enforcement agents. Nearly all of these types of forums have drug enforcement agents posing as users looking for people to entrap. For example, agents will often PM people information on places to buy illegal drugs from, and then as soon as you send the money to such a place, they have absolute evidence of your intent to buy illegal drugs and will prosecute you.
Think about that. You have no idea who on the internet you are dealing with. For example, I could be a drug enforcement agent. Actually this entire site could be run by drug enforcement agents looking to entrap people and you would have no way of knowing.
The internet is full of sting operations looking for people to entrap.
I highly suggest that you don’t ask anyone where to buy illegal drugs from on the internet in a public forum for the following reasons:
A) You are going to attract drug enforcement agents to you.
B) You will scare away real drug dealers because you are so public about illegal drug use, no drug dealer would ever want to deal with you because of fear that you are a drug enforcement agent because of your unusual public request for illegal drugs.
C) That type of post can get you banned from most forums like this one.
D) That post from you can be used in court to prosecute you in the future if you ever do get caught buying illegal drugs.