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help needed. trying to evap before freeze precip. ????


its a good day for chemistry
this is the set up and it’s been like this for 2-3 hours maybe 2-1/2. my buddy has his 1/2 gallon jars open a 300’cfm fan blowing into the bathroom fan with two like computer style fans sucking air up and out the box. aswell as it sitting on a heating pad that’s at about 100°. does he need shallower dishes.
first big extract any suggestions comments please you can see the black dot ⚫️ i put on jar it hasn’t evaporated at all or should i just freeze precipe skip the evap…..image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg
got anchor Hocking dishes. the best yet has been the total heat fan evap on a dollar store glass plate. just need to design go buy some 1/8-1/4 wood so you can stack em in the freezer. check it crazy never seen seems like this but. he’s shows me and my other buddy and my buddy’s like dude that looked like the good ass pseudoephedrine dope crack backs back in the day. IMG_3836.jpeg
I am pretty sure if you "went ham" on that cheap plate with a knife or screwdriver to etch some lines in it, dissolved the deemz back in pet ether and evapped to concentration before tossing in the freezer your crystals could grow larger having a space to grasp onto and grow from.
Wide dishes like Pyrex rectangles work far better for evap. Just look at the small surface area at the top of the jar. Very little of your solvent is exposed to the air above. I would also recommend a much stronger fan. We use a Lasko stand fan (the oscillating kind) on the highest setting, placed about 1.5m from the evap dish.

Hope this helps,
the freezer is on top 13x13 and the bottom is 8 deep by 13 can’t find those sizes he’s got 2 x 8x8 anchor hawking or whatever that name is and a bunch of small meal prep with airtight seals
my buddy does want to freeze precipitate and he did already no was just wondering people say to try to fan evap 20-40-50% i’ve herd. was just going to give it a go the stuff on the plate was a small amount that was fan evap’d came out way differentIMG_3965.jpegIMG_3959.jpeg
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I can't find the thread I remember referring to this, but I'm pretty sure it's been shown that evaporating solvent before precipitating is just wasting solvent and you're not gaining anything. I remember someone saying that they freeze precipitated and then evaporated the solvent that was left and they got literally nothing from it.
I can't find the thread I remember referring to this, but I'm pretty sure it's been shown that evaporating solvent before precipitating is just wasting solvent and you're not gaining anything. I remember someone saying that they freeze precipitated and then evaporated the solvent that was left and they got literally nothing from it.
This is not the case. Performing a partial evap prior to freeze precipitation makes the solvent-dmt mixture more saturated by reducing the overall volume of the solvent. This causes the mixture to have a stronger ratio of DMT:Solvent and causes the crystals to crash out more readily.

Depending on the potency of the source material, and amount of solvent used, some folks are unable to successfully freeze precipitate without performing a partial evap beforehand.

I have experimented with and without a partial evap prior to freeze precipitation. The extractions performed with a partial evap always produce larger crystals which precipitate sooner than those batches where the solvent goes straight to the freezer, in my own experience.

I’m sure someone can explain this more articulately than myself. Hope this helps.

This is not the case. Performing a partial evap prior to freeze precipitation makes the solvent-dmt mixture more saturated by reducing the overall volume of the solvent. This causes the mixture to have a stronger ratio of DMT:Solvent and causes the crystals to crash out more readily.

Depending on the potency of the source material, and amount of solvent used, some folks are unable to successfully freeze precipitate without performing a partial evap beforehand.

I have experimented with and without a partial evap prior to freeze precipitation. The extractions performed with a partial evap always produce larger crystals which precipitate sooner than those batches where the solvent goes straight to the freezer, in my own experience.

I’m sure someone can explain this more articulately than myself. Hope this helps.

see this is what we here all over other platforms and here it’s always. 50/50. people say fuck it some people say yes do it. 👍🏼👍🏼👎🏼👎🏼👍🏼👍🏼
This is not the case. Performing a partial evap prior to freeze precipitation makes the solvent-dmt mixture more saturated by reducing the overall volume of the solvent. This causes the mixture to have a stronger ratio of DMT:Solvent and causes the crystals to crash out more readily.

Depending on the potency of the source material, and amount of solvent used, some folks are unable to successfully freeze precipitate without performing a partial evap beforehand.

I have experimented with and without a partial evap prior to freeze precipitation. The extractions performed with a partial evap always produce larger crystals which precipitate sooner than those batches where the solvent goes straight to the freezer, in my own experience.

I’m sure someone can explain this more articulately than myself. Hope this helps.

Evaporating increases the concentration of the dmt in solution, yes, but it's not like you are creating more dmt. Concentrating the solution may allow you to get the dmt that is in the solution out faster, but you are wasting a huge amount of solvent (and money), not to mention the pollution.
If your solution won't freeze precip, it's just a weak solution, so maybe it's better to try improving your extraction technique, rather than just wasting solvent to get the little bit of dmt you have extracted.
I never purposefully evap, and simply reuse my solvent, so any dmt left in solution will just combine with the next batch. This way 1l of heptane lasts me through many, many extractions.
see this is what we here all over other platforms and here it’s always. 50/50. people say fuck it some people say yes do it. 👍🏼👍🏼👎🏼👎🏼👍🏼👍🏼
The amount of dmt in the solution does not change, whether you evap or not, ergo, you are not getting any more dmt out of the solution, just meaning more will crash out when cooled, but this would have been recovered had the solvent been used for another extraction. To my mind you're just wasting solvent.
Just to add, that is an ENOURMOUS amount of solvent in the first picture, from which I would be expecting a concomitantly huge quantity of spice. This doesn't seem like the case in the pictures of crystals you have. How much did you end up with from this extraction?
A mini AB process could be a way to extract remaining non-precipitating DMT from a too big quantity of solvent, and put it in a smaller quantity of solvent, from which you can attempt to freeze-precipitate again. That's what I intent to do with my leftover solvent (which is quite colored and smells DMT, but don't precipitate that much).

I also concur with 610nanometres: you seems to have an enormous amount of solvent (I also kind of made the same mistake too), which is not recommended. Smaller batches with not too much solvent (which ends up more DMT-concentrated) seems the way to go.
hðasn’t been finished completely. to my knowledge it it’s around half of Z.( around 14gs by 2 pulls. still have id say 2-3 more pulls after this 3rd one that’s in the process. i think with even with the dishes he has. letting it freeze precipitate for 48 hours seems to get better results hisnl freezer is cheap. and it’s his first time trying to do a kilo pull. i believe. he’s ordering some bigger pie dishes and glassware. possibly better freezer. PS he didnt strain it threw coffee filters so floater escaped
Evaporating increases the concentration of the dmt in solution, yes, but it's not like you are creating more dmt. Concentrating the solution may allow you to get the dmt that is in the solution out faster, but you are wasting a huge amount of solvent (and money), not to mention the pollution.
If your solution won't freeze precip, it's just a weak solution, so maybe it's better to try improving your extraction technique, rather than just wasting solvent to get the little bit of dmt you have extracted.
I never purposefully evap, and simply reuse my solvent, so any dmt left in solution will just combine with the next batch. This way 1l of heptane lasts me through many, many extractions.
I agree with your thought process, and many of your points are worth noting for those reading along, especially that it does not increase your yield.
In my own practice, I am pulling with 20ml or less naphtha per pull, and evaporating less than 50% before freeze precipitation. A very small amount of naphtha is going to waste this way.
I also agree that OP seems to have an outstanding amount of solvent in play.

I can't find the thread I remember referring to this, but I'm pretty sure it's been shown that evaporating solvent before precipitating is just wasting solvent and you're not gaining anything. I remember someone saying that they freeze precipitated and then evaporated the solvent that was left and they got literally nothing from it.
Depending on the alkaloid profile of the plant used. Some will not crystallise when evaporated as the mix of alkaloid dumped on the plate prevents it. It's only clean profiles that will crystallise. I did a mini a/b the other day and the amount of almost lost material that was not transferred to the acid wash was quite ridiculous to be honest. Sure it's mixed with alot of jungle spice that WAS removed but regardless. I almost lost alot of product.
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