Rising Star
So I am working on some research for school on a project I am doing about use of entheogens. I am a university student studying music therapy, and am interested in the use of psychedelics for the healing of mental and emotional ailments. I'm aware that many, if not most people have a pretty skewed perception of the types of people that use psychoactive substances regularly and think that these substances are for out-of control partiers, cracked-out old men that want to relive the 60s, and jobless pseudo-hippies. These stereotypes are undoubtedly a result of the lunatic war on drugs and are perpetuated by those with a vested interest in keeping the general public turned off to the idea of psychoactives. The information I gather here will be part of the paper portion of the project. The hope is that I will be able to soften the reader's perception of illegal substances and open their mind a bit to the diversity of the people who use entheogens. I can spit the statistics out at people all I want but at the end of the day personal testimony and anecdotal evidence is much more powerful for us as social beings. We only discriminate against those who we see as different from us in some fundamental way, and I don't think us psychonauts are any different than anyone else!
I've included a few questions here for some guidance but feel free to include any other pertinent information about yourself.
And just for fun, I'll be including my answers so we can kill two birds with one stone and get to now our community a bit better!
1.) What is your occupation?
2.) How often do you use psychoactive substances?
3.) How often do you use psychedelics, specifically?
4.) What are some of your reasons for using psychedelics?
5.) What are some of your other interests or hobbies (do you play any instruments, are you a writer, do you build ships in bottles, are you a green thumb, etc.)?
My answers:
1.) I'm a full time student. I study music therapy. I am particularly interested in doing therapy for traumatized children. I also work two part time jobs, one as a restaurant server and one as a receptionist and assistant at a law firm.
2.) I smoke cannabis about 3 times per week when school is in session and almost every evening when it's not.
3.) Probably around once per month, more or less depending on what is going on at the time and how much free time I have.
4.) I have several reasons, the main one being the introspective power of psychedelics. I have a lot of self-doubt and self-esteem issues, and I struggle with impostor syndrome and high levels of self-criticism. I have a very hard time finding the line between self-improvement and self-abuse. I feel that when I use psychedelics, I can see myself objectively. It reaffirms my accomplishments and forces me to recognize my flaws. The growth that I've experienced as a result of this is incredible, and I've been able to reach a level of self-insight at the age of 20 that I don't think many middle-aged adults have attained.
5.) I am a singer and I am also a budding music producer. I like to grow plants, but I'm too busy to have a full-blown garden, so I make do with my little garden of succulents. I hope that after graduation when I have more free time I'll be able to get in to cactus and mushroom cultivation. I also am a dedicated fur mom to two guinea pigs and two dogs
So do me a favor and leave your answers for me! Thank you all in advance for your help, love and peace to you all!
I've included a few questions here for some guidance but feel free to include any other pertinent information about yourself.
And just for fun, I'll be including my answers so we can kill two birds with one stone and get to now our community a bit better!
1.) What is your occupation?
2.) How often do you use psychoactive substances?
3.) How often do you use psychedelics, specifically?
4.) What are some of your reasons for using psychedelics?
5.) What are some of your other interests or hobbies (do you play any instruments, are you a writer, do you build ships in bottles, are you a green thumb, etc.)?
My answers:
1.) I'm a full time student. I study music therapy. I am particularly interested in doing therapy for traumatized children. I also work two part time jobs, one as a restaurant server and one as a receptionist and assistant at a law firm.
2.) I smoke cannabis about 3 times per week when school is in session and almost every evening when it's not.
3.) Probably around once per month, more or less depending on what is going on at the time and how much free time I have.
4.) I have several reasons, the main one being the introspective power of psychedelics. I have a lot of self-doubt and self-esteem issues, and I struggle with impostor syndrome and high levels of self-criticism. I have a very hard time finding the line between self-improvement and self-abuse. I feel that when I use psychedelics, I can see myself objectively. It reaffirms my accomplishments and forces me to recognize my flaws. The growth that I've experienced as a result of this is incredible, and I've been able to reach a level of self-insight at the age of 20 that I don't think many middle-aged adults have attained.
5.) I am a singer and I am also a budding music producer. I like to grow plants, but I'm too busy to have a full-blown garden, so I make do with my little garden of succulents. I hope that after graduation when I have more free time I'll be able to get in to cactus and mushroom cultivation. I also am a dedicated fur mom to two guinea pigs and two dogs
So do me a favor and leave your answers for me! Thank you all in advance for your help, love and peace to you all!