1.) What is your occupation?
Harm reduction worker, educator (development of critical thinking)
2.) How often do you use psychoactive substances?
Has varied a lot in life, from everyday weed and once-a-weekend psychedelic trip for years, now just weed once every two weeks or so.
3.) How often do you use psychedelics, specifically?
Haven't for a year (not counting weed)
4.) What are some of your reasons for using psychedelics?
Self-development, increased musical/aesthetic appreciation, enhanced sex, fun.
5.) What are some of your other interests or hobbies (do you play any instruments, are you a writer, do you build ships in bottles, are you a green thumb, etc.)
Martial arts, music (play a bit of guitar and percussion playing), gardening, science in general, cryptocurrencies, traveling and nature.. and family