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Help me with my project and tell me a bit about yourself!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So I am working on some research for school on a project I am doing about use of entheogens. I am a university student studying music therapy, and am interested in the use of psychedelics for the healing of mental and emotional ailments. I'm aware that many, if not most people have a pretty skewed perception of the types of people that use psychoactive substances regularly and think that these substances are for out-of control partiers, cracked-out old men that want to relive the 60s, and jobless pseudo-hippies. These stereotypes are undoubtedly a result of the lunatic war on drugs and are perpetuated by those with a vested interest in keeping the general public turned off to the idea of psychoactives. The information I gather here will be part of the paper portion of the project. The hope is that I will be able to soften the reader's perception of illegal substances and open their mind a bit to the diversity of the people who use entheogens. I can spit the statistics out at people all I want but at the end of the day personal testimony and anecdotal evidence is much more powerful for us as social beings. We only discriminate against those who we see as different from us in some fundamental way, and I don't think us psychonauts are any different than anyone else!
I've included a few questions here for some guidance but feel free to include any other pertinent information about yourself.
And just for fun, I'll be including my answers so we can kill two birds with one stone and get to now our community a bit better!

1.) What is your occupation?
2.) How often do you use psychoactive substances?
3.) How often do you use psychedelics, specifically?
4.) What are some of your reasons for using psychedelics?
5.) What are some of your other interests or hobbies (do you play any instruments, are you a writer, do you build ships in bottles, are you a green thumb, etc.)?

My answers:
1.) I'm a full time student. I study music therapy. I am particularly interested in doing therapy for traumatized children. I also work two part time jobs, one as a restaurant server and one as a receptionist and assistant at a law firm.
2.) I smoke cannabis about 3 times per week when school is in session and almost every evening when it's not.
3.) Probably around once per month, more or less depending on what is going on at the time and how much free time I have.
4.) I have several reasons, the main one being the introspective power of psychedelics. I have a lot of self-doubt and self-esteem issues, and I struggle with impostor syndrome and high levels of self-criticism. I have a very hard time finding the line between self-improvement and self-abuse. I feel that when I use psychedelics, I can see myself objectively. It reaffirms my accomplishments and forces me to recognize my flaws. The growth that I've experienced as a result of this is incredible, and I've been able to reach a level of self-insight at the age of 20 that I don't think many middle-aged adults have attained.
5.) I am a singer and I am also a budding music producer. I like to grow plants, but I'm too busy to have a full-blown garden, so I make do with my little garden of succulents. I hope that after graduation when I have more free time I'll be able to get in to cactus and mushroom cultivation. I also am a dedicated fur mom to two guinea pigs and two dogs :love:

So do me a favor and leave your answers for me! Thank you all in advance for your help, love and peace to you all!
1. Occupation - Cracked out old man who wants to relive the 60's.

2. How often do you use psychoactive substances?
Coffee - All day
Harmalas - Once or twice per month
Kava Kava - Once or twice per month

3. How often do you use Psychedelics specifically?
LSD/Shrooms/Cactus - 3 or 4 times per year
DMT/Changa - Occasionally

4. What are some of your reasons for using psychedelics?
Mind/Soul(?) Exploration
Death Preparation
Scratching clandestine itch/Secret bad boy alter ego

5. Other Interests/Hobbies?
Cactus Growing
Books and Movies
Music (listening)
Occupation - Adult Day Care worker

Frequency of psychedelics - sometimes 1/month, sometimes 10/month

Specific psychedelics - DMT see above; LSD 3-4 times/year; psylocybin - 6-8 times/year; MDMA 5-6 times/year

Reasons for use: spiritual exploration; self-exploration; relationship building; joy and love

Other interests? wilderness adventure; river boating; cooking; reading; the two hounds that allow us to stay in their house and feed them
1.) What is your occupation?
Linux sysadmin

2.) How often do you use psychoactive substances?
Depends on my cycle. Right now I am using nothing and that will continue for some months. When using psychoactives I will use them 2-3 times a week, mainly alcohol and harmalas.

3.) How often do you use psychedelics, specifically?
LSD around 5-10 times a year, normally in a 3-4 month period
DMT sporadically. Up to 10 times a month in cycles, nothing out of cycle.
MDMA maybe once a year

4.) What are some of your reasons for using psychedelics
Amusement, music enhancement, spiritual insight, self insight, reduction of depression, management of addictive tendencies.

5.) What are some of your other interests or hobbies (do you play any instruments, are you a writer, do you build ships in bottles, are you a green thumb, etc.)?
Swimming, growing plants, science and computing, reading, caring for my children and animals.
1.) What is your occupation?


2.) How often do you use psychoactive substances?

Every week.

3.) How often do you use psychedelics, specifically?

Cannabis 3-4 times a week. Ketamine once a weekend but occasionally not. Cocaine about once a month recently but... more to do with the company I keep. Not my bag. Will do a long acting psychedelic about once a month i.e LSD, DO-X or mescaline. Generally I drink daily but I'm trying to stop that.

4.) What are some of your reasons for using psychedelics

I smoke cannabis socially with some friends while listening to tunes. Ketamine has become my going out drug because it has no negative effects as I only use small doses so I'm not staggering about town dodging traffic or anything like that, then sleep comes easy at the end of the night. It takes the edge off my anxiety and adds something to my creativity in that it stops me overthinking.

I use a long acting psychedelic once a month to try centre myself as family and friends are far away and busy etc so sometimes I struggle getting my true self to act the way it should. LSD especially reminds me of who I am.

5.) What are some of your other interests or hobbies (do you play any instruments, are you a writer, do you build ships in bottles, are you a green thumb, etc.)?

Mainly I produce electronic music of all sorts but I don't often finish tunes. When I do, they're good :) I also play guitar and didjeridoo, I love cooking east Asian cuisine and I like tinkering with electronics (studying a degree in electrical and electronic engineering). Obviously there's the work we do here on the nexus but that's taken a back burner as I live with 4 people who I don't know very well and I aint opening that can of worms.
1.) What is your occupation?

I'm a hospital scientist.

2.) How often do you use psychoactive substances?

When i feel the call. I typically smoke ganja daily, but take tolerance breaks regularly.

3.) How often do you use psychedelics, specifically?

As previously mentioned, when i feel the call. Can be several times a month, or once every several months.

4.) What are some of your reasons for using psychedelics?

Self-inquiry, understanding the fragility of perception and the human experience, attempting to reach higher plateaus and discovery of gnosis. Also, the sentience of psychedelics is too enigmatic to ignore.

5.) What are some of your other interests or hobbies (do you play any instruments, are you a writer, do you build ships in bottles, are you a green thumb, etc.)?

I aim to be a polymath. I dabble in a number of musical instruments, but mainly play guitar and didgeridoo (the latter being my passion). Also learning bass, drums, flute and tabla. May learn piano at some point. Also i read prolifically; mainly philosophical dissertations, science or thought provoking novels. I write scathing criticisms and observations on the various schools of philosophy, for no reason whatsoever. Writing with a pen allows one to slow one's thoughts, and ruminate upon them. I am a green thumb at heart, but don't have the living arrangements to venture forth into the world of horticulture, but i am stockpiling seeds to go crazy with, when i have the opportunity. I try to learn as much as i can about science and all it's encompassing disciplines, including mathematics. That's about it.

PS: There are a few threads similar to this, so may be of interest to you, for your data.
1.) What is your occupation?

2.) How often do you use psychoactive substances?
Lately I have been on a break for about a year, partly by choice partly by circumstance though I am definitely in need of their medicine now. Otherwise it's once a month on average. Mainly aya/cactus, occasionally mushrooms/salvia and LSD once every couple of years. I have used my fair share of MDMA and other stimulants, maybe I'll take them again but for now the only stimulant I take on occasion is Kanna.

3.) How often do you use psychedelics, specifically?
See above.

4.) What are some of your reasons for using psychedelics?
To experience, to remember and to learn. To experience mystery at a more intimate level and to be humbled by existance. To remember that all that is and the experiencer of 'I' are one and the same of this great mystery but the I that is experienced is as solid as gas, a mere whisp of the wind dancing with the world. To learn matters of body, mind and spirit. I have often heard a lot of people talk of mind/spirit matters but in my experience there is much to learn and experience of our bodies as well, we aren't a mind and a body and a spirit there is just one being and it is all intimately connected which in turn is an cell in the environmental organism.

5.) What are some of your other interests or hobbies (do you play any instruments, are you a writer, do you build ships in bottles, are you a green thumb, etc.)?

I study and love traditional medicines, they all interest me although I am particularly studying one of an oriental flavor at the moment. I love playing guitar, yidaki, flute, drums. I love primitive skills and rewilding, learning to be at home in the wilderness surrounding and within me. I love all things gardening and growing. I love movement.
1.) What is your occupation?

I am a student who will soon work in the renewable energy sector.

2.) How often do you use psychoactive substances?

I vaporize cannabis about once a week and use psychedelics much more sporadically.

3.) How often do you use psychedelics, specifically?

I used to use psychedelics about once a month, but it has already been three months since my last use. I wish I could use them more, but time and stress usually prevent me from being in the proper headspace to do them. I am able to use more when not in school, so when I graduate I plan to use more regularly (probably back to once per month or so).

4.) What are some of your reasons for using psychedelics?

I once read an analogy that one's ego grows like their fingernails, and thus it needs a cutting every once in a while. I like to think of psychedelics as the nail clippers of our egos. When I grow too self-confident and maybe even self-serving, I like to use psychedelics to check myself and make sure I am living in a sustainable way that truly makes me happy.

If I am disgusted by something in my life while on psychedelics, I make a big note of it and make sure to totally dissect those feelings afterward. So, I suppose I use them to regulate my life and make sure I am on a good and righteous path. I also use them in hopes of learning big lessons about society, but psychedelics alone are not a magic pill that show one the truth of the world. This can only be found through long periods of integration and reflection, which can be very taxing but also a lot of fun!

5.) What are some of your other interests or hobbies (do you play any instruments, are you a writer, do you build ships in bottles, are you a green thumb, etc.)?

I like advocating for clean energy and hiking. I also really enjoy reading and theorizing about advances in technology and consciousness.
1.) What is your occupation?
Harm reduction worker, educator (development of critical thinking)

2.) How often do you use psychoactive substances?
Has varied a lot in life, from everyday weed and once-a-weekend psychedelic trip for years, now just weed once every two weeks or so.

3.) How often do you use psychedelics, specifically?
Haven't for a year (not counting weed)

4.) What are some of your reasons for using psychedelics?
Self-development, increased musical/aesthetic appreciation, enhanced sex, fun.

5.) What are some of your other interests or hobbies (do you play any instruments, are you a writer, do you build ships in bottles, are you a green thumb, etc.)
Martial arts, music (play a bit of guitar and percussion playing), gardening, science in general, cryptocurrencies, traveling and nature.. and family :)
1.) Software Eng.

2.) I use psychoactives a Couple of times a week. Alcohol, Weed

3.) Psychedelics about once a month or so Mescaline, DMT, LSD and MDMA a couple times a year.

4.) Why I use psychedelics? Mainly to figure out what is going on with being a human, self improvement, fun and bonding with wife.

5.) Other interests hiking & camping, Building RC airplanes (yeah kinda dorky but I have loved them since I was a kid), Growing as many Enthos as I have room for.
1.) What is your occupation?
I wildcraft medicinal plants, make medicines, teach about herbs, and am a clinical herbalist. I also do some weed work seasonally & have been a commercial fisherperson for many years tho I took this year off.

2.) How often do you use psychoactive substances?
This fluctuates wildly. I often smoke cannabis all day every day, but I am currently taking 1 year off for spiritual reasons. I take achuma 2-3 times/year, smoke changa maybe 2 times/year, and drink ayahuasca/something like that a couples times per year. I sometimes work with other psychedelics , but not more than 1 time/year for say mdma and etc. I sometimes take kratom (sometimes often) but have not for several months.

3.) How often do you use psychedelics, specifically?
See above. I drank ayahuasca every other day for ten days about a month ago as part of a dieta. Before that the last time I tripped was around the summer solstice when I ate san pedro up on a mountain.

4.) What are some of your reasons for using psychedelics?
They help me to walk in beauty & heal myself so that I can become a better healer.

5.) What are some of your other interests or hobbies (do you play any instruments, are you a writer, do you build ships in bottles, are you a green thumb, etc.) I write. I make herbal medicines/wildcraft/etc for work but also fun. I am an avid gardener. I am an amateur phytochemist. I love to hike & explore & climb mountains. I read quite a lot. I study healing modalities.
1. Salmon farmer

2. Coffee and home grown tobacco daily, beer and homemade liquor every couple days, small amounts of marijuana every few days. Psychedelic use varies a lot, sometimes none for years, sometimes several times a month.

3. I use psychedelics when I feel like it is the right time. Usually mushrooms and/or DMT, sometimes LSD.

4. I take psychedelics to get a different perspective on myself and my life, to sort of "reset" my brain, and see my current situation with a new set of eyes. I also take them for recreation, because I enjoy the experience, and because I find it to be such an interesting subject. The mystery, the beauty, and the positive effect it has on my mind is incredible.

5. I love spending time with my family and dog, swimming, hiking, playing music (banjo, harmonica, guitar), I like learning new homesteading skills, puttering around the yard, reading, video games, I like to take things apart and (try to) fix them.
1. What is your occupation?

Office clerk

2. How often do you use psychoactive substances?

Once every three weeks

3. How often do you use psychedelics, specifically?

Only smoking DMT and drinking ayahuasca

4. What are some of your reasons for using psychedelics?

Curiosity, the vast beauty of the experience, pure fun

5. What are some of your other interests or hobbies?

Extracting the substance, nice food, walking, Discovery Channel, National Geographic Channel
1.) What is your occupation?

A warehouse worker by Amazon, until something better shows up.

2.) How often do you use psychoactive substances?

A few times a year, but it used to be way more often. I have tried every drug under the sun, but stick mostly to psychedelics nowadays.

3.) How often do you use psychedelics, specifically?

A few times a year, I chose to trip on LSD instead of mushrooms, and plant medicines because I feel it suits my personality better, and for the lack of body load.

4.) What are some of your reasons for using psychedelics?

It used to be self-improvement, and slowing down to analyze my current situation in life. Nowadays I do it mostly for fun, and to remind myself of what conclusions did I experience in my psychedelic use from the past.

5.) What are some of your other interests or hobbies (do you play any instruments, are you a writer, do you build ships in bottles, are you a green thumb, etc.)?

I go to the gym every day, and sometimes write my own music depending on how much free time I've got on my hands.
Thanks all for your help!! I have written this portion of the project and your answers helped greatly to show the diversity of psychonauts :love: although I'm done with the project, if anyone would like to leave their answers just so we can get to know our community, I do love reading these responses :) so many diverse and valuable humans and talents here.
1.) What is your occupation?
I am currently the lead software engineer helping to build an online eduction system for one of the worlds leading education institutions.

2.) How often do you use psychoactive substances?
Often, then not so much, then rarely...rinse lather repeat.

3.) How often do you use psychedelics, specifically?
Large-Medium dose: 4 times a year
Low-Medium Dose: 4 times a year
micro dose: sporadically.. not a big believer to be honest.

But I have literally seen DMT end a 2 day migraine from my wife on several occasions. She HATES doing it... she holds off forever.. then finally the pain is such that she gives in and does it. She typically has a heavy experience at first and then comes out sans headache thanking me... I seriously want to see more hard studies on these drugs for their effects on headaches..not just cluster headaches.

4.) What are some of your reasons for using psychedelics?
To live and die, and never experience the psychedelic headspace is equivalent to living and dying and never experiencing sex.

If we are nothing we are consciousness.. do you not want to see and understand yourself in all your forms?

5.) What are some of your other interests or hobbies (do you play any instruments, are you a writer, do you build ships in bottles, are you a green thumb, etc.)?
I am a musicians and an entrepreneur... I play solo acoustic gigs and run an open mic down the street at our local pub. I also just built and deployed a new website for my wifes onlines loose leaf tea company.

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